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Posts posted by stchas

  1. I managed to kludge the XML for my Win10 VM such that it takes out the /boot drive when it starts, wreaking havoc on the system.  Unfortunately, the Autostart switch for the VM was set when I was editing the XML, so restarting unraid puts me into the same bad situation.  To avoid this do-loop, I manually disabled the VM Manager in the /boot/config/domain.cnf file and rebooted the system.  Now works fine (without VMs).  However, re-enabling the VM Manager in Settings starts the same sequence of events, as re-enabling the VM Manager also re-starts any VMs with the Autostart switch set.  So no way to get into the VM XML editor to fix the problem.

    So I need a way to clear the Autostart switch for the VM from outside the VM Manager.  Any help is greatly appreciated!

  2. If I delete a sub-folder and then "undelete" it by copying or moving it back to the original folder from the user share's .Recycle.Bin, the next day it shows up again in the user share's .Recycle.Bin and is removed from the original folder.  Any suggestions?  Running unRAID 6.6.7, RecycleBin 2019.03.08b, Windows 10.


    In this example, I deleted the 2018 and 2019 Income Tax sub-folders from the Income Tax Files folder on the Records share.  Later, I copied them back from the .Recycle.Bin to the Income Tax Files folder on the Records share.  The next day, they showed up again in the .Recycle.Bin and were removed from the Income Tax Files folder.

    Recycle Bin Snip.PNG

  3. I was not able to get the script to run successfully because of a couple of things specific to my setup, one being the name of my VM has spaces in it, and the other that I had my VM shutdown prior to running the script. Here's the play-by-play:

    root@Tower:/boot/custom/bin# backup_unraid_vms.sh
    starting backup_unraid_vms.sh to backup Win7 Virtual Desktop to /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM
    starting backup of Win7
    checking /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Win7 exists so i have somewhere to put the backup files
    /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Win7 doesnt exist so i am going to create it
    /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Win7 has been created
    backup of Win7 failed
    completed backup_unraid_vms.sh to backup Win7 Virtual Desktop to /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM
    starting backup of Virtual
    checking /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Virtual exists so i have somewhere to put the backup files
    /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Virtual doesnt exist so i am going to create it
    /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Virtual has been created
    backup of Virtual failed
    completed backup_unraid_vms.sh to backup Win7 Virtual Desktop to /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM
    starting backup of Desktop
    checking /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Desktop exists so i have somewhere to put the backup files
    /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Desktop doesnt exist so i am going to create it
    /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM/Desktop has been created
    backup of Desktop failed
    completed backup_unraid_vms.sh to backup Win7 Virtual Desktop to /mnt/user/System/Win7-VM


    Things to fix:

    1. It needs to handle VM names with embedded spaces.  My VM's name is "Win7 Virtual Desktop." When the script parses vms_to_backup="Win7 Virtual Desktop," it identifies VMs with names "Win7," "Virtual," and "Desktop" and creates subfolders for those backup vdisks.

    2. It needs to trap invalid VM names (already on your list), such as what occurred in item 1 above (e.g., "Win7" is not a valid VM name).

    3. I was not able to confirm, but I don't think it will back up vdisks for VMs that are already shutdown when the script starts. When you define the vm_state variable, use "virsh list --all" instead of "virsh list." Then add a state check for VM already shutdown. For this condition, you'll have to decide whether to restart the VM (my vote would be "no").

    if [ "$vm_state" == "$vm shut off" ]; then 
      echo "$vm is already in shutdown state"


    I really appreciate the work you've done putting this script together. I expect it will get a lot of use as people discover how easy it is to use and how effectively it fills the need for backing up VMs.

  4. Installed Preclear Plugin this weekend and really like it. Much easier (and safer) to use than the command line version.


    While preclearing a Seagate 3TB NAS drive, I noted that the Start Preclear popup incorrectly displays the drive information (see attachment), where the serial number shows up in the Device Model field, the firmware version in the Serial Number field, and the size in the Firmware Version field. Firefox 44.0.2 is the browser.


  5. ... why not fix what was broken where it was broken to begin with?

    The two items I'm working on are work-arounds for changes Code42 implemented in recent revisions of CrashPlan.  They have not been particularly responsive to requests for relief. You know the drill: "... running the CrashPlan service on a headless computer is an unsupported feature..." and "... security decision made by our engineers that we have no intention of reversing."


    If you're using a LinuxServer container ...

    No, this is a gfjardim container


    But then, I'm guessing you really want to do it without creating your own repository, right?

    Right; wasn't quite ready to take that step.


    I was really hoping there was a generic hook in the docker manager that would facilitate user scripts that I didn't know about. I can't believe I'm the only one that might see a use for this feature.


    Thanks for the ideas, guys!

  6. I'd like to be able to automatically run a script after a docker container starts. How might I do that?


    Couple of examples of what I'd like to do:

    [*]change the permissions on appdata/crashplan/conf/service.model to 0666 (changed to 0600 in CP rev 4.5, creates SyncBack error)

    [*]create a revised appdata/crashplan/id/.ui_info with the unRAID server IP address substituted for (broken in CP circa rev 4.1?)

    I don't need help creating the script(s); what I need help on is figuring out how to have the docker manager run the script(s) automatically when the container is started.


    Thanks in advance for your help!

  7. The number shown from the fstrim operation is the number of available bytes on the SSD.


    I tested fstrim on my new 250GB Samsung SSD and got the following results:


    Nov 23 08:45:45 Tower logger: /mnt/cache: 130988105728 bytes were trimmed


    Can you comment on the difference in the available bytes reported by fstrim and those reported by the system. The WebGUI reports 41.4GB used and 209GB free.


    root@Tower:~# df -k
    Filesystem       1K-blocks    Used      Available  Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdh1        244198552    40393304  202931112  17%  /mnt/cache

  8. When I File->Print the Update Container page on the Docker tab with Firefox (40.0.3), the Container Port and Host Port text boxes are not printed. Same result whether in Basic View or Advanced View. I'm running unRAID 6.0.1-Pro with Dynamix webGUI 2015.06.26.

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