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Posts posted by bennymundz

  1. Hi Unraid team, 


    I had a disk die (disk4 in my array) in my unraids, when I was in the process of replacement of the one dead disk (disk 4 data disk), a second (disk 1 data disk) decided to also give up. 

    I pulled both out of the unraid and connected to USB to SATA device to check how dead they were with some tools. One is completely dead and will not even detect, however the 2nd (the more recent) failure was actually readable via Paragon through windows. (She isn't healthy tho) 


    My question is, is there a way to force unraid to believe (data disk 1) is okay, so I can use parity to rebuilt data disk 4, then once that is rebuilt use parity to rebuild on a new disk data disk 1?


    data disk 4 simply wont detect - so no smart reports

    data disk 1 fails smart test at either 10% or 90%


    I run one parity disk and both drive failures are on data disks. Parity drive is good.


    49 minutes ago, ljm42 said:


    Not a lot to go on here, but be sure to check the known issues in the release notes:



    Sorry my fault, I should have explained... It just hangs at the last line and never progresses.


    I am going to be looking into what is in PCI slot 9 where it hangs, clearly that card doesn't want to play nice and then working backwards from there today. It's something up with the linux builds in those later versions 6.1.x linux versions

  3. I asked this in the general support forum without realising that there is a thread for this plug-in. Can someone please tell me how i would go about assigning a NFS share to a disk which is mounted by unassigned devices. The disk gets mounted, a SMB share get created but i would like to assign a NFS share to it.


    I would appreciate any guidance / assistance provided. 

  4. The shortcut tabs in the webpage seems to be broken on Chrome.. I see 2 setting tabs, and they dont redirect me anywhere, same for scheduler. Not a big issue but just wanted to bring it to your attention.


    I get the same thing on a MacAir with chrome and firefox.

    Are you on the latest version?


    Im running

    Unraid beta 6.20 release 21

    Speedtest ver 2016.05.21


    My observations on both windows and mac devices

    x2 setting buttons neither work

    Schedule button does not work

    Graphs do not work at all

    Results from speedtest.net display correctly


    Running chrome Version 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit) MAC

    FireFox 46.0.1


    happy to chat further if you want more info

  5. The shortcut tabs in the webpage seems to be broken on Chrome.. I see 2 setting tabs, and they dont redirect me anywhere, same for scheduler. Not a big issue but just wanted to bring it to your attention.


    I get the same thing on a MacAir with chrome and firefox.

  6. This might be unique to me but i found the installer installed everything but continually fails to properly start SNMP for me.


    First thing i did was i modified the .plg package to put my unique community name, location and contact into in. The standard is public, here ,nobody or something like that.


    Then i install the plugin pointing to the plg i just modified so i get my correct info i want into SNMP.


    Next i found that RC.SNMP (/etc/rc.d) did not have the same permissions on it as other files. So i entered

    chmod 755 rc.snmp

    This now gave SNMP same permissions as other things running, which makes sense to me

    from within rc.d i entered the below to start the service

    ./rc.snmp start

    Now go into Observium and search for your IP of your unraid with the community string, i think it's v2 community from memory and it should come up.


    This is what works from me. Either my unraid is broken some way (possibly) or there is something funky with the installer (Not throwing stones the plg is great) But yeah some stuff around to make it work :-)



  7. Hello All,


    I keep getting


    Couldn't find /boot mount point in SNMP output. Output:

    Timeout: No Response from localhost

    plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1


    After i install the plugin. Any ideas ?

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