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Report Comments posted by rkotara

  1. I've created a quick script to log my SSD write accumulation so I can watch it without having to grab it manually.  This works great for my Samsung SSDs, which I prefer, may not work for other brands.  Since people watching this issue might find it useful, I'm thought I'd posting it here.  Just change the /dev/sd? to your devices (I have two SSDs in a pool, sde and sdg).  This outputs to a csv files in my /mnt/user/down folder (change down to your favorite folder for this) called SSD.csv. I run it daily using the user scripts plugin.  This makes it easy to just open with Excel and check it from time to time and add formulas to compute daily accumulation, etc. This is pretty basic, so I didnt include any header row in the script itself, but its this (LBAW=LBA written, GBW=Gigabyte Written):

    Date,Time,sde LBAW,sde GBW,sdg LBAW,sdg GBW


    dt=`date +"%D,%T"`
    sdeLBA=`smartctl -Ai /dev/sde | grep LBA | awk '{print $NF}'`
    sdgLBA=`smartctl -Ai /dev/sdg | grep LBA | awk '{print $NF}'`
    echo "$dt,$sdeLBA,$sdeGB,$sdgLBA,$sdgGB" >> /mnt/user/down/SSD.csv



    After several days of mixed but typical usage (normal runtime writes and a few container updates), I found that writes are under 10GB per day to cache for my setup.  This is after implementing several of the mods people have mentioned in this thread and with about 6 active containers only.

    • Thanks 1
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