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Everything posted by thecoffeeguy

  1. Thx for the feedback. I was going to pull down unraid and give it a go. Looks very promising and have heard very good things about it. Ty
  2. I guess it comes down to, is 'unraid' a better solution to host VM's that are connected to a ESXi cluster? Just based upon some preliminary research i've done, FreeNAS might not be the best solution for my setup. A few blogs I have read said unraid might/could be better. Just dipping my toe in the water a bit.
  3. Howdy folks. I will get right down to it. I have been exploring the option of moving to UNRAID recently due to some weird issues I have been seeing with FreeNAS being used as central storage for my ESXi cluster. I have seen some 'blips' if you will with my VMs performance of late and started to research. My setup: (Home Lab used for development) (2) ESXi clusters -- Managed by a Virtual vCenter hosted on a local SSD on one of the nodes (1) FreeNAS box setup with single pool for storage to cluster, to host VM's. Second pool used for backups. FreeNAS Specs: Dual core Intel CPU (Older CPU...upgradeable) 16gb RAM that I can upgrade to 32gb RAM (2) 2TB Red Drives mirrored for VM's Dual NIC that I have considered setup for 'bonding' for better bandwidth. In doing my research, I came across several posts about how UNRAID is better solution if you plan to run your VM's off your NAS, which is what I want to do. I have just started to learn more about UNRAID. I am happy to purchase a license as long as it fits my needs. I can start with that and provide more info it is helpful. Much appreciated for the help! TCG
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