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Posts posted by cesman

  1. 16 hours ago, AinzOolGown said:

    So, you don't rebooted your server after the encyrption and continued to use it, that's the first time you rebooted and now you cannot mount your array, is that it ?


    So, if you have encrypted your array, you surely set a passphrase / passkey for this encryption.

    I think that's what you need :)



    The server has been rebooted several times since I setup encryption. Yes, I setup a passphrase for the encryption.

  2. Well, I came across this post that indicated this issue was resolved with a workaround of using the keyfile. Unfortunately, the keyfile doesn't work for me. 


    Here is log output:


    Jan 3 21:09:53 usul emhttpd: shcmd (116): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md2 md2 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:09:55 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:09:55 usul emhttpd: shcmd (116): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:09:55 usul emhttpd: shcmd (118): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md3 md3 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:09:57 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:09:57 usul emhttpd: shcmd (118): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:09:57 usul emhttpd: shcmd (120): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md4 md4 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:09:58 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:09:58 usul emhttpd: shcmd (120): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:09:58 usul emhttpd: shcmd (122): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md5 md5 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:10:00 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:10:00 usul emhttpd: shcmd (122): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:10:00 usul emhttpd: shcmd (124): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md6 md6 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:10:02 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:10:02 usul emhttpd: shcmd (124): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:10:02 usul emhttpd: shcmd (126): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md7 md7 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:10:03 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:10:03 usul emhttpd: shcmd (126): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:10:03 usul emhttpd: shcmd (128): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md8 md8 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:10:05 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:10:05 usul emhttpd: shcmd (128): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:10:05 usul emhttpd: shcmd (130): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md9 md9 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:10:07 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:10:07 usul emhttpd: shcmd (130): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:10:07 usul emhttpd: shcmd (132): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md10 md10 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Jan 3 21:10:09 usul root: No key available with this passphrase.
    Jan 3 21:10:09 usul emhttpd: shcmd (132): exit status: 2
    Jan 3 21:10:09 usul emhttpd: Wrong encryption key

    If I attempt to run one of the commands manually, I get:


    root@usul:~# /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md4 md4 --allow-discards --key-file=/root/keyfile
    Device /dev/md4 does not exist or access denied.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. When the array starts, you'll have to enter your passphrase before the array starts.  While are various ways around this, I wouldn't call it a "problem". Having said that, I ran into a problem today where my array won't start even with the correct passphrase. Based on searching, others have ran into this issue as well but I'm so far unable to find a solution.

  4. Hello,


    So, after ending last year on an unRaid high (Converted all drives to encrypted XFS and added a second parity drive!), I seem to be starting off the year on a low. Last night, one of my fans started to make a loud noise. I decided to shut the system down and take a look at which fan was problematic later. I powered the system back up and found the faulty fan. I then log into web interface and enter my passphase to start the array.


    I didn't quite pay attention, looked at something else for a few minutes, came back to unRaid and I saw the array had not started. Odd! I'm sure I entered the passphase. and hit "Start". Did I enter the right one?! After multiple attempts and reboots, no go!?!


    No problem I thought. Let me pull out a drive from the array and see if I can mount it on my workstation (Arch Linux w/ Plasma Desktop). I did that and the drive is shown as encrypted in Dolphin. I clicked on it and entered the passphrase. Unfortunately, it errored with "Incorrect passphrase". 


    While I'm not new to Linux, I'm new to using LUKS. Did some googling and attempted to use cryptsetup to see if I could get any more information. luksDump works and outputs relevant information but unfortunately, any attempt to manually mount the partition, results in "No key available with this passphrase.".


    Prior to posting, I search and some a few similar threads but they either had no solution or the thread couldn't be open. 


    Has anyone come across this issue? Any known solution?


    Thanks and Happy New Year,



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