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Everything posted by zeroswitch

  1. I couldn't find this issue and was wondering whats going on. I install windows 10, it works fine. Sometimes rebooting I will have to select the boot device in UEFI, sometimes when I remove the virtio iso or install iso (since I don't need them anymore cuz the vm is installed) I get dumped into UEFI bios... XML as follows.. <domain type='kvm' id='1'> <name>Windows 10 OVMF</name> <uuid>6b425b97-5498-4c66-a3e1-359d05892199</uuid> <metadata> <vmtemplate name="Custom" icon="windows.png" os="windows"/> </metadata> <memory unit='KiB'>17301504</memory> <currentMemory unit='KiB'>17301504</currentMemory> <memoryBacking> <nosharepages/> <locked/> </memoryBacking> <vcpu placement='static'>6</vcpu> <cputune> <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='0'/> <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='1'/> <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='2'/> <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='3'/> <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='4'/> <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='5'/> </cputune> <resource> <partition>/machine</partition> </resource> <os> <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-2.3'>hvm</type> <loader type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF-pure-efi.fd</loader> </os> <features> <acpi/> <apic/> </features> <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> <topology sockets='1' cores='6' threads='1'/> </cpu> <clock offset='localtime'> <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/> <timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/> <timer name='hpet' present='no'/> </clock> <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff> <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot> <on_crash>restart</on_crash> <devices> <emulator>/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64</emulator> <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/> <source file='/mnt/user/vdisks/Windows 10 OVMF/vdisk1.img'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hdc' bus='virtio'/> <boot order='1'/> <alias name='virtio-disk2'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/> </disk> <disk type='file' device='cdrom'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file='/mnt/user/ISOs/Win10_1511_1_English_x64.iso'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/> <readonly/> <boot order='2'/> <alias name='ide0-0-0'/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/> </disk> <disk type='file' device='cdrom'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file='/mnt/user/ISOs/virtio-win-0.1.113.iso'/> <backingStore/> <target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/> <readonly/> <alias name='ide0-0-1'/> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='1'/> </disk> <controller type='usb' index='0'> <alias name='usb'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/> </controller> <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'> <alias name='pci.0'/> </controller> <controller type='ide' index='0'> <alias name='ide'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/> </controller> <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'> <alias name='virtio-serial0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/> </controller> <interface type='bridge'> <mac address='52:54:00:8c:ac:71'/> <source bridge='br0'/> <target dev='vnet0'/> <model type='virtio'/> <alias name='net0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/> </interface> <serial type='pty'> <source path='/dev/pts/0'/> <target port='0'/> <alias name='serial0'/> </serial> <console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/0'> <source path='/dev/pts/0'/> <target type='serial' port='0'/> <alias name='serial0'/> </console> <channel type='unix'> <source mode='bind' path='/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channel/target/Windows 10'/> <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0' state='disconnected'/> <alias name='channel0'/> <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/> </channel> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev1'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'> <source> <vendor id='0x04d9'/> <product id='0x0169'/> <address bus='5' device='5'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev2'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'> <source> <vendor id='0x044f'/> <product id='0x0404'/> <address bus='5' device='7'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev3'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'> <source> <vendor id='0x044f'/> <product id='0x0402'/> <address bus='5' device='6'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev4'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'> <source> <vendor id='0x1532'/> <product id='0x0101'/> <address bus='5' device='3'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev5'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'> <source> <vendor id='0x045e'/> <product id='0x028e'/> <address bus='1' device='4'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev6'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb' managed='yes'> <source> <vendor id='0x0d8c'/> <product id='0x0014'/> <address bus='1' device='3'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev7'/> </hostdev> <memballoon model='virtio'> <alias name='balloon0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/> </memballoon> </devices> </domain>
  2. Excellent info guys, just what I needed! Thank you very much. I will try this on my W10 vm and confirm once I get it to behave with UEFI again. Cheers ~zs
  3. Couldn't find this in the forums and sorry if it's been asked before. My question is this: I want a windows 10 gaming VM and I want to passthrough my NTFS to it drives I brought over from my other system, is this possible? Thanks!