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Posts posted by essjay

  1. Ok seem to have it set up and added a camera. Weirdly though I can't seem to live stream it. If I set it to record I can go back and look at the stills so I know it's picking up the camera. Looking at the logs I'm getting this error when I try and watch


    getStreamCmdResponse stream error: socket_sendto( /var/run/zm/zms-022683s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory - checkStreamForErrors()


    Any ideas?


    EDIT: Fixed it with this - http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39413.msg465361#msg465361

  2. Hi guys.


    Brand new to Dockers and looking to start off with ZoneMinder 1.29.


    I have a 4TB WD Purple that I'd like to exclusively use for storing images. I've installed the drive and formatted it with Unassigned Devices. What do I do next? Do I need to create a vdisk or something and somehow assign that to the ZM Docker?


    The config files can go on the same SSD that the Docker image will be on.

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