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Posts posted by bigjme

  1. Thanks bastl,


    Mine was a little more generic as this is currently running on none unraid hardware.  I'm aiming it more towards my remote backup server that uses SSH to backup my remote systems. My current script could be configured to run on most things remotely for example


    That script will certainly be useful to read through however

  2. So its been a long time since i looked at this previously but as i'm bored of the holidays i thought i'd look at a way to do this a little differently. Instead of full backups which take too much time and data, i looked at implementing an approach closer to what i think windows replication would use.


    I have not been using this script full time, its just a testing script for now with no error checks etc. but if anyone wants to comment or elaborate on this they are more than welcome to. Testing wise i have run this many times, shutting down and restarting the vm after various runs, even mounting the backup image to the vm and it all seems fine and works ok


    I have yet to bother to export the xml file as that seems like the easiest part in reality.


    In short this is how the script works:

    1. Loop through the vms listed at the top then loop through each drive assigned to it
    2. Make the folder for the backup to be stored if needed
    3. See if overlay 1 or 2 exist, if not it is an initial backup
      1. Create overlay 1 and backup the initial large base image
      2. Shrink the image back down a little using qemu-img and then move the shrunken version to be the main image
    4. If overlay 1 or 2 exists then handle things different
      1. Create a new snapshot (overlay) using a secondary snapshot name (state1 and state2 switch each run)
      2. Copy the previously used snapshot to the backup location as the changes since last backup
      3. Merge the old snapshot into the base image
      4. Rebase the partial image in the backup folder to the main image taken on the first run
      5. Commit the changes to the base image so the base backup file is now complete
      6. Remove the old snapshot file
      7. Shrink the image down again to keep the sizes small as snapshot commits do swell the underlined image if it is sparse

    The reason i went down this route is that because your only copying the changes since the last backup, the network load and thus time to complete is extremely low. As your also block committing a previous snapshot it should avoid errors in the commit. This should make the process a little more reliable and considerably faster than copying the base each time


    Now onto the downside. As your using an overlay image at all times after the first commit, this runs the risk of getting fairly large if the backup isn't run often when the vm is changing a lot. The upside is on my test 80GB centos install (12GB used) the script does a full backup and image shrink in 25 seconds (600MB disk change) so this could be run very often in a replication style system (6 seconds for a few hundred MB changes without the image shrink)


    Again, this is just me having a play and using various tools for fun to see if this was possible at all but so far, it seems to be working and any feedback from those with more knowledge than me would be appreciated. I must iterate again however, this is being used for testing and is not production ready in any way. Use this at your own risk


    To test, simply change the initial BaseBackupFolder, OverlayPath, and the VMNames


    echo "Starting backup system..."
    BaseBackupFolder="/mdev1/VM Backup/"
    OverlayPath="/mdev1/VM Overlays/"
    echo "Found ${arraylength} VMs that need backing up.."
    echo " "
    # Handle Backup
    for (( ii=0; ii<${arraylength}; ii++ )); do
    	DriveLetter=`virsh domblklist "${VMNames[$ii]}" --details | grep ^file | grep disk | awk -F' {2,}' '{print $3}'`
    	FilePaths=`virsh domblklist "${VMNames[$ii]}" --details | grep ^file | grep disk | awk -F' {2,}' '{print $4}'`
    	echo "VM Name: ${VMNames[$ii]}"
    	echo "Drives: ${TotalDrives}"
    	echo " "
    	for (( iii=0; iii<${TotalDrives}; iii++ )); do
    		DiskName=$(basename -- "${FilePaths[$iii]}")
    		echo "Backing up: ${DriveLetter[$iii]}"
    		if [ ! -d "${BackupTarget}" ]; then
    			mkdir -p "${BackupPath}"
    		if [[ ! -f "${OverlayPath}${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-overlay1.qcow2" && ! -f "${OverlayPath}${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-overlay2.qcow2" ]]; then
    			echo "Initial overlay not found, creating first backup"
    			echo "File Path: ${FilePaths[$iii]} -> ${BackupTarget}"
    			echo "Overlay Path: ${OverlayDestination}"
    			virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "${VMNames[$ii]}" guest-state1 --diskspec "${DriveLetter[$iii]}",file="${OverlayDestination}" --disk-only --atomic --no-metadata
    			rsync -avh --info=progress2 --sparse "${FilePaths[$iii]}" "${BackupTarget}"
    			echo "Initial overlay found, running sequential backup"
    			if [ ! -f "${OverlayPath}${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-overlay2.qcow2" ]; then
    				echo "File Path: ${FilePaths[$iii]} -> ${BackupTarget}"
    				echo "Overlay Path: ${OverlayDestination}"
    				virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "${VMNames[$ii]}" guest-state2 --diskspec "${DriveLetter[$iii]}",file="${OverlayDestination}" --disk-only --atomic --no-metadata
    				rsync -avh --info=progress2 --sparse "${FilePaths[$iii]}" "${BackupTarget}"
    				virsh blockcommit "${VMNames[$ii]}" "${DriveLetter[$iii]}" --top "${FilePaths[$iii]}" --verbose --wait
    				rm -f "${FilePaths[$iii]}"
    				qemu-img rebase -f qcow2 -u -b "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2" "${BackupTarget}"
    				qemu-img commit "${BackupTarget}"
    				rm -f "${BackupTarget}"
    				echo "File Path: ${FilePaths[$iii]} -> ${BackupTarget}"
    				echo "Overlay Path: ${OverlayDestination}"
    				virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "${VMNames[$ii]}" guest-state1 --diskspec "${DriveLetter[$iii]}",file="${OverlayDestination}" --disk-only --atomic --no-metadata
    				rsync -avh --info=progress2 --sparse "${FilePaths[$iii]}" "${BackupTarget}"
    				virsh blockcommit "${VMNames[$ii]}" "${DriveLetter[$iii]}" --top "${FilePaths[$iii]}" --verbose --wait
    				rm -f "${FilePaths[$iii]}"
    				qemu-img rebase -f qcow2 -u -b "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2" "${BackupTarget}"
    				qemu-img commit "${BackupTarget}"
    				rm -f "${BackupTarget}"
    		echo "shrinking backup image"
    		qemu-img convert -O qcow2 "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2" "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2.shrunk"
    		rm -f "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2"
    		mv "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2.shrunk" "${BackupPath}/${VMNames[$ii]}-${DriveLetter[$iii]}-main.qcow2"
    		echo "image shrunk"
    		# uncomment the following to completely flatten. Remeber to delete running overlay afterwards
    		# virsh blockcommit "${VMNames[$ii]}" "${DriveLetter[$iii]}" --active --verbose --pivot
    		echo " "

    It uses the same principle as i previously discussed. Where by we go from:

    1. Base -> Overlay1
    2. Base -> Overlay1 -> Overlay2
    3. Base -> Overlay2
    4. Base -> Overlay2 -> Overlay1
    5. Start again at point 1


    At all points the file we copy is the middle overlay you can see in steps 2 and 4




  3. On 6/30/2019 at 10:06 PM, ThatDude said:

    Hey did you ever figure this out?


    I would really like to make live incremental backups that I push to the cloud but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if you've already done it.


    I'm afraid not. I had instances where the overlay images would fail to merge back in some instances so it would fail to backup on the next occurrence

  4. Hi All,


    So i did an update to the docker around an hour ago so its on :latest with no further updates available and the startup logs now have started to show this:

    [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing... 
    usermod: no changes
              _         ()
             | |  ___   _    __
             | | / __| | |  /  \ 
             | | \__ \ | | | () |
             |_| |___/ |_|  \__/
    Brought to you by linuxserver.io
    We gratefully accept donations at:
    User uid:    911
    User gid:    911
    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing... 
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing... 
    using keys found in /config/keys
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: executing... 
    [custom-init] no custom scripts found exiting...
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.
    nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html)
    nginx: [error] lua_load_resty_core failed to load the resty.core module from https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core; ensure you are using an OpenResty release from https://openresty.org/en/download.html (rc: 2, reason: module 'resty.core' not found:
    	no field package.preload['resty.core']
    	no file './resty/core.lua'
    	no file '/usr/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta3/resty/core.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/resty/core.lua'
    	no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/resty/core/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/resty/core.lua'
    	no file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/resty/core/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/share/lua/common/resty/core.lua'
    	no file '/usr/share/lua/common/resty/core/init.lua'
    	no file './resty/core.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/resty/core.so'
    	no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.1/resty/core.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
    	no file './resty.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/resty.so'
    	no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.1/resty.so'
    	no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so')


    I've never seen these before and its happening on all my dockers using this image so it doesn't seem to be a configuration fault or anything else


    Having a quick google this doesn't seem to be a huge issue but is something worth mentioning in case it does have an affect on anything i'm unaware of




  5. 2 hours ago, sg14_96 said:

    How did you run them in a script?


    I installed the user scripts plugin to unraid, added a new script named Fix Gpu Passthrough and set the content to

    echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind
    echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
    echo efi-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/efi-framebuffer/unbind

    I then set it to run "At first array start only" and just reboot. It will then run that command automatically when the array starts which occurs prior to any VM's being booted so happens early enough to cause no issues

    • Upvote 1
  6. 4 hours ago, surfshack66 said:

    Looks like someone posted about this docker recently..


    I was able to install blueiris by following this, however, I don't have the unraid particulars set correctly because my settings don't persist a reboot. I'm also not entirely confident on the path mappings I created.


    @bigjme Would you mind posting your path/port mappings? You also mentioned some registry edits in your previous posts...is this still needed?


    Thanks for your help. Excited to get this off my VM.



    Attached are the docker settings i used


    The registry edits do 2 things, i haven't used this in a while so i'm unsure if their still needed or not:

    1. Alter the appearance settings for Wine so the blueiris interfaces look correct. Without it, certain setting boxes didn't render properly (close, minimise, fullscreen)
    2. Tell blue iris to minimise to the system tray. I found that if you kept blue iris open or tried to minimise it then it would often crash by default as wine would get bogged down. This allows it to be minimised and re-opened without the crashes and stops the docker from rendering the video preview in the background

    Its been a while since i went through any of this, i turned the docker off after posting the registry fixes as i wasn't sure how to automate them


    I'm not sure exactly where wine keeps the windows registries stored in the system itself but i believe, as long as the c drive is mapped like in the above screen shot, it should persist everything even with updates





  7. So as i'm using more and more dockers i'm finding my docker screen getting a little messy (with 23 dockers)


    So my request is for some sort of docker grouping or categorisation in the docker gui. While it won't affect many users it may be useful to be able to group dockers by what their for and tidy up the interface


    For example, with my setup i'd want these groups:

    • Home
    • Media Services
    • Web Services
    • CCTV
    • Utils
    • Not Needed (i store old useful dockers here)


    It would be amazing to see something like this, potentially with a user create-able grouping list so we can make as many as needed? Even if it just acted as a filter that would be amazing



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  8. 13 hours ago, aptalca said:

    You can always pull the official php images (whichever version you need) and point the nginx fcgi parameter to the php container's ip address

    OK I did not think of this at all.... Safe to say this would be a much easier approach than what I was thinking of as it's more scalable


    Looks like I'm going to need to learn some docker potentially! 


    Thanks both for your replies. As I say, it was a bit of an odd one and one I didn't really expect a response from :)

  9. This is a bit of an odd one so forgive me and i know it may sound totally mad


    For years i've hosted various servers and websites on an unraid server. Its my job so i host test sites and everything else when i'm working remotely


    I have a custom reverse proxy coded and working in nginx and a number of nginx backend server. This allows me to route different websites to different instances of nginx entirely. Sometimes i get stuck with older websites or those that have bugs with certain php versions and i need to change it


    Right now the nginx docker ships with php 7.1.17 which is great. My question is, is there any way to change the php version without manually removing and installing a new one each load?


    I was thinking perhaps a set of stable php versions all installed at the same time but with fast-cgi on different ports. You could then change the fast-cgi port used by nginx and therefore change the php version used


    The most commonly selectable options i've seen are:

    • 4.4
    • 5.1
    • 5.2
    • 5.3
    • 5.4
    • 5.5
    • 5.6
    • 7.0
    • 7.1
    • 7.2

    My idea is to use dockers instead of something like MultiPHP so everything was truely isolated. I know the idea behind it is mad and likely not usable by many but its worth a shot :)

  10. I managed to get it to run and work using these settings


    I couldn't figure out how to map the config folder for kerberos itself however so i'm assuming an update would wipe the settings within. One thing i did notice was it seems very memory heavy. A single 3mp camera was causing the docker to pull at least 3GB memory (climbing quickly) and 2 full system cores on my 5960x


    Safe to say my windows 10 vm running blue iris pulls around 2gb with a full windows install and a tiny 3% of 4 cores allocated in comparison





  11. Hi All


    So my unraid server uses an adaptec hba and sadly I'm unable to monitor it right now as I'm using unraid - primarily its just to check on the hba temperature as I have no other way to check it


    I was wondering if there was anyone with a built docker file for this or that would be able to create one? I know this topic was brought up around 2 years ago and there were issues with having the software compiled into the docker and I believe it was decided the software would have to be downloaded and installed on docker run which is fine


    I've found the following 2 Dockers that do this but their all on github so I've got no idea how to use them





    I'm not sure if there are still licensing issues I'm not aware of, or it may be the case that this simply won't work at all but it would perhaps be useful to have for anyone on here running adaptec maybe now that their a lot more supported? 



  12. Ok so for anyone following this or interested, this may be becoming more of just a general virsh support issue than anything as i have an idea of what may work for achieving at least some form of easier backups and having had to trash a vm recently this is becoming a more prominent issues for me


    Please note, i have not tried rolling back a vm to a snapshot yet so don't use the above as serious backups until tested more


    Now as i'm fairly new to virsh and there are no doubt some guru's on here, this is my new current script

    #Declare backup sources
    	"/mnt/disk1/Disk1Test/VM Image/vm2/"
    # Declare backup drives
    # Mount drives
    for (( ii=1; ii<${devicelength}+1; ii++ )); do
    	if grep -qs "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" /proc/mounts; then
    		echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - mounted"
    		echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - not mounted"
    		mkdir "${devicemount[$ii-1]}"
    		echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - created mount path"
    		mount -t xfs UUID="${deviceuuid[$ii-1]}" "${devicemount[$ii-1]}"
    		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    			echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - mount success!"
    			echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - mount failed!"
    			exit 1;
    # Handle Backup
    for (( ii=1; ii<${arraylength}+1; ii++ )); do
    	echo "Starting backup of" "${sources[$ii-1]}" " to " "${targets[$ii-1]}"
    	mkdir -p "${targets[$ii-1]}"
    	#virsh domblklist "${vmname[$ii-1]}"
    	virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "${vmname[$ii-1]}" $(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') --diskspec hdc,file="/mnt/user/ArrayVDisks/TempVms/overlays/${vmname[$ii-1]}.qcow2" --disk-only --atomic
    	files=( $(find "${targets[$ii-1]}" -name "*.qcow2") )
    	if [ ${#files[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
    		echo "Running incremental backup - setting as inplace"
    		rsync -ahv --delete --progress --inplace "${sources[$ii-1]}" "${targets[$ii-1]}"
    		echo "Running first backup - setting as sparse"
    		rsync -ahv --delete --progress --sparse "${sources[$ii-1]}" "${targets[$ii-1]}"
    	virsh blockcommit "${vmname[$ii-1]}" hdc --active --verbose --pivot
    	rm "/mnt/user/ArrayVDisks/TempVms/overlays/${vmname[$ii-1]}.qcow2"
    	#virsh snapshot-list "${vmname[$ii-1]}"
    # Unmount drives
    for (( ii=1; ii<${devicelength}+1; ii++ )); do
    	if grep -qs "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" /proc/mounts; then
    		fuser -k "${devicemount[$ii-1]}"
    		umount "${devicemount[$ii-1]}"
    		echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - unmounted"
    		rmdir "${devicemount[$ii-1]}"
    		echo "${devicemount[$ii-1]}" " - removed mount path"


    So, this mounts the drive i specify to a mount point of my choosing, then loops through the VM's as needed. It creates a snapshot for each vm, checks if that vm has been backed up before, if it hasn't then rsync does a sparse image backup to preserve the space used rather than copying it at the full image size. If it exists then it does an inplace backup which just updates the sparse image, again keeping the files small


    This so far seems to work fine as i have a 30GB qcow2 vm thats using 5.6gb, 3 backup runs later and its still only 5.6gb as nothing in the vm ever really changes although it is running and there is no noticeable different to the vm while this is all running


    So now the image is copied the system commits the overlay image back into the base, removes the overlay image, and does the next vm, once its done it unmounts all the drives as needed. This is done so i can actually backup my vm's to multiple drives if needed - i use this for important documents on my array as well


    So that's all working fine but still there is that dreaded rsync that copies the entire image over every time which isn't ideal but is fine while i'm doing local backups


    So i had a thought earlier but i can't figure out for the life of me if its even remotely possible or not. 


    From what i have read the command "virsh snapshot-create-as" is capable of creating a snapshot backing chain with multiple layers when this parameter is passed "--reuse-external". An example is below


    A brand new image is created and looks like this: base.img

    After 1 snapshot this looks like this: base.img -> snapshot1

    After 2 snapshots this looks like this: base.img -> snapshot1 -> snapshot2


    So my thought was, what happens if when we create snapshot1 we copy the base.img in our backup script

    When we create snapshot2 we copy snapshot1

    We then commit snapshot1 back to the base.img using blockcommit and "--shallow --keep-relative" this then leaves: base.img -> snapshot2

    The next backup run then creates snapshot1 based on snapshot2, then commits snapshot2 as above and loop like this but one creates snapshot1, the next creates snapshot2 etc.


    The file you then transfer would be the "middle" snapshot and would in essence be the difference between the snapshots resulting in a much smaller file to be copied


    In my mind that would work up to this point (although i know far too little to say if its plausible)

    Now the main issue i see comes in. In your backup destination you now have a load of snapshots overlays and a base file, but how on earth would you get those overlays to commit back to the main file? The overlay and base files would be aware of entirely different backing chains to each other so i'm not sure how to possibly maintain this


    My hope is that this thread may become more of a rambling of ideas in order to aid someone else come up with a good idea. At work we use windows hyperV with active replication (so if one server dies, server 2 is only so far behind and can be spun up in its place), i would love to be able to do something similar with my home unraid boxes and kvm


    I'm aware this post is long as this topic may be changing off topic so perhaps it may be worth moving it elsewhere? Either way, hopefully the scripts above may help someone




    • Like 1
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  13. Hi All,


    So i know this has been mentioned a million times but i'm trying to back up my VM's live without any shut down or suspensions as part of my daily incremental rsync backup.

    The machines in question are for CCTV and VoIP systems so they need to remain online


    Right now i have this which does work, it creates a temporary overlay file allowing the base image to stay unchanged. You should then be able to clone the original file which in itself should work as an isolated backup and once done merge the overlay into the main file as snapshot point on the main system


    virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "Windows Server 2016" $(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') --diskspec dc,file="/mnt/user/ArrayVDisks/TempVms/overlays/Windows Server 2016.qcow2" --disk-only --atomic
    virsh blockcommit "Windows Server 2016" hdc --active --verbose --pivot
    rm "/mnt/user/ArrayVDisks/TempVms/overlays/Windows Server 2016.qcow2"


    If i then run this command afterwards i can see the snapshot is created and i can see the overlay file be created then merged as needed

    virsh snapshot-list "Windows Server 2016"


    So far, so good


    But then i try and run with my rsync command and it doesn't work properly, below is a fully working copy of the code


    	"/mnt/cache/VMImages/Windows Server 2016/"
    	"/mnt/disks/Disk_1/VMImages/Windows Server 2016"
    virsh snapshot-create-as --domain "Windows Server 2016" $(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') --diskspec hdc,file="/mnt/user/ArrayVDisks/TempVms/overlays/Windows Server 2016.qcow2" --disk-only --atomic
    for (( ii=1; ii<${arraylength}+1; ii++ )); do
    	echo "Starting backup of" "${sources[$ii-1]}" " to " "${targets[$ii-1]}"
    	mkdir -p "${targets[$ii-1]}" 2>/dev/null	
    	END=$((BACKUPS - 1))
    	mv "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup."$BACKUPS" "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.tmp 2>/dev/null
    	for ((i=END;i>=0;i--)); do
    		mv "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup."$i" "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.$(($i + 1)) 2>/dev/null
    	mv "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.tmp "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.0 2>/dev/null
    	cp -al "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.1/. "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.0
    	rsync -ahv --delete --progress --exclude "docker.img" --exclude "Program Files" "${sources[$ii-1]}" "${targets[$ii-1]}"/backup.0/
    virsh blockcommit "Windows Server 2016" hdc --active --verbose --pivot
    rm "/mnt/user/ArrayVDisks/TempVms/overlays/Windows Server 2016.qcow2"


    Using the same internal backup loop on a normal set of folders gives me proper incremental backups and only copies over file differences. For the VM image it seems to just take a full copy of the base image every time, in this instance creating a 50GB image every day rather than copying over the maybe 2GB of file differences


    I've really new to rsync and i'm new to the kvm virsh command line so i'm hoping i am just miss-understanding something and there is an obvious issue.

    I keep seeing this mentioned in some online backups for virsh as i'm doing above but i'm unsure exactly what it does or if this would fix the issue "--no-metadata"


    Help would be hugely appreciated as i know a lot of people are looking for the same thing. My aim is to allow this to copy the differentials to an offsite ssh server for rsync but i need to get this working locally first as i can't afford to be copying 500GB of vm images a night and having them offline during the process :)


    As an additional, i'm using qcow2 as these are running on an NVMe drive so i need them to be sparse images and just use what they need




  14. I'd put this update off for a while but I've done it today and no issues so far


    I had one vm stutter a few times after fresh server reboots but a sits just the one vm I'm assuming it's a Windows problem as a reboot fixed it


    Other than that, all good so far 

  15. Hi All,


    Really sorry if this has been covered but there is just so much about this plugin that i'm struggling to find what i need


    I'm testing something for backups so i have attached an old usb cradle to my machine. This cradle accepts 2 HDD's and shows them as a JBOD to the host.

    Unassigned devices detects them as in the attached screen shot.


    Problem is, if i try and change the mount point names (as right now it would try and mount them both in the same place), it changes the path of both devices.


    Checking the config is adds this:

    mountpoint.1 = "/mnt/disks/ICY_BOX_ICY_BOX_IB-362"

    So i can't actually give them separate names as its linking to the main device names. Does anyone know how to fix this issue or work around it?


    I'm trying to use rsync and want to keep the permissions hence using xfs





  16. Ok so i tried the above on my main card, and my other card which i currently pass to a VM. they are both 750ti's, the same make and model. Both had been passed through to a vm in a secondary slow at the time. The exported roms both times were a tiny 62KB


    Safe to say, booting the vm i get no error saying the device is in use, but the vm has no video output at all


    Having read through the export i noticed my gpu was on an older bios then the one i fetched from techpower so i went and fetched n older version, edited it to remove the jump, and booted the vm


    I have video output and the windows startup recovery launched. So i restarted it to boot windows. Again like before, the windows loading screen comes up, and the seconds windows starts to initialise the nvidia drivers, i get the same error


    2018-05-03T20:11:39.036200Z qemu-system-x86_64: vfio_region_write(0000:04:00.0:region3+0x1088, 0x7ffe11,8) failed: Device or resource busy
    KVM internal error. Suberror: 1
    emulation failure
    RAX=ffffe3fca3011000 RBX=ffffe3fca3011000 RCX=ffffe3fca3011000 RDX=0000000000000000
    RSI=ffff8f8b58f44830 RDI=ffff8f8b58fb1000 RBP=ffff8f8b58efc000 RSP=ffffa30c4d3868f8
    R8 =0000000000001000 R9 =0101010101010101 R10=fffff80a6783c4ac R11=ffffa30c4d3866b0
    R12=ffff8f8b56a72ab0 R13=ffff8f8b58f43010 R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000100000
    RIP=fffff80a67abb038 RFL=00010216 [----AP-] CPL=0 II=0 A20=1 SMM=0 HLT=0
    ES =002b 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c0f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    CS =0010 0000000000000000 00000000 00209b00 DPL=0 CS64 [-RA]
    SS =0018 0000000000000000 00000000 00409300 DPL=0 DS [-WA]
    DS =002b 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c0f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    FS =0053 0000000000000000 00017c00 0040f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    GS =002b ffffd401e8712000 ffffffff 00c0f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    LDT=0000 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c00000
    TR =0040 ffffd401e8721000 00000067 00008b00 DPL=0 TSS64-busy
    GDT= ffffd401e8722fb0 00000057
    IDT= ffffd401e8720000 00000fff
    CR0=80050033 CR2=ffffe40646de7000 CR3=000000026416e000 CR4=001506f8
    DR0=0000000000000000 DR1=0000000000000000 DR2=0000000000000000 DR3=0000000000000000 
    DR6=00000000ffff0ff0 DR7=0000000000000400
    Code=66 66 66 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 66 48 0f 6e c2 0f 16 c0 <0f> 11 01 4c 03 c1 48 83 c1 10 48 83 e1 f0 4c 2b c1 4d 8b c8 49 c1 e9 07 74 2f 0f 29 01 0f
    2018-05-03T20:11:57.679635Z qemu-system-x86_64: terminating on signal 15 from pid 12367 (/usr/sbin/libvirtd)
    2018-05-03 20:11:58.880+0000: shutting down, reason=destroyed


    I've double checked the device is in its owm iommu group and it is

    I've also checked the gpu is not bound to the vfio-pci driver and its not


    My next thought is that its because i'm booting unraid into gui mode and thats using something perhaps?




    Ok so i just did a fresh reboot with unraid in console mode and still, the exact same behaviour


    -- Edit 2


    Ok so i found this post elsewhere on the forum


    So it says to run these 3 lines


    echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind
    echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
    echo efi-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/efi-framebuffer/unbind

    I've ran them and the vm has started up and the rom errors have vanished


    I'm going to run some tests and have added it into my user scripts to run on array start up to see if that is fine on a fresh restart


    • Thanks 2
    • Upvote 1
  17. So, another topic on this but there are a few things I want to check with my systems as I think it may just be me


    So I've followed spaceinvader ones video on getting a vbios for tech power up, modifying it, and using that


    All went well, passed through the primary gpu from unraid to a vm, did a full windows 10 install and basic setup with the gpu passed through, perfect


    So I installed the new nvidia drivers for my 750ti, and carried on tinkering. I then decided to reboot the vm so the video drivers could finish installing and it will no longer boot


    I don't get error 43 like most others. Windows starts to load, showing the loading icon with the uefi splash screen and then the vm pauses


    This is the vm log from boot up to shutdown


    2018-05-02T20:54:30.216302Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=04:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.4,addr=0x0,romfile=/mnt/cache/VMImages/GPURoms/msi-750ti.rom: Failed to mmap 0000:04:00.0 BAR 3. Performance may be slow
    2018-05-02T20:57:26.776428Z qemu-system-x86_64: vfio_region_write(0000:04:00.0:region3+0x1088, 0x7ffe11,8) failed: Device or resource busy
    KVM internal error. Suberror: 1
    emulation failure
    RAX=ffffab7e37c11000 RBX=ffffab7e37c11000 RCX=ffffab7e37c11000 RDX=0000000000000000
    RSI=ffffac04d77445c0 RDI=ffffac04d6055000 RBP=ffffac04d7f12000 RSP=ffff80890cd8d8f8
    R8 =0000000000001000 R9 =0101010101010101 R10=fffff80fc1dcc4ac R11=ffff80890cd8d6b0
    R12=ffffac04d3a75910 R13=ffffac04d77441e0 R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000100000
    RIP=fffff80fc204b038 RFL=00010216 [----AP-] CPL=0 II=0 A20=1 SMM=0 HLT=0
    ES =002b 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c0f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    CS =0010 0000000000000000 00000000 00209b00 DPL=0 CS64 [-RA]
    SS =0018 0000000000000000 00000000 00409300 DPL=0 DS [-WA]
    DS =002b 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c0f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    FS =0053 0000000000000000 0000fc00 0040f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    GS =002b ffff9b8042cb9000 ffffffff 00c0f300 DPL=3 DS [-WA]
    LDT=0000 0000000000000000 ffffffff 00c00000
    TR =0040 ffff9b8042cc8000 00000067 00008b00 DPL=0 TSS64-busy
    GDT= ffff9b8042cc9fb0 00000057
    IDT= ffff9b8042cc7000 00000fff
    CR0=80050033 CR2=ffffd180f654a000 CR3=0000000268559000 CR4=001506f8
    DR0=0000000000000000 DR1=0000000000000000 DR2=0000000000000000 DR3=0000000000000000 
    DR6=00000000ffff0ff0 DR7=0000000000000400
    Code=66 66 66 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 66 48 0f 6e c2 0f 16 c0 <0f> 11 01 4c 03 c1 48 83 c1 10 48 83 e1 f0 4c 2b c1 4d 8b c8 49 c1 e9 07 74 2f 0f 29 01 0f
    2018-05-02T20:57:45.189655Z qemu-system-x86_64: terminating on signal 15 from pid 12367 (/usr/sbin/libvirtd)


    Now I did have unraid booted in gui mode but I'm assuming that as it passed through for setup, this isn't the problem. 


    So I'm a little stuck on exactly what would be causing this error as the error says its in use, but this only occurs after installing the nvidia driver. 


    After so many boots I am able to get into the windows recovery menus which all function fine so it seems to pause the second the drivers initialized 


    I'm on unraid 6.5.1 with the vbios passed through the gui. The vm is ovmf with Hyper-V off on Q35-2.11. I can post the full xml if it would help


    Any ideas as I am a little stumped? 






    ----------- ANSWER --------


    For easy reading, this was the answer needed. In the event that you get mmap errors on passing through the rom, or you install the nvidia drivers and get errors like the above, try running the following in command line and try again


    echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind
    echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
    echo efi-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/efi-framebuffer/unbind


    I added these to a user script that triggers on first array boot up. I have now successfully remove a gpu i no longer need from my system and am able to reboot unraid and have the vm auto start on the primary gpu

    • Thanks 4
  18. You may be able to using command line to edit the cfg file but I would need to dig through to find that

    I did try to get blueiris tools to install so we could override the Web portal for one... A little nicer but i wasn't able to


    It seems that it is unable to override the web files so I couldn't get that to work. It launches and runs fine though


    I think the main things the docker needs are:

    • Potentially blueiris tools install fixing as a side thing as i would imagine a lot of people will use that
    • A higher resolution for the novnc display as the current one is tiny


    Other than that it worked OK although it was a little resource heavy compared to my native install on server 2016.


    One thing I did notice was that unless you enabled the blueiris option to allow it to minimise to tray (even without a password), clicking minimise would crash blue iris and you would have to reboot the docker or open task manager to kill blue iris


    Setting it to create a tray option works without issues though so its just a few user tweaks more than anything




    Ok digging is done, do the following to force disable the display options mentioned below


    Put the attached reg file into the /root/prefix32 folder

    Run this command: wine regedit /root/prefix32/wine_reg_overrides.reg


    You can run this on boot if needed. In short it imports registries into wine that overrides the values that set those 2 visual fields to true.


    If there is anything else you want to tweak, here is a link to useful registry entries :)



    Ooo and some information for the regedit system



    Edit 2

    Here you go, reg edit to set blueiris to automatically go to the system tray on minimize


    Just like the other one, copy it to the folder and run this

    wine regedit /root/prefix32/blueiris_reg_overrides.reg




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