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Everything posted by tesla

  1. yes. It was working for years with this. Looks like i need to upgrade the hardware.. Thanks for helping..
  2. Hi. Thx again for helping. I did rename all plugins and when rebooted works for some time and shares disappear. I noticed that when I do New Permissions on shares and disks, after it finishes, shares disappear. Not sure if that is coincidence or not! I have attached 2 diag's., both without plugins enabled. One is when shares are there (server-diagnostics-20230329-1923) and one when shares are gone (server-diagnostics-20230329-2024) without rebooting in between. server-diagnostics-20230329-1923.zip server-diagnostics-20230329-2024.zip
  3. It seems that out of memory is gone. It was one of the plugins. Thanks. But it seems that shares missing is still there. I noticed that when i do new permissions, it doesn't finish and shares disappear! Can that also be some plugin or something else? It looks like when health check is done affects the shares as well!
  4. It does seem to work ok in safe mode? How do i find which plugin causes problem?
  5. After running in safe mode, what do i do than?
  6. Hi Guys, I hope someone can help. For some time now shares disappear and after the reboot they come back. It happens every day at least once! Today started to show out of memory immediately after the booting the server and also shares are gone! I have attached diagnostic file as downloaded in zip format. Thanks. server-diagnostics-20230321-2129.zip
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