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  1. Currently there is support for apcupsd when it comes to UPS signalling, however many master/slave configurations may require interoperability with NUT (network UPS tools: http://networkupstools.org/). It would be very handy to be able to select the UPS monitoring daemon (either apcupsd or NUT).
  2. Hi folks, I'm new to unRAID and currently using the trial before deciding on a purchase. I've got an APC UPS which has plenty of juice to keep a few low power servers running for a clean shutdown. I've already got a QNAP NAS connected via USB cable to the UPS, but there is no secondary port to connect to the unRAID server. It appears that QNAP uses NUT to interface with the UPS and unRAID uses "apcupsd", which aren't compatible with eachother. I can't get the unRAID NUT plugin working as a slave either. Are there any other options to get this UPS to signal both devices? It is essential that the QNAP NAS is power protected as there is important data on there, but the unRAID server is primarily used for VMs, which aren't essential. If I have a blackout and the unRAID server shuts down dirtily, what is likely to happen - can it auto-recover from this?
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