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  1. Oh my, that is interesting. I hadn't realized that Limetech had transitioned from Xen to KVM. Here's a blog post about it. This question may be a little dumb: do we know which GA version of UnRAID includes KVM instead of Xen? How would one tell?
  2. Just promise us this: when you abandon Unraid/VB as an OVF-compatible virtualization/storage platform, tell us where you went so we can follow along :-)
  3. Thank you for continuing to update this plugin!
  4. My VMs don't seem to be able to survive a reboot, apparently because all the configuration details are going into /root/VirtualBox\ VMs/ and not /root/.VirtualBox, which has a configurable symlink. What am I missing? EDIT: Oh wait! Stop vboxwebsrv and edit /root/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml
  5. I was at 6.1.9 and I didn't read the warning. I updated VBox via the plugin and it broke. Then I updated Unraid to 6.2 and everything was good again. No guarantees but I think the answer to your question is "yes."
  6. I seem to have entered this topic during a period of strife. Does the site being down mean I can't get started with vbox under UnRAID?