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Posts posted by gundamguy

  1. Did the upgrade, got to the new log-in screen and am stuck.


    I don't believe I ever put in a password for the root user. But when I try to submit root with the password blank I get an error saying "please fill out this field."


    I see the trouble shooting steps of pulling the USB deleting the password files etc... but won't that leave me where I am now, being unable to input a blank password?

  2. On 3/4/2021 at 12:09 AM, Vr2Io said:

    Two 16x slot actually was a 16x ( CPU ) and 4x (X570), if with APU it will 8x 4x. In most case still have enough bandwidth.

    For RAM if you decide use four, best you can get single rank (SR) instead dual rank (DS).


    For 10G NIC, how you connect to other 10G NIC ?
    I agree choice SFP+ not a bad idea ( I use also ), because TP multi-giga product still not common and expensive too.


    For your question on the 10G NIC.


    I ran CAT6a when I moved into my home a couple of years ago, but networking equipment for 10G has been out of reach until pretty recently.


    I'm planning to go with MikroTik 5-Port Desktop Switch, 1 Gigabit Ethernet Port, 4 SFP+ 10Gbps Ports (CRS305-1G-4S+IN) for a Swtich, and use something like DAC to go from the Switch to Unraid Server via the Mellanox MCX311A-XCAT ConnectX-3, then to my office and other stuff I want to have a faster connection to unraid via Transceivers to RJ45 (CAT6a).


    One question I have is if I do a SPF+ to RJ45 Transceiver can I just use a RJ45 10g NIC in my office desktop, or would that require an SPF+ to RJ45 transceiver?


    Edit one more question: Do I really need to upgrade the power supply or can I still make due with the 400W's that I have now.


  3. Ok, after some consideration here is what I am thinking...


    CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G

    Motherboard: ASRock X570M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4

    RAM: G.Skill FORTIS 32 GB (4 x 8 GB) DDR4-2133

    Power Supply: SeaSonic PRIME Titanium 600 W 80+

    Array: Supermicro AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 - 8 HDD attached

    Cache: 2x Samsung 970 Evo 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive

    NIC: Mellanox MCX311A-XCAT ConnectX-3 EN 10G Ethernet 10GbE SFP+


    Can someone help me validate if this build will actually do what I want to do? I'm asking because I'm not sure I can have enough PCIE lanes to run NIC and PIC to SAS, and 2 NVMEs at speeds above 6 gbs a second


    I mean if that works then I might tighten up the RAM, Power Supply, and Cache Drives because those are probably beyond my requirements right now.

  4. I built my Unraid Server in 2014 and have grown it in storage space over the years but have never swapped the Motherboard or looked to closely to adding a 10 gig nic. What is finally forcing me to upgrade is that when I first built my unraid server I built it in a Node 304 case using an Mini-ITX motherboard. When I did my last big expansion I bought a Node 804 that I love and is the perfect case for my purposes and use.


    Now that I am looking to add a second PCIe card I am going to need to get a Micro-ATX motherboard.


    I don't need a lot of power under the hood and don't run any VM's currently (but do run Plex in a Docker and a few other Dockers as well).


    What I have now:


    Intel Core i3-4130T 2.9GHz

    RAM: 8GB

    SeaSonic SS-400FL2 400W Platinum

    Supermicro AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 - 8 HDD attached (DATA)

    2 HDD attached to SATA (PARITY)

    2 SSD attached to SATA (CACHE)


    What I'm thinking:

    Ryzen 3?

    Supermicro AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 - 8 HDD attached (DATA)

    Mellanox MCX311A-XCAT ConnectX-3 EN 10G Ethernet 10GbE SFP+

    2 M.2 NVME (CACHE)?

    2 HDD attached to SATA (PARITY)

    RAM 16GB?

    I'm assuming I'd need a larger power supply?


    When it comes to SFP+ networking I'm not sure if I want to go that way or 10 gig twisted copper. I ran CAT 6a in my home but the server is going in a closet with the network switch so I can prob use SFP+ DAC to go from the switch to the server... my office and other access points are in other rooms so I'd need to use a SFP+ to RJ45 to connect to CAT 6a... unless that's not going to work? Any draw backs on that?


    I've just started planning this out and haven't been paying close attention to computer hardware for a couple of years now... so any advice would be good.




  5. I've been an unraid user for a couple of years now but got sync errors on my most recent run. About 3 months ago I had issues related to bad SAS to SATA cables. Where a disk was disabled due to a failed write. I replaced that cable and had no problems for 2 months until my regularly scheduled check ran last night.


    I'm not sure how to read the logs, can you help me identify if it's a filesystem error, bad cable still, or a disk having problems? And help me out by telling me the proper course of action to correct the issue? Would love to go back to not having parity errors for years. argama-diagnostics-20200209-1137.zip

  6. I got this installed up and running tonight using my HDhomerun. It found my channels and figured out the muxes and all that, but I didn't get the EPG figured out.


    Also I wasn't sure how to change the recording directory, which I want to be a cache enabled share. I turned it off since I wasn't 100% up and running, (but very close.)


    Where do I change the record directory, and is there a good guide to figuring out the EPG with a HDHomerun (with OTA antenna)?

  7. Stumbled across this... because I have an HDHomerun now... is this no longer supported or getting updates?


    Hey! 4.0.9 is still the most recent stable version of tvheadend... I just recently moved back home so I have my server in operation again. I will most probably look into updating to 4.2 in the next days. :)


    I apologize, I didn't realize that 4.2 was not the most recent stable, tricked by their website. X_X

  8. Now that I am on 6.2 and have my dual parity set up, I'm thinking about installing System Temp for the first time, it seems like it takes a bit more then just installing the plugin, is there a walkthouh or step by step guide on getting System Temp up and running?

  9. Another relatively easy way to provide resistance is to have another field on the "Global Share Settings" page (or per share) which says


    "Lock File System Read-Only Y/N"


    Then if locked, have another option appear with a drop down menu


    "Temporarily Unlock File System for.......1/2/4/8/16/32/64/128 minutes"


    If you use mover, it could unlock it temporarily


    Lately that's the process I've been using, basically if I want to write to my shares I toggle them to Read-Write, and then write then toggle them back. Working fine so far. Just a bit tedious, a nice "one click" button would be cool.


    I can partly explain how it came about, which is not a justification as you are asking, but may give you more inside.


    The original design of unRAID - dating back to the 4.x versions - always starts the FTP daemon after a system reboot and the only way to allow or disallow FTP transactions is by entering or clearing the users field. This implementation hasn't changed over the 5.x and 6.x versions as far as I know.


    There is no "state" variable defined within unRAID to tell whether the FTP daemon should start or not upon a system reboot.


    I found it questionable to have a running FTP daemon (active ports), while not using the service, hence the possibility was added in the webGUI to at least stop the daemon when not needed, but since it can't be linked to a state variable, this setting won't survive a reboot.


    That actually explains some things, but IMO this is ridding the fence between being a Feature Request (Remove FTP or disable by default) and being a Defect (FTP is enabled by default, when this behavior is not desirable)


    Now that we know the background it makes some sense why the FTP is enabled by default but IMO this is an area where there was a Band-Aid applied and work needs to go into either making this fully featured (allowing per user permission levels) or removed, or disabled by default. 


    Has anyone made the actual feature request for this?

  11. If nothing else we should make it clear to the casual observer that step down is expected and isnt working. God knows how many users are running 100% CPU for no reason other than they assume this is the norm for an OS now.


    It does seem to be working.  The pstate driver is extremely sensitive on some processors (Haswell?) and tends to run frequencies high under even a small load.  The dashboard frequency display shows high values because of the way it is sampling and the fact that the pstate driver is so dynamic.


    People may have an unrealistic expectation of lower frequencies on the display.


    Without the pstate change in the OP stepping down simply does not work for me. When I first posted I gave a cursory glace at the change v5 and v6 change logs and didn't see a fix either so I assumed it was still open hence the wording of my posts.


    Same. Without the pstate change in the OP my Intel Core i3-4130T runs at full throttle, and I say this having looked into it more then just looking at the WebGui.

  12. It appears that there is still some disagreement over weather this is actually an issue or not.


    I'm in the camp that It's not actually scaling without Pstate disabled. This is not a display problem with the webgui.


    You can see this behavior from the command line not just over the webgui.

  13. I thought about this today. And I believe this is common.

    I have several fast computers in my house for gaming, but all PC's just have a small SSD with no space to install games.

    Therefore am I using a Games-Share to stream my games to several comupters in my house. I have read/write access to it since it's non-essential data and makes it easy to update the games from any PC.


    All other essential shares on my unraid I only use read-access.


    But I wonder if my Games-Share (mnt/user/Games/) is getting encrypted, since I use like 40% of the array for the Games-Share and the rest % for other files.

    Can the encrypted files be deleted? Deleteing the share, or do I have to format all the disks that the Games-Share-files relied on?


    Does anyone know this?


    Not 100% sure and not sure how every ransomware will behave (since this could change) however I would think it would encrypt the files and you would have the choice of deleting them.  What they are hoping is that they hit files that you don't want to delete or lose I don't think it formats the whole disk.

  14. Ok - back to topic: Only REALLY IMPORTANT thing is: Make a Screenshot of your MainPage because after new install you have to allocate all disks to the original slot by hand - the most important is the parity-disk. Parity MUST BE on the SAME place as bevore.


    Also all of your config for your shares (split levels, includes and excludes, etc) will be lost, the shares themselves will be automatically recreated with default settings. Obviously all the system settings you've changed like notifications and spin down delay / scheduler will need to be reset as well.

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  15. Also @gundamguy, see if you can edit your initial response and remove the section about the directions for 5-6 (or maybe a mod can do it?). That thread has incomplete instructions, i followed blindly and ended up losing a drive (thank god it was a small drive), just lost 1/2 tb of media. Its my bad, i should have googled the console command, but lets try to make sure others fall on the same trap.


    Well sorry to hear that. I edited my post.


    I'm not sure why I couldn't find the instructions on the wiki, maybe I was searching the wrong term.



    can you access your unRAID shares from with in your Windows VM (Meaning: When you RDP into Windows, can you navigate to your SMB shares?) If yes, then it is possible that an infection in that VM could spread


    Yes, basically is what I do. Download some files and copy to the shares.


    In the case I got a ramsomware and it encrypts my crashplan share, the cloud copy will also be update with the encrypted files?




    Yeah, that really bothers me. If you have automatic backups set up, then it can potentially ruin the backups as well


    Not really... That would constitute a change to an existin file so versioning would you allow to go back to previous version.. which would be non-encrypted..


    Not every backup has versioning... which I think is very important for the reason you pointed out.


    Based on this thread I have two main points now:


    1) Make sure any auto Backups have versioning.

    2) Lock of the shares you can by making the SMB share Read-Only. When you need to do a write unlock the shares by making them Read Write first or do it via command line.  IF you unlocked it, re-lock it afterword.

  17. Hey all,


    Im new here and new to unraid. Just got setup, i just have couple of questions on best way to do couple of things. So, this thread is about, what is the best process to replace a drive. First of all, there are 3 types of drives:

    • Parity Drive
    • Data Drive
    • Cache Drive


    And there are 2 types of "replacement":

    • Drive Swap: Swap out one drive (old existing) for another (new). This could be either due to drive upgrade or due to drive failure
    • Drive Remove: This is only applicable for Data and Cache drives only, but suppose it might make sense for Parity in 6.2.x. But this is when you say you have 5x4tb data drives (20tb) and only using 10tb of data. So you can technically safely remove 2 of the data drives (probably not at the same time) and still have 2TB remaining. This could either be because of downgrading the raid or downgrading due to drive failure


    So, now that the scenarios are out of the way. Can someone explain what the best way to do the following:

    1. Parity Drive Swap (upgrade)

    2. Parity Drive Swap (replace due to failure)

    3. Data Drive swap (upgrade)

    4. Data Drive swap (replace due to failure)

    5. Data Drive Remove (downgrade)

    6. Data Drive Remove (downgrade due to failure)

    7. Cache Drive swap (upgrade)

    8. Cache Drive remove


    Just to add some curve balls, lets say that i have a raid with 1 parity and 3 data drives. For the cases (3) listed above, lets say we remove 1 data drive and add 1 new data drive in its place and let the raid rebuild that new data drive from the parity. In this scenario, if another drive fails, then you potentially lose entire raid (because you technically lost 2 drives)? Is there a more safer way to do a drive upgrade/swap?


    Cheers, TY in advance. Please feel free to link me to any reading material. :D


    1-4 are the same procedure. Here are the directions from the FAQ. There is a special case also if you want to replace a data drive with a drive larger then the current parity drive... Directions Here.

    5-6 are the same procedure. Edit: This Link was not the best source of directions, see later in the thread to find a better set of directions. 


    7 and 8 really dependent on if you are using a cache pool or not, and how that cache pool is configured... this IMO is an area of weakness in the documentation right now.


    Curveball: No you don't lose the entire unRAID if a second disk becomes disabled during the rebuild. You could lose between 1 and 2 disks worth of data, depending on if one of the disks that fails is the parity disk. The nice thing about unRAID is you can never lose the entire array from one disk failing (even if others have already failed) at worst you only lose the failed disks.



  18. It depends on what your goals and concerns are. The major concern in this thread is that a Windows (or less likely a Mac) machine gets infected with ransomware that traverses the shares it has access to and encrypts the data on your Linux machine. If you don't allow that samba share to have write permission that ransomware running on the Windows machine can't modify the files on your Linux machine.


    The only windows machine I have in my home is a Windows 10 VM under unRAID I access from work with RDP.

    Am I safe assuming I have a strict control of the programs installed? or is possible to get infected with the port open for RDP?





    Just to be clear, this is a VM running on unRAID that you RDP into? If so you don't have to worry about the RDP part exactly... can you access your unRAID shares from with in your Windows VM (Meaning: When you RDP into Windows, can you navigate to your SMB shares?) If yes, then it is possible that an infection in that VM could spread, if no, then I don't think you have anything to worry about... yet.



  19. And a lot of people attach as "root" because Windoze caches credentials.... and this won't protect against root, unless you use extended attributes like "immutable."

    You cannot attach to a share with 'root' credentials and get 'root' access.  This has been the case ever since v6 came out (cannot remember if it was also true with v5).  If it is a public share you will be able to use the 'root' username, but the file will still be accessed with 'nobody' credentials.  If it is not a public share then 'root' is not an acceptable username for connecting.


    Interesting, so this means the whole Cron Job to Read Only might work.


    You could also add a run now function and a "unlock" that gives it write permissions... giving you better control without having to mess with command lines.

  20. I have a similar (and inferior) arrangement to RobJ and bubbaQ but with Crashplan.


    I set up a back-up share which is private and not published and set Crashplan to back up there every 3 days. Basically my rationale is if I get a ransomware attack, I should be able to detect it within that period and switch off Crashplan.


    This isn't a horrible plan, but it wouldn't work for me. Any plan is going to have some element like this though.


    rsync can be made to do incremental backups by hard linking to files that were unchanged, can we use this somehow to create "snapshots" of sorts in some way?


    What I would really love is a redirected write in Samba, read from X directory, write to Y directory. If this sort of thing could be made to happen, and even writes to existing files resulted in a new version of that file at Y, then I think protecting the array from ransomware would be pretty easy. 

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