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Posts posted by spblat

  1. There are other reasons to use virtualbox, but OVF works just fine with unraid's built in KVM manager. Frankly it's less work to extract and use the disk image from the OVF archive in KVM than it is to install and use the virtualbox plugin. The automatic disk image selection in unraid doesn't pick up the ova or vdi file, but you can easily type it in to the selection box and it works fine.

    Oh my, that is interesting. I hadn't realized that Limetech had transitioned from Xen to KVM. Here's a blog post about it. This question may be a little dumb: do we know which GA version of UnRAID includes KVM instead of Xen? How would one tell?

  2. My VMs don't seem to be able to survive a reboot, apparently because all the configuration details are going into /root/VirtualBox\ VMs/ and not /root/.VirtualBox, which has a configurable symlink. What am I missing?


    EDIT: Oh wait! Stop vboxwebsrv and edit /root/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml

  3. is it safe to say this VirtualBox plugin "just works" when updating to Unraid 6.2 with existing VMs?

    I was at 6.1.9 and I didn't read the warning. I updated VBox via the plugin and it broke. Then I updated Unraid to 6.2 and everything was good again. No guarantees but I think the answer to your question is "yes."