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Posts posted by hayleraid

  1. 8 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

    Delete Host Port 1, Host Path 1 & Host Path 2, they are duplicates.


    Path to books & path to comics are jacked, Both are mapped as /mnt/user/comics & ebooks/Ebooks/


    I'm guessing /mnt/user/comics is probably correct, so just define where your books are.

    You Sir are a wonderful person!

    Changed my folder to one string name and followed your instructions.

    Working fine.

    Thank you.

    Ubooquity settings 2.PNG

  2. starting fresh, pointed to ebooks and comics folders but getting the following error and an orphaned docker.

    I'm using Unraid 6.3.5

    Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): unterminated entity reference EBooks/ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 211 Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): unterminated entity reference EBooks/comics/ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 211 Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): unterminated entity reference EBooks/ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 211 Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): unterminated entity reference EBooks/comics/ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 211
    Docker output:
    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="ubooquity" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "MAXMEM"="512" -e "MAXMEM"="512" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 2202:2202/tcp -p 2202:2202/tcp -p 2203:2203/tcp -v "":"/books":ro -v "":"/comics":ro -v "":"/books":ro -v "":"/comics":ro -v "/mnt/user/appdata/ubooquity":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/appdata/ubooquity":"/config":rw linuxserver/ubooquity

    /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: Invalid volume spec ":/books:ro": Invalid volume specification: ':/books:ro'.

    Tried different folders, safe naming conventions, updating OS to 6.3.5 but no luck.
    Had it working fine with old versions. 
    Any ideas guys?
  3. So close...


    I Forest Gumped my way into getting Delugevpn working 6 months ago and recently it stopped.


    1. I changed Lan_network correctly and can access GUI.

    2. I can connect to Purevpn openvpn servers on tcp/80 and udp/53 but nothing happens after that.

    3. I've checked my Username/password and a variety of servers.


    VPN_ENABLED            yes

    VPN_USER                  myusername

    VPN_PASS                  mypassword

    VPN_REMOTE              ie1-ovpn-tcp.pointtoserver.com

    VPN_PORT                  80

    VPN_PROTOCOL          tcp

    VPN_PROV                  custom

    ENABLE_PRIVOXY        no

    LAN_NETWORK      (server is on and subnet is


    I've attached my Supervisor log.


    Thanks for any help



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