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Posts posted by jaemiem

  1. Thanks for that link. Still slightly confusing to me, appologies.

    So would I be putting those mappings into one of the host paths? Or making a new path called /downloads?




    I also presume that:

    nzbGet                /config              /mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget

                             /downloads        /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads

    nzbGet can be substituted with binhex-radarr / binhex-sabnzbd / etc?

    EDIT: nm that last bit, re-read it all...

    EDIT EDIT: I'm now reinstalling everything and trying to make sure all paths are the same. Will let you know. Thanks

  2. Hey guys.

    Having some problems with permissions. Tried fix docker permission and tried new permissions too.


    Keep getting this error in Radarr


    Couldn't import movie /media/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd/Downloads/complete/"moviefolder"/"moviefile.mkv": Access to the path "/"movieFolder(date)"" is denied.





    Using Sabnzb and radarr in dockers.

    Settings as follows:



    Radarr permissions:



    Radarr Remote Paths



    Just not sure if I have something wrong somewhere as it used to work.


    Appologies in advance. I have limited knowledge of the unraid system and I fumble my way through things till they work. So I'm not sure if I have done something wrong somewhere. A movie downloaded last night and it seemed to work, but now I just get this error with all downloads.


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