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Posts posted by nadmax

  1. Hi,


    I also have this issue after upgrading to 6.10.3. Typically:

    • Server becomes unreachable on the network
    • Physically, server is on but unresponsive - even via direct keyboard / mouse interaction
    • I had to give it a hard reset a couple of times but it won't last 8 hours before freezing again, even the parity checks don't get a chance to complete

    I have reverted to the previous version as my backups are stored on the Unraid environment and I couldn't afford to be without. After roll back, the server has been stable for just over 24 hours. I'll have a look at the BIOS settings as recommended above and change accordingly if needed.


  2. Hi All,


    I'm sh*t out of luck with 2 out of the 5  (6 including parity) disks in my Unraid setup failing within the space of a couple of days. I've shared a screenshot plus the diag file and some lines from the event log. I have only tried to reboot the system a couple of times, but before I go any further and start unplugging stuff, I would like to know if there is any way to salvage the situation. I have two new drives on the way in the meantime but not quite sure what the consequences are of losing more than one drive in terms of being able to rebuild parity.




    Log entries:


    Feb  2 21:45:18 Netstore kernel: ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-32)
    Feb  2 21:45:18 Netstore kernel: ata1: reset failed (errno=-32), retrying in 33 secs
    Feb  2 21:45:43 Netstore webGUI: Successful login user root from
    Feb  2 21:45:54 Netstore kernel: ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-32)
    Feb  2 21:45:54 Netstore kernel: ata1: reset failed, giving up
    Feb  2 21:45:56 Netstore kernel: ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-32)
    Feb  2 21:45:56 Netstore kernel: ata1: reset failed (errno=-32), retrying in 8 secs
    Feb  2 21:46:04 Netstore kernel: ata1: limiting SATA link speed to 3.0 Gbps
    Feb  2 21:46:06 Netstore kernel: ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-32)
    Feb  2 21:46:06 Netstore kernel: ata1: reset failed (errno=-32), retrying in 8 secs
    Feb  2 21:46:14 Netstore kernel: ata1: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps
    Feb  2 21:46:17 Netstore kernel: ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-32)
    Feb  2 21:46:17 Netstore kernel: ata1: reset failed (errno=-32), retrying in 3


    Thanks in advance for your help!




  3. 7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    I think what you've did is to assign the zabbix containers a static ip and the maria db not or am I wrong?

    If you do this by default the containers can't communicate with each other.

    If you want to enable communication between them you have to go to Settings - Docker and enable 'Host access to custom networks' and then restart your Unraid server (be sure to enable the advanced view). Then it should work. ;)

    Nailed it!  I was using the host IP for MariaDB but have now changed that following your recommendation. It looks like Zabbix is firing up now:


    ** Preparing Zabbix server
    ** Using MYSQL_USER variable from ENV
    ** Using MYSQL_PASSWORD variable from ENV
    * DB_SERVER_PORT: 3306
    * DB_SERVER_DBNAME: zabbix
    ** Database 'zabbix' already exists. Please be careful with database COLLATE!
    ** Creating 'zabbix' schema in MySQL


    I guess takes a few minutes?

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