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Posts posted by Kevinb123213

  1. 1 hour ago, letrain said:

    got it to work and persist.


    what i did.


    Edited /etc/slim.conf to my liking based on the information above. You do not need to copy an original (backup) as etc folder is dumped from ram on every reboot, and reloaded so any changes made to slim.conf do not persist, you can make one but save it somewhere else besides the etc folder if you feel safe having it around. then i moved a copy of slim.conf to the usb drive in a convenient folder.

    cp /etc/slim.conf /boot/config/slim.conf


    this created a copy that would not be changed after reboots. 


    then i edited my go file to replace the one the system loads


    #blank monitor after 1 minute
    cp /boot/config/slim.conf /etc/slim.conf
    # Start the Management Utility
    /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


    make sure it goes before emhttp


    it works just fine now.

    Oh, thank you for this additional info. :) I’m glad you were able to find a way for it to persist after reboot. :)

  2. TL;DR

    Files ending in a dash seem to indicate some sort of corruption.


    Long version:

    Found the solution. I think I should share it as it may help others.

    Apparently my setup cuts power and resets when I passthrough one of my GPUs - specifically the Nvidida Quadro K600. Knowing that I had an unclean shutdown, I went down the thought processes of data corruption. Which made me remember, a while back I noticed on a corrupted copy unraid usb, the dash ending files (syslinux-) appeared there too.


    So, I ran the following and pressed option 2 to restore from backup.

    fsck /boot


    At this point I restarted and was able to start libvirt.


    Now time to figure why my K600 is causing reset.




  3. Hello,

    I had an unclean shutdown (power cut and powered back up itself) for some reason when passing a gpu to a vm. Since then, I have not been able to start libvirt. Diag attached. My /etc/libvirt/ dir seems to have been automatically renamed to /etc/libvirt-/. What does a dash at the end of a directory signify? Can I just do the following?

    mv /etc/libvirt-/ /etc/libvirt/

    Noteworthy errors:


    root: /usr/sbin/libvirtd: error: Unable to initialize network sockets. Check /var/log/messages or run without --daemon for more info.



    17277: error : virNetSocketNewListenUNIX:511 : Failed to bind socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Address already in use


    BTW, deleting libvirt img did not fix the issue.


    Thanks in advance,





    You can enable blanking (black screen output) as a screen saver by doing the following:

    1. Backup slim.conf

    cp /etc/slim.conf /etc/slim.conf.orginal


    2. Edit slim.conf

    nano /etc/slim.conf


    3. look for this line.

    xserver_arguments   -novtswitch -allowMouseOpenFail -quiet -xinerama -v -s 0 -dpms -fp /usr/share/fonts/TTF vt07


    4. Change to the following

    xserver_arguments   -novtswitch -allowMouseOpenFail -quiet -xinerama -v -s 1 dpms -fp /usr/share/fonts/TTF vt07



    You can disable screen output (no signal output) as a screen saver by doing the following:


    1. Repeat steps 1 - 3.

    2. Change to the following

    xserver_arguments   -novtswitch -allowMouseOpenFail -quiet -xinerama v -s 1 dpms -fp /usr/share/fonts/TTF vt07



    Do this at your own risk. You are responsible if you break your unraid setup.



    Is there really no way to blank the output of the screen?



  5. Hello,

    I have a monitor that has Auto Input select. I would like to have the UnRaid GUI be able to sleep after x minutes (blank the video output) when booted into GUI mode. Is there a file I can edit to enable this or command I can execute? I do not see a way to do it the the GUI itself.


    Ideally, i want the monitor to automatically switch to the secondary input when Unraid's GUI blanks (sleeps) and still be able to wake via usb keyboard/mouse to resume video output.


    Thank you in advance,




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. 5 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    A FQDN is defined as all lower case characters.


    Change 0xFE80FFFF to 0xfe80ffff and try again.

    I tried that too. However, it doesn't give the error just clicking apply does nothing.

    Issue resolved, Thank you.

    I feel like an idiot LOL

  7. Hello community,

    I believe I've found a minor bug in the Dynamix WireGuard. The Local endpoint field doesn't allow certain domain names that are valid. For example the following FQDN will not work although it is valid: 0xFE80FFFF.ddns.net or any domain with a hexadecimal address in it. Please see screenshot attached.msedge_AWC32LhvH6.thumb.png.e1aab91b728b226774df188ae6bd6a2a.png

    Thank you,


  8. On 10/30/2019 at 5:52 PM, Squid said:

    Pick ones that aren't on the same controller (ie: not the one that's part of the same pair)

    Looks like my motherboard ASUS P8Z77-M are all connected via the Z77 chipset (figure 1). Is it possible altering USB BIOS settings could help? If so, which ones? If I were to go the path of getting a USB PCIe card which would you recommend for best compatibility with UnRAID?


    I've tested all 4 back USB 2.0 ports and they all seem to give crashes shown in the initial post. I've never had this issue in the past. I probably should note the only change I made before this issue occurred is that I re-flashed same BIOS via ASUS EZ-Flash tool in BIOS.




    Thanks again,


  9. Hello,

    I'm experiencing a strange issue where the web GUI seem corrupted with a banner across the top saying: "System notifications are disabled..." So, I took a look at my syslog and I seem to be having a disconnect issue with the USB drive I presume. The only fix i've found is rebooting the server. However, it will happen again 2-3 days later.


    Thanks in advance,



  10. UPDATE: still crashes in safe mode.. Please help. Suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Same behavior -- numlock is lit up (can't toggle it as keyboard is frozen) and no access to server via ssh, telnet, ping, nor http/https while in this frozen state.



  11. 9 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Your problem would be more likely related to VMs, especially if passing through hardware directly to the VM.

    Unfortunately, I'm not using VMs. I was still getting these soft-locks with virtualization disabled in BIOS. However, there was a point in time which I was using VMs and passing hardware through. Just today, I noticed that my Syslinux configuration had hardware ids for passing through old Network cards and graphics cards of which are no longer in the server. I have removed those pcie ids boot flags. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that this could cause these soft-locks?

  12. I thought it might be a SMART/HDD problem because I was receiving offline uncorrectable errors on two drives from unassigned devices. I have pulled those drives from sata and power and removed from chassis. However, freezing continues.


    I've also done a memtest from unraid boot. It passed 2 passes (not sure if thats enough).


    My next steps. 

    Boot UnRAID in safe mode and test stability.




  13. Thank you PeteB for the prompt reply.

    I've taken a look at your post and I am running the latest BIOS 2203 for P8Z77-M but there hasn't been an update since 2016 for the BIOS.


    Looking at some of the replies on your post i'm going to try the following and get back to you:

    1. tail -f /var/log/syslog  Thanks to glennv on your post.

    2. Post a picture of console screen with tail command at hung state.


    I have same lockup behavior where it will freeze randomly between just a few hours and 11 days.


    I have the following plugins installed and up-to-date:

    CA Auto Update Applications           -- 2019.02.22

    Community Applications                  -- 2019.04.06a

    Dynamix Active Streams                  -- 2019.01.03

    Dynamix SSD TRIM                          -- 2017.04.23a 

    Fix Common Problems                     -- 2019.03.26

    Nerd Tools                                      -- 2019.01.25

    Speedtest Command Line Tool        -- 2018.02.11

    Tips and Tweaks                            -- 2019.03.29

    Unassigned Devices                       -- 2019.03.31


    I have the following Docker Containers installed and up-to-date:



  14. UPDATE:

    the cursor remains to flash but keyboard is frozen. I toggle caps lock and num-lock and the lights (caps and num) just stay as it was before freezing. 



    I've attached my FCPsyslog_tail.txt & everestsrvr-diagnostics-20190408-0031.zip. Please note that I am unable to capture a syslog before rebooting as no network connectivity and unable to type in console during hung state. I would take a picture when it's frozen but it's just a CLI login prompt with a frozen solid cursor (not flashing).


    Any help is greatly appreciated!


    Thank you,


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