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Everything posted by ProGEEK

  1. Upgraded from 6.4.2 to 6.5.2 as all previous 6.5.x releases have given me issues Im building the modules manually and i see that in your .config, CX23885 is disabled
  2. Still missing the cx23885 module. And now that the 6.4* images have been removed I can't roll back to a working version
  3. hey @CHBMB, Drivers for cx23885 seem to have gone again too, from both 6.5.2-rc2 and 6.5.2 - LibreELEC build root@Daedalus:~# modprobe cx23885 modprobe: FATAL: Module cx23885 not found in directory /lib/modules/4.14.40-unRAID
  4. Hi there Devs! Was just wondering how one would go about (Or if it would even be considered) to have frame_vector support compiled into the kernel? Alot of the custom multimedia builds (module cx23885 for example) depend on this support being either being baked into the kernel or a loadable kernel module (Kernel config only supports baked into the kernel, but can be patched to be a separate loadable module) Just trying my chances to see if limetech would consider compiling this in. Cheers
  5. hey @CHBMB, Where did we get with the frame_vector module? Does rc10b still have the same issue ?
  6. @CHBMB That latest version doesnt work for me. You'll still need to update mm/Kconfig to allow frame_vector to be compiled as a module. as the Kconfig file defines that the frame_vector component is a boolean (See my patch) Attached is the patch for just modifying mm/Kconfig enable_module_building_frame_vector.patch
  7. They probably won't, since it's not required for anything relating to unRAID. As far as I know, it's only used by media modules
  8. Might be just easier if you rebuild the bzimage every time. So long as the code in /usr/src/whatever is the source that the unraid dev team use to build their kernel, it should be fine to use and we wont have to bother with the patch.
  9. It will work until either you edit the .config or the kernel changes for file mm/Kconfig I could split the patch so each file is patched separately. or drop the .config from the patch and you just edit your .config to have CONFIG_FRAME_VECTOR=m Then the patch would work until mm/Kconfig is updated, as the patch changes frame_vector to be able to be compiled as a module
  10. I've been doing all my devel in KVM which doesnt have the hardware
  11. If you wanna provide a download to the bzimage when you're done (Should be all I need) i'll give it a spin and try to load the module (You can try loading modules even if you dont have the hardware, the driver will load, it just wont do anything)
  12. Well i'm not one to toot my own horn.. ( Who are we kidding, Hell yes I am! )
  13. @Zan I've attached my frame_vector.ko file. Can you please download this to your machine and run insmod frame_vector.ko modprobe videobuf2_memops modprobe cx23885 and see if your tuner springs to life ? I'd do this myself, but my server isnt in a state where it can run the RC of unRAID right now. frame_vector.ko
  14. Attached my patch to my previous post (You're too quick at replying! )
  15. I guess thats a call we'd have to make based on feedback from the public, if there is minimal, say 2-3 that are unrelated to frame_vector, then I think patch is the better road, if more, then yeah, complete kernel replacement - Have you had any other reports of cards suddenly not working as a result of the new unraid ? Im already working on and testing a patch EDIT: attached is my working patch to generate a frame_vector.ko in mm: mm/frame_vector.ko As long as the patch exists in the root of the kernel tree before line 38 of you kernel-compile-module.sh script executes, it'll be patched compile_frame_vector_as_module.patch
  16. Either that, or we include a patch as part of your build process to just compile frame_vector as a loadable kernel module and include it in the bzmodules
  17. @CHBMB Its not in the default unraid .config, but is in your one at https://mirror.linuxserver.io/unraid-dvb-rc/6-4-0-rc9f/stock/.config which looks correct to me. CONFIG_FRAME_VECTOR=y Accompanying file is mm/KConfig My best guess is the kernel being generated by the build proces isnt the kernel being included in bzimage
  18. @CHBMB @Zan Its exactly as I suspected. Have confirmed frame_vector is not part of the kernel. I compiled frame_vector as a kernel module, loaded it manually and now i have videobuf2_memops and cx23885 loading correctly. So next step is, figure out why the he-double-hockysticks frame_vector isnt being compiled into the module statically as its supposed to be
  19. They're part of the symbol map, but not in the kernel itself which is weird. Im trying to compile as a standalone module, see what milage that produces
  20. Yup, The linuxTV build has the exact same problem, which brings me back to my previous post
  21. As far as I can tell, all the bzimage files generated by all the builds are identical (Size wise anyway) and none of them seem to include FRAME_VECTOR support, which is what videobuf2_memops requires to load. So im trying various ways of building the kernel to get these static functions compiled in (Cause they're configured to be compiled, but being seem to be getting ignored)
  22. I dont really care what drivers it includes, its the kernel itself im more interested in. To see what it has statically built in or not
  23. Testing a build using Manjaro's .config file. see what that yeilds
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