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Posts posted by Smitty2k1

  1. I was recently given an AM4 Ryzen 3600x and figured it would be good to use to upgrade my unraid server. Currently have an integrated motherboard with intel zeon-d 5120, which is pretty underpowered.


    Any suggestions for a motherboard for the Ryzen 3600x? Biggest desire is IPMI as my server is buried in a closet without a monitor. Lower cost is better!


    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk



  2. I've noticed that my parity check speeds are usually consistent at about 121 MB/s, however I occasionally have a parity check that goes MUCH faster, over 200 MB/s. Any idea what causes the inconsistencies? Or maybe a better way to ask it - how can I speed up my parity checks? See attached image for history.



    parity speeds.PNG

  3. I could be wrong but it looks to me that some of your fans are blowing the wrong way.
    Guess I'd better double check but I'm 99% sure the two fronts are intakes and two rears are exhaust.

    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

    Yea, that case seems like it'll be great for that need. And while I can't tell from photos, it looks like the way the cage is designed, you have some room under them for cable management/hiding, which I bet will be nice.
    Thanks in advance for the recon work!
    Ok took it apart to replace a broken fan (came that way) and added all the fans to a controller. The 120mm front fans have terrible vents and really should be 140mm or have a 3rd 120mm fan. The drive cage is as basic as it gets and you have to unplug everything to take the whole thing out to add or replace a drive. It's a budget case though and fine for what it is. Pics attached.

    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

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    I'm very interested in your experiences with this case. I too am considering it for a short depth (20") wall mount rack and I agree that the internet seems to have very little information about it. Besides your general experiences with the case (cable routing, build quality, ease of assembly, airflow, etc.) I'm particularly interested in the clearances around the PCIe cards. I would never expect to fit a full sized GPU into this case given it's total length and with the HD cage as it is, but I'm curious to know exactly how long of a GPU could fit in this case safely. Rosewill doesn't seem to give any measurements around this area and so I'm having to guess based on the size of an ATX motherboard. Additional photos of the interior of your final build would be really valuable.
    For reference, besides the Rosewill RSV-R4200U, I'm also considering the classic Chenbro RM42300 and what seems to me to be a more expensive clone of the Chenbro RM42300 by Silverstone, the RM41-506 (or one of it's variants.) All are short depth cases that have very similar features.
    I'm planning on opening it up in a day or two and I'll remember to take photos and measure the GPU clearance.

    Ive got a super small and low powered build that I just transfered from my fractal Node 304, but I wanted room to add more HDDs so right now it's pretty empty and a big mess of cables because I just wanted to get it back up and running asap.

    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

  6. Ended up buying the Rosewill RSV-R4200U rack mount case to replace my mITX Fractal Node 304. Ran out of SATA ports and HDD bays in the Fractal at the same time I moved out of a condo and into a house. House already had a small rack supporting the audio equipment for the in-ceiling speakers.

    Wanted to get the Rosewill RSV-L4500U but found this R4200U for $150: https://www.beachaudio.com/rosewill-rsv-r4200u-svr-chassis-rosewill-rsv-r4200u-r-rsvr4200u/

    Not a lot of info out there so I figured I'd give a rundown:
    1) it says 11 3.5" drives + 3 2.5" drives but it is really 14 3.5" drives and comes with 3 adapters for 2.5" drives that can be removed.
    2) I didn't know this, but rack mount cases are not all the same depth. This RSV-R4200U is significantly shorter than the L4500U, and that's a good thing as it is basically the same depth as my rack! Not sure I could have made the L4500U fit.
    3) Installation of the 3.5" drives really stinks. I'm not looking forward to adding more drives in the future. you have to pull out the entire drive insert and screw them in on top and bottom.
    4) only having two 120mm fans on the front intake isn't a lot. Things will likely get toasty during parity checks. First one scheduled tomorrow.

    Looking forward to expanding my array with my new LSI SAS card too.

    Will take more pics once I tear it open again. Forgot to get more.

    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk



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  7. My motherboard is mITX with a single PCIe slot currently populated with a PCIe SSD used as a cache/docker drive. My motherboard's 6 SATA ports are all occupied with 3.5" HDDs for the array/parity.


    I'd like to add a PCIe SATA controller to expand my array. The problem is that I then need to replace the PCIe SSD with a SATA SSD. Can I put the PCIe SSD in a compatible USB enclosure, install the PCIe SATA controller with the SATA SSD, copy the data to the new SATA SSD, and then finally remove the old PCIe (USB) SSD from the array? 

  8. 20 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:


    Not unless there are serious bottleneck in your system.


    Just happened a few minutes ago and the only relevant item from the log seems to be reading SMART data:


    Feb 24 10:01:39 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdf
    Feb 24 10:02:03 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdd
    Feb 24 10:02:20 Tower webGUI: Successful login user root from
    Feb 24 10:02:43 Tower emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdg
    Feb 24 10:04:49 Tower emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog 
    Feb 24 10:17:34 Tower emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdd


  9. 22 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Difficult to say without more information. The diagnostics and more information on the shares that cause the issue would be a good place to start.


    In general, disks should not be spinned up randomly unless a program on your NAS or on the network tries to access something on that drive.


    Thanks - the issue isn't why is a different disk spinning up - it's why when a different disk spins up it causes playback/browsing of the other disk to pause.


    For example, my music is stored on disk 1 and it's spun up because I'm listening to music on a client device. If someone in my family accesses movies on disk 2 then disk 2 spins up. But when disk 2 spins up the playback of my music on disk 1 pauses/hangs until disk 2 is spun up. Is that normal expected behavior?

  10. Hi all - long time unRaid user here. I mostly use my unRaid as a basic file server. It has always bugged me that there are times that when drives spin up all activity seems to stop on the server. It is most notable during two instances - playing music in Foobar2000 on a client PC and loading Kodi/Emby on a client PC.


    If I have music playing in Foobar2000 and a drive spins up (presumably a DIFFERENT drive than what the music is on, as the music is already playing), for some reason all music in Foobar2000 stops for several seconds until the drive(s) spin up. 


    When I load Kodi (with the Emby plugin) the entire system basically hangs until drives spin up. I would have assumed drives wouldn't need to spin up until I select a  media file to play, but at least one drive seems to spin up once I open Kodi on the client. Maybe because it is checking for new media? 


    I've tried the Cache Dir plugin, which sort of helps when browsing files through file explorer (sometimes) but doesn't really seem to help with these other instances. This issue has been going on for numerous versions of unRaid. I've had many hardware swaps over the years but the "array" has never changed (i.e. I never started over from scratch). 


    Pretty basic server config, see screenshot. For dockers I run Deluge, Emby, and Logitech Media Server. No VMs. Just wondering if this is normal/expected behavior or if there are any tweaks I can try to prevent this.

    tower config.png

  11. My little 6 drive ITX server in a Fractal Node304 has hit its capacity. Instead up upgrading my 8TB parity and data drives I think it makes more sense to get a new case and a PCIE SATA expansion card and just add more drives. Conveniently my new house has a networking rack/closet so I can go rack mount.


    I don't really see myself going above 10 drives (with a 4 slot PCIE expander?) but I don't really know what else to look for. I've just got a Gigabyte mitx server board with a Xeon-D processor at the moment. SFX PSU and nothing else special.


    I will also need to remove my PCIE cache SSD and replace it with a SATA SSD to be used in conjunction with the new PCIE SATA expansion card since I don't think I can combine PCIE/SATA. But SSDs are pretty cheap these days.


    Looking for recs for cases or PCIE SATA expansion cards. Budget is king here for my low power server that mostly just functions as a NAS.


    Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk



  12. On 4/14/2017 at 11:39 AM, landS said:

    @garycase   I am FLOORED!


    I am at stage 1 as listed below.... and I currently streaming the SAME 1080p BD.ISO to 2 different devices with about 20 minutes difference between their read points AND running a parity check at 226.8 MB/sec!   Edit: 2 hours in... Now at 128... 1.5 more hours now at 95.




    How are the parity check speeds so fast? I've got a pretty powerful CPU since upgrading my D525 (Xeon D-1521) and I only get ~88MB/sec avg. Or are you saying that you ended up averaging 95?

  13. On 4/7/2017 at 0:22 PM, DoeBoye said:

    Hurrah! Glad to hear you're set up! Post back and let us know how it goes over :).


    I never made an Emby Connect account. I just made local users. I'm not entirely sure what extra functionality you get with Emby Connect... I did buy a lifetime Emby Premiere membership though. Especially because I'm sure the price will be going up to match Plex in the next year or two...


    It's nice that you can re-install Kodi now without the hassle of re-scraping your library though, isn't it? :)


    re: Music: I didn't like the music functionality that much either. I also removed it from the Emby library. I know other people use and love it for music, so I figure I just wasn't setting it up properly, but for my collection, I usually just navigate to a folder and click on an album. I don't really want any fancy music library functionality... Movie and TV Show management is really all I care about.


    Oh, I forgot to mention that Emby also does Parental controls quite well, if that is a concern. That feature is even available in the free version of the app.



    What is Emby Connect? I don't think I'm using that

  14. 23 hours ago, DoeBoye said:

    My pleasure! :)


    So I spent some time yesterday getting this all setup. A little bit more complicated than I would have thought.


    1) Created an Emby account and Installed the Emby docker. Just kept everything default. Added ALL my media to Emby. This took a few hours.

    2) Reinstalled Kodi on my HTPC to get rid of previous library

    3) Installed the Emby add-on for Kodi. Required unknown sources, installing the repository, and THEN installing the add-on itself. Figuring out I actually needed the add-on took a while :)

    4) Tried to setup my Emby library on Kodi. This didn't work out great. I realize now that Emby isn't the best for my music library, nor is it the best for my folders of concerts, documentaries, and stand-up comedy shows since it can't scrape those and I like just browsing by folder structure.

    5) Removed said music/concert/documentary/comedy folders from Emby's server. Added the folders to Kodi's library using the built-in library viewer.

    6) Added Emby for Kodi to my Shield TV. This was easier since I already figured out the quirks on my HTPC. Confirmed watched status transfers between devices.


    All in all I think I really just wanted Emby to run on the back end to automatically fetch my metadata - although having it installed in Kodi does seem to refresh the library MUCH quicker upon boot-up. Also got the cache_dir plugin for Dynamix installed. Seems to work as intended.


    We will see how the WAF goes over the coming weeks :)

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