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Posts posted by denellum

  1. On 12/13/2022 at 5:15 PM, bulbousFruitfly said:

    ran into this today: upgraded from v6.9.2 to v6.11.5 - after the reboot and before I started the array (all existing disks showed healthy), I shut down the server to add a new disk. Booted back up, new disk was found and assigned - started the array and disk preclear was in progress. Came back a few hours later, disk preclear was at ~60%, the array was stopped and the only error message I could find in the log was "unraid emhttpd: stale configuration". Array control buttons were gone - I could only reboot or shutdown the server. Was using Firefox v107.0.1


    Rebooted and logged back in using MS Edge - all disks showed green and preclear was restarted at 0%, but I could start the array and everything is now still fine even when coming back using Firefox.

    Just had this happened, scared the crap out of me. This resolved it for me as well! Thank you for your help :D

  2. Hey all, quick question. 

    Currently setting rebuilding/upgrading my unraid build.

    I have the following set up :

    12x HDDs

    3X SSDs

    1x LSI Raid Card 

    AMD Ryzen 7 3700x

    Rosewell 4U Case.

    Currently i am going to use the following PSU if you guys think this will be enough... Let me know please. Thank you!


  3. 22 minutes ago, binhex said:

    It may well have the ability to traverse but iptables will block until you add that network to lan_network. Add it to the existing with a comma to separate.

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

    OMG, THAT DID IT! Thank you!!!!! Donation coming in after work today :)

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  4. 3 minutes ago, binhex said:

    nothing obviously wrong there, you sure this is correct?:-


    2019-10-11 10:20:04.904522 [info] LAN_NETWORK defined as ''


    what is your servers ip address and subnet mask?

    Yes sir, i have my network well segmented :)

    The server is

  5. First, as always Binhex, thank you for doing this for us!


    I've been beating my head against the wall. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The moment i disable the VPN, it starts working... but then again... no VPN :(

    I have swapped my network to a full unifi network, but that shouldnt be the cause : 

    I am able to connect to the VPN but unable to load up the GUI for sabnzb. Attached is my debug enabled log : 



  6. speedyg213, I tried doing it the way you mentioned to do it, but it ended up not being able to update. (unraid would complain about how it was installed.)


    ended up doing a mix of what you and CrashBrn did. I ran your first command. I then went and created the docker manually through the webgui instead of doing your 2nd command. After that was done, I created a docker matching CrashBrn's 3rd screen shot. Everything worked well after that! Just thought I'd throw this out there for those that ran into the same issue I had.


    Thank you both Speedyg213 and CrashBrn! I can finally run this correctly on my unraid server instead of running it on a stand alone esxi client! And that makes not only me but my electric bill thank you two!



  7. Alright got Mayan-EDMS working, DEV complete : 


    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='Mayan-EDMS' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE'='django.db.backends.postgresql' -e 'MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST'='' -e '5432'='5432' -e 'MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME'='mayan' -e 'MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD'='PASSWORD' -e 'MAYAN_DATABASE_USER'='mayan' -e 'MAYAN_DATABASE_CONN_MAX_AGE'='60' -p '8000:8000/tcp' -v '/mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_500GB_S3Z1NB0KB48195D/Mayan-EDMS/':'/var/lib/mayan/



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  8. 1 minute ago, scubieman said:

    Also I'll trade you my r710

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

    Hah! I am quite happy with the r510, but thank you for the offer! 

    The CPU spike is I'm currently rsycing servers into mine. Its about 8TB of data total incoming right now.


    As far as that CPU, it just started working right now, but the CPU is low : 



  9. Hey Binhex, had everything working this morning, and as time goes on i notice the following in the logs when ever I try to connect to the webgui : 



    2018/12/15 18:09:49 [error] 848#848: *344 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "scgi://", host: ""


    I am getting a timeout on rutorrent and it finally loads up with the following errpr : 


    [15.12.2018 18:13:53] The request to rTorrent has timed out.



    Is there something im doing wrong?

  10. Hey guys about to run this,  just wanted to verify that the following is just informational, and NOT things i need to run on the server?: 


    On 5/27/2018 at 3:43 PM, JimL said:

    In order to run this "createsuperuser" command I recreated the container again, just to copy the command it uses.  In order to recreate: click the paperless container in the Unraid Web Ui, dummy change some value (add a space and remove it again) and hit apply so the container is recreated.


    The reason for this is that we can hook on to that command and get an interactive shell, and by using the same command we get the same volume (folder) mounts. Which means our changes will hopefully be saved to our config folder and persist when recreating the container. We'll modify this command for our use. You could probably simplify this command by removing a lot of (possibly) unnecessary configs. But as it's a simple copy/paste with a couple of edits I chose to not clean it up as all it would really get me was possible error sources.

    docker run -d --name='paperless' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGES'='' -e 'USERMAP_UID'='99' -e 'PAPERLESS_PASSPHRASE'='xxIj4C2n7vIwLcyiu6xQ' -p '8001:8000/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/paperless/data':'/usr/src/paperless/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/paperless/media':'/usr/src/paperless/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/paperless/consume':'/consume':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/paperless/export':'/export':'rw' 'danielquinn/paperless' runserver --insecure --noreload


    We need to remove the existing container first so we can create a new one when running our craetesuperuser command.


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