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Posts posted by skylark

  1. Hi skylark, power on from the app sends a wake-on-lan magic packet to the server's motherboard.
    The app can't access the array at that moment (emhttp isn't running yet).
    It's up to how you configure autostart, as trurl mentioned.

    Thanks ... i understand.

    Can you tell me how to delete a server from the app? I changed IP on one of my three servers having manually discovered it and cant see how i can amend the apps IP??

    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk

  2. Hi skylark, you should upgrade first to v2.4.1 which was a regular release (on the App/Play store).

    In any case, for ota releases, you should see a red badge on the settings icon, just click on settings and follow the instructions (restart the app)


    There's no ControlR app showing in Play Store so where do i get 2.4.1 from? Is it named as something else?


    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk




  3. Purchased but unfortunately couldnt fibd my servers either auto or manually. I was sitting 10ft from router at the time. Refund actioned aok. Any ideas why not?




    I re-ordered the app after reading through this whole support thread and after increasing timeout dramatically managed to manually add my servers so all good so far.


    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk



  4. Not sure which discussion i need to post this in, Preclear or Unassigned_Devices but feel free to MOVE as appropriate ...


    Scenario ... i'm getting an unassigned device (via usb enclosure (inateck) showing in the Main screen.


    I then choose 'Preclear' and get 'Starting' displayed but then it hangs.


    Looking at the preclear log via the eye icon it is waiting for an input of 'Y'es as it would if you were clearing outside of the array and able to input via keyboard.

    . there is an error logged 'smartctl may not be able to run on /dev/sdf with the -d ata option' which it initially gets a response to continue and then hanges on the next similar response needed ...


    So, how does this ever get satisfied to enable the preclear to run??


    I have version 1.15 of the preclear script installed, is this correct or not, i suspect not in the circumstances but can't seem to see any other?


    BTW ... it's version 6.1.9 i'm running.


    What am i doing wrong?




    Here's the full log as it currently stands inactive ...


    Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdf

    ################################################################## 1.15

    smartctl may not be able to run on /dev/sdf with the -d ata option.

    however this should not affect the clearing of a disk.

    smartctl exit status = 2

    smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-4.1.18-unRAID] (local build)

    Copyright © 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

    Read Device Identity failed: Invalid argument

    A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.$

    Do you wish to continue?

    (Answer Yes to continue. Capital 'Y', lower case 'es'): Yes

    Disk /dev/sdf: 8001.6 GB, 8001563222016 bytes

    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 972801 cylinders, total 15628053168 sectors

    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    Disk identifier: 0x00000000

      Device Boot      Start        End      Blocks  Id  System

    /dev/sdf1              1  4294967295  2147483647+  0  Empty


    invoked as  /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh -c 1 -W /dev/sdf


    (MBR 4k-aligned set. Partition will start on sector 64 for disks <= 2.2TB and sector 1 for disks > 2.2TB)

    Are you absolutely sure you want to clear this drive?

    (Answer Yes to continue. Capital 'Y', lower case 'es'):


  5. You've made comment on that in an earlier post of mine and i understand your point. Yes ... I have another backup server, thanks! The deletions are from the windows platform. All Corz activity is done there first which is intensive. Would like to know if i should move to this plugin as a replacement?


  6. Can i ask about the integrity plugin and whether anyone has this AND Corz running against their files?


    I checksum all of my data with Corz before moving it to its final resting place on unRAID, it is then verified and deleted on the PC.


    So ... all of my data has a corresponding hashfile in each folder and i was wondering whether this inbuilt integrity would (or should, maybe its better to have both?) replace my corz activity which itself takes some considerable time.


    The only downside of not Corz'ing the data before moving it across the network as i see it is potential for corruption at that point.


    Am i being too picky, any guidance on whats the best to do here .... drop Corz or not?

  7. From someone who has just had a failed 8TB Seagate i do like these additions. I still kniw little of SMART values and gave them little attention until now. This tweaking is going to make life easier. Thanks!

  8. One small comment about that 8TB drive - it's not yet in the SMART database (drivedb.h), so it didn't interpret Command Timeout correctly.  It shows a RAW value of 65537, up from 0, which *looks* like a huge increase.  But correctly interpreted, 65537 is 1,1,0 (or possibly 0,1,1) - a single command timeout, an increase of one.


    RobJ ... can you expand on that one for me please?


    Update ... the exetended SMART test passed successfully with no increment to the figures so there's still 17 at attribute 187. I dont understand what 188 is trying to tell me at 65537 and why is that attribute not a notifiable one in the SMART settings of unRAID?

  9. Thanks for taking a look. That might tie in with its 'history'. I started preclearing it and overnight it just ended. The array hadnt restarted, just the preclear had disappeared the next morning, no reports, nothing. Its had two preclear cycles since then with the same results. Think i mentioned it on gfjardim's preclear plugin thread. I'm busy running an extended smart test now so we'll see what comes of that but if i am upfront with the vendor about the nature of the fault then i might get to rma it. Shouldnt be in that state. Its a brand new drive. In warramty and outside of initial 30 day warranty i might have lived with it for a while but i want it to be good from the get go.


  10. My Seagate 8TB preclear has just finished and i think there MAY be a problem.


    Although passing SMART there is an attribute 'Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032  083  083  000    Old_age  Always      -      17' which is being highlighted in orange?


    I've attached the reports, this is the second independant preclear cycle of the disk which started with a threshold of '100' now down to '083'.


    Busy running an extended SMART test as i write but what do you think??


    This disk was earmarked for data, i have already precleared and added a second disk to the array as parity, its SMART was clean.


    I have three days left to RMA but given that it's going to be pressed into use as a data disk maybe i shouldnt be worrying (??), if its use was as a second parity disk i would be worried!


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