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Posts posted by KentBrockman

  1. On 5/20/2022 at 3:02 PM, KentBrockman said:

    I updated to 6.10 today and discovered I am having this issue now.

    Upgrading my conbee II to the latest firmware did not help.


    I also tried adding it as a serial usd device as described in the first post which also did not work.


    Is there a solution for this problem?

    I finally got it working using danlogs method.  I'm not sure why it didnt work the first few times I tried.


  2. Thank You SlrG,


    I have it running now and upload bandwidth is being throttled as I was hoping.

    I can't quite make sense of the set rate vs the actual speeds I am seeing.


    I have tried 500KB/s and 1000KB/s for overall up/down rates but my router is telling me actual is between 5-10Mbps.

    Either way I am happy, I was just wondering if anyone knew how the set rates relate to the real world numbers.


    Thanks again

  3. I have been using this plugin for a while and it has been great.  Lately I am having trouble with people hammering my server and using all of my upload bandwidth. 


    I see there is a module called mod_shaper that would allow me to limit the bandwith a user is using.



    Can anyone please help me get pointed in the right direction to get this implemented?

    Or is this something that has to be added to the plugin?



  4. Hi Guys,


    I need your help.  I have been struggling with this issue for almost a week now.

    It all started when my parity drive went missing and I thought it needed replacing.

    I RMAd the drive but ever since I have had issues with replacing the parity drive, preclearing new drives etc.


    I have tried different drives, different cables and different sata ports with no success.

    The log shows something like this:

    print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdd, sector 2951164368


    I have attached diagnostics, hopefully someone can help me.


    Edit: Forgot to mention I am on version 6.8.0 after downgrading from 6.8.2 which I thought could have been the problem




  5. Wont mediabrowser be accessing the mymovies.xml files in each folder to verify it is current?


    That is corret. My media frontend (SageTV) also reads the cover images of all my videos.

    So the caching script that I am using copies all .jpg files it finds to /dev/null







    Could you please explain how you modified this script?

    I would love to have a way to give media browser instant access to the.xml and folder.jpg files so that all my drives don't have to spin up when browsing my library.



  6. Joe,


    I upgraded to 4.5B7 and I have got the script running now.  Thanks for your help.

    I'm not so sure it's working though.  When I browse to the folders my disks still spin up.


    This is the command I used to start it:

    /boot/cache_dirs -w -i "Movies" -i "KidsMovies" -i "TV"


    Movies, KidsMovies and TV are the user shares I want cached.


    Am I missing anything obvious here ?


    Thanks again for your help,



  7. Joe,


    I really want to use this script as I am a user of MediaBrowser in Windows Media Center.

    The application scans my movie folder every time to refresh the metadata and with 8 disks this causes an annoying delay as well as spins up my disks unnecessarily.


    I installed the script and it seemed to work fine, but the disks showing unformatted really made me nervous.

    It seems like I could accidentally do a lot of damage to my server.


    Would upgrading to 4.5b7 change this in any way ?

    Is 4.5b7 good enough to trust with my data ?


    Any help you could be provide would be greatly appreciated.




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