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  1. ... OK I was able to install telnet and login to tower. "chmod" or "chown" are not at the top of the list nor on the list at all.
  2. I cant access the system log, or the GUI. I'm not sure how to "telnet". There is nothing at the bottom of the screen. It may have hung on a drive with large numbers of files. should I reset it? If I reset will the server continue with the permissions where it last left off. Should I downgrade to 4.7 to regain access to the files until you have re-worked this utilty as you mentioned. Please advise.
  3. I have 10 1.5tb drives and 5 750gb drives. I can only access files on the shares of disk 1. Since I started this process 12 hours ago it should be complete by the year 2013?. lol What is going on? Is this correct? I cant log into the webgui while this process is running either. Help. I feel like rebooting the server and starting over. I'll wait to hear responses before doing so.