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  1. SpaceInvaderOne's post in SSD IOMMU Passthrough can't see drive on boot (but can during Windows 11 install) was marked as the answer   
    Don’t bind the SATA controller; simply pass the SSD directly.
    Run this command in the terminal:
    ls /dev/disk/by-id/  
    This will display a list of all the disks on the server by their ID number. For example, here's what it shows on my server (though I've only included one SSD disk for clarity)
    root@BaseStar:~# ls /dev/disk/by-id/ ata-CT2000MX500SSD1_2117E5992883@ ata-CT2000MX500SSD1_2117E5992883-part1@
    If you want to pass this SSD to the VM in the vdisk location in the vm template, instead of selecting "none", you should specify manual and put
    (Note that I removed the '@'). Here, I am passing the entire disk, not just a partition (the second listing of my disk you see ends with -part1).
    I hope this helps!
  2. SpaceInvaderOne's post in Convert VM to new physical machine was marked as the answer   
    Yes its very straight forward. We can use the qemu-img tool to convert a virtual disk image  to a physical disk.
    If the image is a raw image (by default in Unraid it is) then you would use this command

    qemu-img convert -f raw -O raw /mnt/user/domains/vm_name/vdisk1.img /dev/sdX
    If the image was a qcow2 image then the command would be

    qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw /mnt/user/domains/vm_name/vdisk1.img /dev/sdX
    So the  /dev/sdX refers to the disk you want to copy it to. Plug the disk that you want to use for the real machine into the server and it will get a letter. So for instance the  /dev/sdg   Be careful its the correct one as you dont want to write over an anraid array disk etc.

    Also just make sure the location of the vdisk for the vm is correct  for this part   /mnt/user/domains/vm_name/vdisk1.img
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