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Posts posted by MatthewGP

  1. @Squid Thank you for the update today!  I saw the option for disabling automatic info pop-up and it works great!  Thanks again, I know you said that you probably wouldn't do it, so I really appreciate it.  The tip that I could narrow the search by clicking on the categories in the side bar has been helpful too.

  2. 10 hours ago, Squid said:

    Probably not going to happen, but you do realize that after a search you can click the category on the left to narrow the search down to that specific category


    I did not know that...  It will definitely make things easier 🙂  Thank you for letting me know!


  3. Hi Squid,


    I was wondering if you were open to some ideas.


    1. Ability to select which 'categories' of Apps are shown in CA on both the default screen and when searching.

    1.a. I would like to be able to hide anything with specific tags such as crypto, game servers, and media applications.

    1.b. Actually, it's just really hard to find things sometimes, I want to exclude a bunch of categories 🙂


    2. Export of template

    2.a. I would like the option to download/export an App template instead of Installing.  This would allow me to automate changes such as inserting traefik labels, auto incrementing the webui ports based on existing assigned, and placing things in to the appropriate docker network.


    3. Allow the user to disable the Open on hover feature.

    3.a. I find that the info window pops open while I am browsing through Apps and reading the descriptions.  I might just be a lot slower than others at moving my mouse or reading...

    3.b. When the Info window opens, I have to move my mouse to the other side of the screen and click to make it go away as compared to the small helper windows that pop up elsewhere in Unraid and disappear when you move the mouse again.


    I was curious what process was used to categorize the Apps templates too.  Is this something that you do or do the people that submit the templates choose the categories?  If this is something that you do, is it something that you accept help for?  I have extra time during the month if this is a process that gets any hand tweaks.


    Thanks for all the hard work!



  4. Has Community Applications started automatically opening pages or might I have another problem?


    • Log into Unraid server from either Firefox or MS Edge
    • Go to the Community Applications page where you can browse for plugins or docker apps
    • Leave mouse pointer over Docker App Thumbnail or the Info pill


    After 3 or 4 seconds, it is automatically clicking on the thumbnail or Info pill and opening the Docker App Info window.

    Is this happening to anyone else?  This is the first time I have ever noticed it happening in the 7 years I have had unraid.


    Kinda freaks me out if my computer starts opening things while I am trying to browse or read something.  I tested with two different browsers and a hard wired keyboard since I thought my batteries might be dying at first.


    Server version: 6.9.2 2021-04-07



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