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Everything posted by andyjayh

  1. No I didn't and gave up on working with unRaid for IPv6, Thread/Matter. My conclusion is unRaid isn't mature yet in this area so as long as I retain Home Assistant in a container on unRaid, I won't try to get Thread or Matter working.
  2. I sense your dislike for that brand, won't go any further on that one 😇 So, for anyone else who might like to help... I'm trying to enable Thread support for a Home Assistant Core Docker container so my Eve Energy plugs can be integrated to Home Assistant and taken out of the evil Apple empire 😆 Currently it looks like I will have to remove Home Assistant away from Unraid just so I can get Thread/Matter working... seems like a backward step due to the increasing support for these protocols.
  3. ATV4, yep Apple TV so probably not the best place to add routing info, don't think you can tbh.... It is only Unraid that is not playing ball in my network, although I am heavily Apple products, they are all working with Thread and therefore ipv6. My network is UniFi based, router is a Dream Machine, switches and AP's are all UniFi. Assume I should be able to do something on the router then? Thanks for your assistance but this is well out of my comfort zone... I have read for other Linux based Docker setups people needed to run the following commands for routing; set net.ipv6.conf.br0.accept_ra=2, set net.ipv6.conf.bond0.accept_ra=2 Didn't want to do that blindly on my Unraid as I have no idea if that is needed and what damage it may do if I get it wrong. However, I think they are incorrect for me as they are setting the route and bonding (?) to br0 whereas I think I'm currently using eth0. I found in some other threads that running the following commands would show the routing; ip -6 route ::1 dev lo proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fd7e:37b8:e809:465c::/64 dev shim-eth0 proto kernel metric 256 expires 1763sec pref medium fd7e:37b8:e809:465c::/64 dev eth0 proto ra metric 1003 pref medium fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev shim-eth0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev veth9465acf proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev docker0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev veth5d89a13 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev veth25d3a49 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev vetha3240f7 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev veth3936fc8 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev veth8339b73 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium fe80::/64 dev veth95b1fdc proto kernel metric 256 pref medium ip -6 a s 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 state UNKNOWN qlen 1000 inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP qlen 1000 inet6 fd7e:37b8:e809:465c:dabb:c1ff:fe9f:a4c5/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr noprefixroute valid_lft 1715sec preferred_lft 1715sec inet6 fe80::dabb:c1ff:fe9f:a4c5/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 4: docker0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::42:5eff:fe05:c4d3/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 5: shim-eth0@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UNKNOWN qlen 1000 inet6 fd7e:37b8:e809:465c:d8bb:c100:19f:a4c5/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr valid_lft 1715sec preferred_lft 1715sec inet6 fe80::d8bb:c100:19f:a4c5/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 7: veth9465acf@if6: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::9443:aeff:fe70:13e1/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 11: veth5d89a13@if10: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::ac9a:61ff:fea3:c3b8/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 13: veth25d3a49@if12: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::984c:4aff:fe7b:9262/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 17: vetha3240f7@if16: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::a426:4eff:feb2:9cdc/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 19: veth3936fc8@if18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::b4b1:33ff:fea6:cfd/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 21: veth8339b73@if20: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::48d9:5ff:fe81:c4d/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 28: veth95b1fdc@if27: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 state UP inet6 fe80::3891:70ff:fe0e:830e/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever But I don't know what that is telling me....
  4. Thanks, that behaviour seems to be correct, multicast first. Gateway address, assume that will be the address of my boarder router? Which is my ATV4. When you say add a route, do I do that via the network section once I’ve stopped Docker? Assume not in the gateway section but as an additional route? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Sure, fd7e:37b8:e809:465c:4d8:9400:bd1:c05f It seems like a routing issue. HA detects the Eve plug as it is powered on, just can't route back. The HA docker has an ipv6 address, unraid has an ipv6 address....
  6. I'm running Home Assistant Core as a Docker and I would like to connect to my Thread based devices, Eve Energy plugs mainly. Currently I have a fully setup Thread network with my Apple TV running as the border router. When I connect an Eve plug that has been removed from my HomeKit Home and still has a Thread network, Home Assistant picks it up immediately as available but reports and error connecting to it. I believe this is to do with routing back via ipv6. Logger: homeassistant.components.homekit_controller.config_flow Source: components/homekit_controller/config_flow.py:491 Integration: HomeKit Controller (documentation, issues) First occurred: 14:16:30 (2 occurrences) Last logged: 14:17:24 Pairing attempt failed with an unhandled exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/coap/connection.py", line 288, in do_pair_setup response = await self.pair_setup_client.request(request).response asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homekit_controller/config_flow.py", line 491, in async_step_pair self.finish_pairing = await discovery.async_start_pairing(self.hkid) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/coap/discovery.py", line 57, in async_start_pairing salt, srpB = await self.connection.do_pair_setup( File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohomekit/controller/coap/connection.py", line 287, in do_pair_setup async with asyncio_timeout(16.0): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/async_timeout/__init__.py", line 129, in __aexit__ self._do_exit(exc_type) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/async_timeout/__init__.py", line 212, in _do_exit raise asyncio.TimeoutError asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError I'm running UnRaid 6.11.5 My Home Assistant container is running on Host network. I have stopped my Docker service and added ipv6 to my network configuration. This has picked up an address but not a gateway. From my Mac if I ping6 one of my plugs using this; ping6 Eve-Energy-7821.local I get a response immediately If I do the same from my unraid terminal I get "Network is unreachable" So I assume the first step is to resolve IPv6 for unraid so I can connect to the existing devices? Then I need to configure my Docker network to use ipv6? Custom network rather than Host? I've been trying to find answers for this but limited success and there have been a few updates over the last few unraid releases I believe so I thought I would ask now I am on the latest build.
  7. Apologies, is meatiest an unraid tool or command line?
  8. Not sure why this drive has failed the Preclear, relatively new Exos 16Tb Sep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7245806+0 records outSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 15195556544512 bytes (15 TB, 14 TiB) copied, 89784.4 s, 169 MB/sSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7246602+0 records inSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7246601+0 records outSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 15197223780352 bytes (15 TB, 14 TiB) copied, 89796.8 s, 169 MB/sSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7247370+0 records inSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7247369+0 records outSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 15198834393088 bytes (15 TB, 14 TiB) copied, 89809.2 s, 169 MB/sSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7248216+0 records inSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7248215+0 records outSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 15200608583680 bytes (15 TB, 14 TiB) copied, 89821.6 s, 169 MB/sSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7249074+0 records inSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7249073+0 records outSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 15202407940096 bytes (15 TB, 14 TiB) copied, 89834 s, 169 MB/sSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7249905+0 records inSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 7249904+0 records outSep 19 01:56:13 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: dd output: 15204150673408 bytes (15 TB, 14 TiB) copied, 89846.4 s, 169 MB/sSep 19 01:56:14 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: Post-Read: post-read verification failed!Sep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Error:Sep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.:Sep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: ATTRIBUTE INITIAL NOW STATUSSep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 0 -Sep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Power_On_Hours 3302 3383 Up 81Sep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Reported_Uncorrect 0 0 -Sep 19 01:56:24 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Airflow_Temperature_Cel 28 38 Up 10Sep 19 01:56:25 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Current_Pending_Sector 0 0 -Sep 19 01:56:25 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Offline_Uncorrectable 0 0 -Sep 19 01:56:25 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0 0 -Sep 19 01:56:25 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: S.M.A.R.T.: Sep 19 01:56:25 preclear_disk_ZL2KLHXX_30592: error encountered, exiting ... Only seems to be the change in SMART data which reflects the drive run time changing during the Preclear is how I read this. What should I of expected to see? But more importantly, what is this indicating about the drive?
  9. Sorry, had missed posts to my thread… I didn’t know about potential AMD issues but chose an Intel chip purely for the Quick Sync advantage on media streaming, which is most of my use. I have found it much harder this time around to find MB recommendations. When I first built over a decade ago there where good lists and approved boards for UnRaid, doesn’t seem to exist now. I appreciate that today most boards will work with UnRaid so less point keeping lists up to date but I was hoping for ratings and recommendations for SATA port connectivity, memory speed, BIOS, power ratings etc. Trying to find this info from scratch has been a challenge! I’m also replacing my drives for much larger but lower amount and there in lays more head scratching and deliberation 😆 I think I am getting there now, same board as listed above as it has 8 SATA ports. Still weighing up the i3 vs. I5 expense. Chosen 16Tb Seagate EXOS drives. Seasonic PSU. Probably a Fractal Design R5 case to house it all in. Fingers crossed that will be dead quiet and consume far less power on idle 😬
  10. Thanks for the feedback on the CPU spec. I’m pretty sure the i3 will be a big step up from my current system but, I do see what you mean so if I can afford I might go that little further.
  11. I have down selected the following MB & CPU ASRock Intel Z690 Steel Legend ATX Motherboard Intel Core i3 12100 4 Core Alder Lake Seem to be good future proofing and performance. Any concerns with either of these?
  12. It was your thread I read that led me to look at that MB & CPU, thanks. Also interesting reading on the PSU. On my shortlist and will be good to hear how you get on with it once fully built up.
  13. It's about time I retired my old server that's been going well for over 10 years now! Had a few HDD failures over the years plus one PSU but it been pretty reliable and served me well. Current build spec is; Zalman MS1000-HS2 Case Zalman ZM-HDR1 3-Bay HDD Rack x 3 Corsair CX650m psu Asus M4A78LT-M AMD 760G AM3 AMD Phenom™ II X6 1100T @ 3300 MHz 12Gb DDR3 1600 Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8, 8-Port SAS/SATA Card 4Tb WDC Parity 7 x 2Tb drives 1 x 4Tb drives 2 x Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB for Cache pool This runs; Plex binhex-nzbget tautulli radarr sonarr pihole This setup is doing ok but it is noisy (not wife friendly as it's in her office) and not very efficient power wise and we have a big focus on this currently with energy prices going through the roof. According to my Eve Energy plug the server ticks over at approx. 110W and will draw 160W when doing a parity check. So my aim if to start with a new MB & CPU combo that are much more efficient, high SATA connection count and a boost in performance for Plex if possible. Once I have this locked in I can slowly upgrade the HDD's too much larger ones to lessen the count for less power draw. Finding it hard to hit on a recommended board to be honest by trawling the forum, especially that is actually available. A recommendation I did find was the Asrock Rack E3C246D4U paired with i3 8100 CPU. Seems to be a board many have used but I can't find that anywhere now. Another MB recommendations I have seen used are; ASRock X570M Pro4 with AMD Ryzen 5 5600G - my preferred based on 8 SATA and available to buy Asus PRIME Z590-A with Intel Core Intel Core i3 10300 (only 6 SATA ports I believe though) If starting from scratch with a new build to be single user Plex server, storage, pihole but efficient energy wise, what would you chose?
  14. That's fine, and thanks for the pointer. I was really trying to understand if it was in fact the docker image which was the problem and this just happened to be the only container that become unusable. Right, off to go work out how to restore, I do have CA installed, thankfully.
  15. Hi all, my UniFi docker has just failed for some reason. I rebooted my server and now each time I start my controller I get the following error in the log; Mar 23 21:35:03 Media kernel: BTRFS warning (device loop2): csum failed root 1796 ino 10101 off 41115648 csum 0xb3cf73fa expected csum 0x293aeffb mirror 1 This morning I got a message from Fix Common Problems that said the Docker image was read only. I stopped Docker and increased the size to see if this was the issue but no avail. Stopped Docker again and ran a scrub; scrub status for 266b6e65-1004-4619-8039-7a234e50f0f1 scrub started at Sun Mar 24 18:14:34 2019 and finished after 00:00:03 total bytes scrubbed: 3.65GiB with 2 errors error details: csum=2 corrected errors: 0, uncorrectable errors: 2, unverified errors: 0 All other dockers run fine, only when I start this one I see the csum errors appear in the sys log. The UniFi Controller never starts and all I get is a message saying server starting when I try and connect to the WebUI. Any pointers?
  16. Err, my entire post was about adoption issues. and the fact that mine was a fresh install of 5.10, not an upgrade. So yes I had an adoption problem but this was due to firmware not updating, if that was a 5.10 issue or not I have no idea.
  17. Ok, fixed my own problem so thought I would report back in case it helps others. The issue laid with the firmware upgrade, this would not complete via the docker. I don't know if there is any communication issue with the docker itself in the upgrade prices but it was the same for both AP's and the PoE switch. I found the process for upgrading the f/w via SSH directly on the devices, as soon as this was completed the adoption process worked immediately, although I did have the docker in Host mode. Once adopted, I switched the docker back to Bridge mode and everything has been good since. So three days of head scratching and it all came down to the f/w on the devices and the upgrade process that was causing me all the trouble. I guess most people won't come across this set of variables but as I was new to the Ubiquiti family with a fresh install and factory fresh devices, it caught me out.
  18. So I am a brand new Unifi user, only receiving my AP's this week, very excited. Fresh install of this container and selected Latest so it's 5.10.17. Unboxed my new AC Pro and Lite but neither will complete the firmware update and adoption, been at this for a couple of days now! From what I've read people are recommending putting the docker into host mode from bridge during adoption, done this. Also factory reset my AP's a few times by holding in the reset for 10 seconds. SSH to the AP and ran the set-inform command..... still stuck in 'Adoption Failed (update required)' mode... haven't even bother to unbox the USG or PoE switch if this is how hard getting started is.... When I run set-inform on the AP I get this following msg; Adoption request sent to ''. 1. please adopt it on the controller 2. issue the set-inform command again 3. <inform_url> will be saved after device is successfully managed As far as I know, I can't do anything on the controller end to adopt to met point 1 above? I this right or is there something I should do at the controller after running this command? Any suggestions for where I can go from here? What can I try next to get an AP to update it's f/w and be adopted successfully? I'm seriously thinking about buying a Cloud Key but tbh, I've already sunk a fair bit into this kit to get nowhere so rather hesitant to spend more just to get something to work....
  19. Excellent, thanks for that article, explains it well
  20. Ok, thanks for explaining that. I thought it was along those lines but just couldn't find any explanation to confirm.
  21. I currently have 12Gb ram in my system (6.4.1) and in the system stats dashboard it shows that most of the memory is cached, approx. 10Gb with 1.5Gb used leaving about 600Mb free. Just wanting to understand the cached memory, is this apps and system running in memory and therefore a good thing? The system is fairly idle right now and I have 5 Dockers running but not really active, Plex, Plexpy, Sonarr, Radarr, NZBGet. Should I look at increasing RAM? Any benefit from an additional 4Gb to increase the free RAM?
  22. Thanks, just found that info also So this is what I have done so far; Copied over the two most recent xbmc DB's using MC to appdata\mariadb docker exec -it mariadb /bin/bash mysql -u root –p Enter password CREATE USER 'xbmc' IDENTIFIED BY 'xbmc'; and press return GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'xbmc'; and press return Close out the command line tool with \q Close out the docker with \q I can now connect via my MySQL app on my mac using the xbmc user and see the two xbmc DB's I copied over. Just started my Kodi on AppleTV but it's not seeing the DB so I have some more work to do to find out why. I think I'm on the right path....
  23. Hi, can I get some guidance for migrating across from my old mysql db that I had for Kodi on unRAID 5? I have just upgraded to unRAID 6.4 so everything is a bit new, apologies for the stupid questions! I've installed the mariadb docker and all seems to be running, I can connect to it from my Mac using a simple MySQL tool. I assume it's possible to copy across the MyMusic and MyVideos DB's that I have on my server into the relevant app data location for adding to mariadb? I believe I need to add a new user 'xbmc' and run permissions to the DB's? Does this sound right? If so, can someone provide some guidance in how I do that? Sorry, real learner when it comes to DB stuff! The instructions I had from my previous MySQL install are as follows; 1. Get into the MySQL command line utility: mysql -u root –p 2. Enter password, blank 3. Enter the following commands: 1. Type in: CREATE USER 'xbmc' IDENTIFIED BY 'xbmc'; and press return 2. Type in: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'xbmc'; and press return 4. Close out the command line tool with \q I think I do the above after moving the two kodi db's into place? and I need to type the following first to get to docker; docker exec -i -t c2 /bin/bash Is this correct?
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