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Everything posted by cscott

  1. No just the parity disks... Could I rebuild it with the parity disks? If so how?
  2. Dont think the disk controllers are any different. I did go from an Intel based setup to a AMD setup. So it didn't delete all my files.. it put them in the lost+found folder... do i have to sort through them manually? or is there an easier way to put all the files back where the go?
  3. Is that going to delete my data?
  4. Today I swapped out the motherboard, CPU and RAM in my server. Got everything back up and running, but noticed that two of my disks show the error "Unmountable: Not Mounted". Read though many post on these forums, but its still not working. Moved SATA cables around, no change. Please help. unraid-diagnostics-20210607-1355.zip
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