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Everything posted by gavinjb

  1. Thanks for the help, looks like it isn't going to work for me (I can connect to Crashplan-desktop, but it doesn't update), so will look at some simple backup software to run on my PC instead.
  2. Hi, Just setup my unRAID so hope I am not doing something stupid. I have installed the Crashplan Docker and I am trying to get my Desktop PC Crashplan App to point to it for backups, so far I have done the following on my desktop PC 1. updated the Port & IP in ui.properties 2. copied .ui_info & .identity to c:\programdata\crashplan 3. editied .ui_info by adding ip of server to the end of file, I am concerned however as the file on the server has the following 4243,unRAID (I was expecting a GUID in the place of unRAID like in the original file on my PC). 4. stopped & disabled Crashplan service However when I run Crashplan on my Desktop it now loads the splash screen and doesn't get any further. Sorry if this has been asked before I did do a search but haven't found anything which can help. Can anyone help. Thanks, Gavin,
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