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Posts posted by nwbee

  1. I'm sorry that I am so dense. I'm trying to transition over from the limetech plex to the linuxserver. I see guides everywhere, but I don't know how to create the new docker with the new plex. I am on unraid 6.7.2. Can somebody give me specific instructions? I looked through this thread, but there are so many pages and haven't been able to find specific instructions. Thanks.


    Nevermind. Figured it out.

  2. sed -i -e "s/print \$8 /print \$9 /" -e "s/sfdisk -R /blockdev --rereadpt /" preclear_disk.sh doesn;t work for me.


    I keep getting an error on line 1107


    /preclear_disk.sh: line 1107: 0+( 2245937793)%() : syntax error: operand expected (error token is ") ")


    it shows 0% complete but lower down it shows that it was completed successfully. It is a 6 Tb WD red drive. What am I doing wrong?

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