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  1. All the PC's that backup to the Crashplan container backup to a share on the array and not to the container. 7.04/10.0 GB used on the Docker img file. I did have it running all the time but I turned that off when I wrote my post a few hours ago. Server has 8GB of RAM in it and is only using 25% as of right now. I do see this strangeness in the logs from the other day. Aug 14 15:32:31 Storage avahi-daemon[9805]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address Aug 14 15:32:31 Storage avahi-daemon[9805]: New relevant interface docker0.IPv4 for mDNS. Aug 14 15:32:31 Storage avahi-daemon[9805]: Registering new address record for on docker0.IPv4. I'm using a 172.16.x.x subnet so I'll have to figure out what that's all about. EDIT: OK, figured out the IP address. Must have not updated the ui.properties file the last time. Edited it to and still can't connect with the GUI. I'm about ready to give this up.
  2. Has anyone had a problem with the CrashPlan-Desktop stop being able to connect to the CrashPlan container? I've got the Crashplan-Desktop container set with the defaults (3389 for the port, "--volumes-from CrashPlan" set). If I add both containers to Docker, I can get Desktop container to connect and everything works great. After some time (days?), GUI will no longer load. The only way I've been able to fix it is to delete both containers, delete all the files/folders on the unRAID host, add the containers back, and then setup everything from scratch. At the same time, my 4 CrashPlan clients are actively backing up to the Crashplan container so it's not like Crashplan is dead. I can telnet to 4244 but not to 4243. Any ideas? I'm going to read back through this thread again for the 5th time to see if I missed something. Apparently I missed the tutorial that someone posted earlier.
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