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Posts posted by tesla

  1. Hi. Thx again for helping. I did rename all plugins and when rebooted works for some time and shares disappear. I noticed that when I do New Permissions on shares and disks, after it finishes, shares disappear. Not sure if that is coincidence or not!


    I have attached 2 diag's., both without plugins enabled. One is when shares are there (server-diagnostics-20230329-1923) and one when shares are gone (server-diagnostics-20230329-2024) without rebooting in between.

    server-diagnostics-20230329-1923.zip server-diagnostics-20230329-2024.zip

  2. It seems that out of memory is gone. It was one of the plugins. Thanks. But it seems that shares missing is still there. I noticed that when i do new permissions, it doesn't finish and shares disappear! Can that also be some plugin or something else? It looks like when health check is done affects the shares as well!

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