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Posts posted by jakebake

  1. Hey guys!

    I built an unraid server years ago with really low end hardware and just finally updating my main rig with an x570 board for my 3900x and I put my old board the x370 ASUS crosshair VI hero in the Unraid server with a Ryzen 5 3600. I am using an ssd cache drive and 3 harddrives as well as the usb boot drive plugged into the back of the mobo and 10gbe Network card. Right now I am getting error code 02 on my motherboard. Also how do I tell the server to boot from the USB drive if I can't even get in.

    Any ideas on what to do?



    Edit: looks Iike the code is AP initialization before microcode loading)

    Seems like it could be because I’m not using a gpu but unraid shouldn’t need it but I dont think it’s booting from the usb drive into unraid


    Hey guys,

    I’ve been using unraid for years now but have a super low end config and only used it to just store files on. I now want to upgrade it to possibly use as a plex server and to store all my video files. I want to have the files on the nas and edit off my main pc up to 4K files as of now with davinci resolve.

    My main pc has a Ryzen 3900x but I’m still using an x370 mobo. So I just ordered a x570 with 10gbe for it and a Ryzen 3600 for unraid becuas I wanted to just use the old board with unraid but realized that I need a gpu for unraid? So then I read that it can use a board with onboard vga and someone was recommending gigabyte. Would the gigabyte x570 auroras elite work? Also does this board have internal usb? I have my boot usb stick internal in my current setup for some reason can’t remember if this was required or for looks. 

    I also ordered a 10gbe network card for the server so what’s the cheapest 10gbe switch you guys would recommend?

    My current unraid server only has 2gb of ram lol. Is this ok at all for what I plan on doing for now?  If not what’s the cheapest ram you’d recommend and how much? 

    I do plan to add a dedicated gpu down the line. 

    Will this setup be ok and what else do I need?thanks!

  3. Upgrade my Unraid server or go Synology?

    Hey guys! I built an unraid server yearsss ago and have basically just been using it as data backup and that’s it. It’s pretty low end hardware. I think a very low  end amd processor, 2gb of ram and then I have an older 128gb ssd cache and three 2tb drives. 

    Within the last year I started a YouTube channel and have gotten into video editing. I’d ultimately like to have something I can store footage on as well as edit from on my main pc with davinci resolve but have the files on the server. 

    I’d also like to use it as a plex server and potential a private cloud. 

    I was looking into getting a 10gbe switch and card for my main of and then a synology 1621xs+ but I’m sure I could get better stuff for the money just upgrading my unraid server. Although I’m just not into tinkering as much anymore snd would like it to just work which is the reason why I was thinking about the synology. 

    What do you think and if I stick with unraid what hardware should I go with? And stuff that’s actually even In stock at the moment haha.

    My main pc has a 3900x but I currently have a x370 mobo that I was considering I could potentially use that for the unraid system and upgrade to a x570 mobo finally.

  4. 5 hours ago, testdasi said:

    Unraid does not require a GPU to boot but your motherboard may. The only way to know is to try booting without a GPU.


    In terms of performance, it depends on how you define "performance". I don't use Capture One but am very familiar with Lightroom.

    From my experience

    • Core count matters with parallel-able tasks e.g. exporting, generating preview. There's diminishing return but my 24-core performance is still better than 8-core performance.
    • Base clock matters with snappiness e.g. moving between modules
    • > 8GB of RAM only matters if you edit very large files e.g. 100Mpx kinda thing
    • SSD matters for db and previews. Matters even more if you can separate the image files from the db and previews.
    • NVMe barely makes any dent
    • GPU-acceleration matters when it works (but only to parallel-able tasks). Unfortunately, my 1070 has issues (e.g. blank screens, blank previews etc.)
    • LAN speed matters if working remotely but I have found Wifi-level speed sufficient.
    • Why would Internet speed matter?

    I do RDP to my workstation VM and found it usable. However, I do use my VM directly when dealing with serious works.



    You probably shouldn't hijack someone else's topic. Better to start your own topic to ask your own questions to minimise confusion.




    Thank you! I guess I really wanted to be able to have the  RAW files and finished edits store on the server and then just use my Main PC to edit. think there is a way to do this with Capture one or Lightroom with just the previews but the actual raw is on the server? Not sure what the performance is like though. My main PC is a 3900x (12 cores) with 32gb memory, nvme, 1080ti. If I use my old hardware in the unraid server it would be a 1700 with 16gb of ram and ssd cache. 


    I guess I am just trying to figure out the best workflow for this or what others are doing.

  5. Hey guys,


    I currently have an Unraid server I built years ago with very unpowerful hardware. I currently upgraded my main PC to an AMD 3900x and 32gb 3600 Ram. 1080ti and I was thinking about using my old 1700 and 16gb ram as the unraid server. 


    1st question is since the 1700 does not have a integrated graphics do I have to purchase a card for it or will it work since I'll be setting up from the GUI on my main PC? 


    I'm also wondering how people best set this up that use Unriad with Capture One? More interested in this than lightroom but I guess that would help too. I want the best performance possible so it might make more sense to put everything on my main PC and then move it over to the unraid server for backup. It would however, be awesome to just be able to have everything stored on the Unraid server but edit from my main PC or even a laptop.


    What matters for performance the most? LAN speed? Internet speed? How powerful the server is? 

    Whats the best way to set this up?



  6. Thanks guys! My server currently has an ssd for cache and then regular hdds for storage... i'll have to look at which exact ones. If I was to have my lightroom catalog on the server and then wanted to edit off it would performance be based on the cpu, etc of the unraid server or only on network speed?

  7. Hey everyone! I was looking back at my posts and it looks like I first built my unraid server 8 years ago! Didn't realize it has been that long. 


    I can't remember the specs of it but it is super low end and i think maybe like 1 or 2gb of ram. 

    I recently upgraded my main rig to a ryzen 3900x and 32gb of trident z royal ram and was going to sell my ryzen 1700 and 16gb of tridentz rgb ram and asus crosshair vi hero motherboard, but then I thought maybe I could just use it for my unraid server? 


    I would like to be able to backup RAW files to it and potentially if I could edit off it in lightroom or photoshop as well that would be great. Right now I tried it and it was way too slow. Idk if it was the network, server or harddrive issue though?


    Would doing this be way overkill or?

  8. 8 minutes ago, trurl said:

    As mentioned, you shouldn't really be using "root" to access shares on the network anyway. "root" will work, but just the same as "some_random_user" would work, as a guest user that only has access to public shares.


    What do you get from the Windows Command Prompt with this?

    net use


    SO how do I not use root? I haven't set up any other users in Unraid. Net use gives me "Net connections will be remembered. There are no entries in the list"

  9. 19 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Not exactly sure where things are not working from your description. You really shouldn't use the root user for accessing shares over the network anyway, though it should work (as a guest) assuming you are only trying to access a share with Public access.


    Go to Credential Manager and delete the credential for your server so Windows can renegotiate it.



    I don't really think I am using the root user. I'll try to explain better. If I go to a browser and type the ip address of my server it then will bring up a prompt to login and this is my user name "root" and password. I can then access the Unraid GUI. My actual unraid server is called Jakenas I guess (not really sure where I even changed that). So, if I then go into file explorer on my PC and go down to "Network" the server "Jakenas" will then appear under Computers. When I click on this I used to be able to access all my server folders without logging in. Now it is asking for a username and password. It automatically defaults to Root and asks for a password. I went and deleted Jakenas from credential manager and now when clicking on it it just says windows cannot access \\JAKENAS check the spelling of the name, etc.

  10. 11 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Perhaps the other side of this puzzle is the fact that Windows will only let you log in as one user to another computer on the network, and if you have already established a connection as one user, it won't let you use another user even though it will prompt you to log in. You have to get rid of the login it has already established before Windows will let you use a different one. Control Panel - Credential Manager.

    hmm i do see it in windows credentials but I changed the password and that still is not working

  11. 1 minute ago, trurl said:

    What exactly do you mean by the username for your server? The webUI and command line of your server can only be accessed by the "root" user. Shares are accessed by users you create in Unraid, depending on the security settings for each share. "root" only has guest access to shares over the network, the same as any user that does not have a login.


    Have you created any users in Unraid for accessing shares over the network?

    Thanks for the reply. I mean when going to my unraid address in a browser 192.168.1.xx I have one user setup "root" and a password. This works. When I go to file explorer> network > unraid network drive it brings up a windows security prompt to enter network credentials... says "enter your credentials to connect to: "Unraid server name" then shows root as the username and asks for a password. Or you can change the username. If I put in the password for root for the unraid server that is not correct. Hope this makes sense.

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