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Posts posted by M3rl3n

  1. That's cool. Thanks for writing that @Squid. So if I interpreted that correctly, I could set it to save a backup on my Win 7 machine periodically? Any location I want?  Is that configurable in your program or would I first send it to a mount point in the array and then us something else to copy that to the Win 7 machine?

  2. Thanks bjp.


    Another question and if the answer is yes, I'll either look for how to do it or post another topic.


    Is there a plugin or something out there that would allow us to have two USB drives in the computer, one that normally boots the server and then one that operates as a backup where periodically (once a week, every other day, etc) the entirety of the main USB is dumped to the other drive?  That way if a corrupt USB drive is the issue, it would be a fast recovery....  I also suppose that since the system runs entirely out of ram after boot up, a person could just pull the USB drive and make a copy of it.   The problem with that is that when the system is running fine, you may or may not remember all of the time...



  3. Well, I guess in my haste, I forgot to put a question mark at the end of the sentence.


    So, here is what I'm thinking I should do.


    #1 pull the USB stick, put it in my Windows 7 PC and copy all of the files from it.

    #2 Run check / scan disk to see if anything is corrupted?

    #3 If it's not recoverable, re-install Unraid on it?


    Is it just the config file that I need to retain or are there other files that after I do the reinstall, that I will want to copy back over to the USB?



  4. Hi All,


    I'm not sure at all what happened. My system has been working and stable for a number of months. This issue has come out of left field.  I had recently updated the UnRAID to the latest version.  (OS 6.2.4?) but I do not believe that it has anything to do with the update. It may have been a power outage or something very strange.


    The problem (and yes, I know I should have gotten the logs before the reboot, but at that time I didn't know there was a problem.)  is that the system will not boot.  It gets to the point of "---[ end trace 7dd3f0b09101348a ]---" and then stops. The keyboard has flashing LEDs flashing on the keyboard for the Caps Lock and the Scroll lock.  


    It just stops.  My disk configuration and everything was stable prior to the issue.


    What's my next step to recover the system.



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