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Posts posted by riggs

  1. I have a spare PC at the moment whose hardware is better than what's currently in my Unraid box (4590T, 8GB DDR3 vs 10400, 16GB DDR4). I've read that a CPU/mobo swap is relatively straightforward; backup appdata and USB stick, swap hardware, turn on, profit.


    However, the spanner in the works is that I'm using a SAS card and was wondering whether that might complicate things. It's an AOC-SAS2LP-MV8. I appreciate that this particular card can cause problems (not that I've experienced any thus far...touch wood), but is there anything extra I might need to keep in mind?

  2. First off, thanks for the template spaceinvaderone!

    I'm having a little play around at the moment and it all seems to work fine. Just 1 camera so far, but looking to add at least 2 more.


    I'm wondering though whether it's possible to use Pushover for notifications? I'm sure I read somewhere that Shinobi does support it, but I can't find the option in this particular version.

  3. Just wanted to pop by and say that "Time Machine support via SMB" looks like it's fixed an issue I had. Previously, TM would only work for a couple of weeks before throwing up a verification error, forcing me to create a fresh "initial" backup which, even over ethernet, took multiple hours to backup <500GB of data.


    It's currently been a month since my initial backup and touch wood, it's still working ok.

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