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Posts posted by skylark

  1. The server DID reboot at 00:28 GMT and as other servers remained up and running doesnt appear to be a power issue, strange?


    Is there anything intrinsic to unRAID 6.1.9 (a recent upgrade) that i should be looking at?


  2. Sort of explains how i've managed to get the beta version of the plugin identifying itself as a kosher version. But ... something strange happened with the preclear overnight. It stopped! Nothing running this morning and array not started which to me looks like the array has rebooted??? Need to take a further look but this 8TB certainly doesnt want to be precleared.

  3. Good to hear ... but can you explain what is 'preclear disk beta' in settings??


    I run my preclear disk from the plugins tab and although its timestamp doesnt match it runs the new script without issues.

  4. That's expected, since the beta plugin is not compatible with Unassigned Devices. Please go to Settings>Preclear Disk Beta


    gfjardim ... was that reply for me?


    If so i do not understand what you are trying to tell me. I do not have a preclear disk beta tab within settings. FYI i downloaded the 'amended' version by 'search'ing for 'preclear' on the CA apps tab. It downloaded the new version (dated today) and the install script confirmed this but the plugin it installed still shows old timestamps and version number against it and hasn't got 'beta' anywhere to be seen. You know much better than me how these things work. I'm just happy to confirm that it does!!

  5. Just upgraded from v5.0.5 to 6.1.9 via 'method 1' and it went like a dream, nothing untoward as yet  :)


    Now i've got to work out how to get my five disks (3x6TB, 2x4TB) converted from reiserfs to xfs.


    Fortunately i've got one spare slot with an 8TB drive now pre-clearing (thanks gfjardim!) nicely!

  6. Can i give this a go? I've got an 8TB still to clear. How do i get the new version?


    <Edit> ... I've got it and it works a treat!!!


    Stopped and restarted my array a few times with no ill effects to the preclear (none expected) and more importantly the webgui returned after around 10 seconds instead of hanging which was the point at which i had been power cycling unable to confirm that the preclear was still ongoing.


    The only confusion was with the download script which still shows the old date/timestamp and version on the plugins screen (2015.11.18 ) which was why i asked where i could get it from earlier.


    Great work and thanks a lot gfjardim  :)>


  7. Can i come back i here? I was NOT preassigning disk to the array. It initially showed below as an unassigned disk. I the started a preclear using the plugin which started and ran aok UNTIL i tried to 'start' the array, which i assume is allowed? Webgui at that point becomes inaccessible. Similarly if i 'start' the array BEFORE the preclear which again runs fine if i then choose to 'stop' the array the webgui freezes. In both cases the preclear 'seems' to be continuing but hcw can i tell? More importantly the array is useless from that point so i just power cycle costing me days!


  8. ... Anything to save days if not weeks of lost time will be appreciated. I don't have UD installed, should i have? Also, my scenario is slightly different inasmuch as i am preclearing an unassigned disk not yet allocated to the array. I am assuming that this is ok and that i dont need to assign it until AFTER it has been successfully cleared. J BB, looks like yours is preclearing AFTER you've assigned it, yes? Got to admit i'm only anle to view your jpeg from my ohone at present and my eyes are not good [emoji1]



  9. JB ... exactly the same  problems i'm having when trying to clear a number of 8TB drives. Whether i kick off a preclear from the plugin before or after starting the array any attempts at changing its status either stop or start results in total unresponsiveness of the gui and each time i have had to power cycle the server. Not ideal with an 8TB drive taking days to complete but i just havent got the time to wait and see if the server will come back to life. SO .. the only is to run a preclear on its own therefore the array is unuseable for days until i can see it end successfully. Any way around this would be appreciated.


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