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Posts posted by roppy84

  1. I have done what was suggested but still getting " Docker Service Failed to Start" . I have attached a new Log this should show from when I turned on my server to when I disabled docker service and deleted Image file.

    I am still seeing the error message in my logs but I don't know what it means 

    Nov 20 07:18:38 Unraid kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdc1): corrupt node: root=7 block=787021824 slot=233, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 28971700224) next (18446744073709551606 128 20387368960)


  2. My Emby docker stopped working in the middle of me using is so I turned it off and tried to restart but I go an "Error 403", So I proceeded to safely shut down my server and reboot. Once it was back online all my dockers were gone for the main screen and under dockers I got a message "Docker Services Failed to Start". Looking at my logs I keep seeing

    "Unraid kernel: BTRFS critical (device sde1): corrupt node: root=7 block=787021824 slot=233, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 28971700224) next (18446744073709551606 128 20387368960)"



  3. Having an issue with my Plex Docker I hope I can get some help with. My symptom is I am unable to reach Plex through the WebUi however I am able to play videos from my Plex Clients both on my network and remote. Here is what I have done myself to resolve it. 

    1. Shutdown and restarted the docker

    2. Force update docker

    3. run fix common problem (nothing came up)

    4. edited version variable from "latest" to "public" 


    Nothing as worked, I have been running the same docker on my unraid server for a few years now with no issues. I am currently running version 6.5.3 on unraid. here are my logs. 

    Thank you for your help.

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    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-dbus: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 30-dbus: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 40-chown-files: executing...
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-1a98c3a17a08': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-41fb74ecd2bd': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-4709c844cb0b': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-6c6bcc225956': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-6fa6032cb0a0': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-7294e2131caa': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-8a1a21a84351': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-98fd69812c98': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-9b3fd7de629c': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/cache-a3457bb92419': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-1a98c3a17a08': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-41fb74ecd2bd': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-4709c844cb0b': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-6c6bcc225956': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-6fa6032cb0a0': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-7294e2131caa': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-8a1a21a84351': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-98fd69812c98': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-9b3fd7de629c': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/socket-a3457bb92419': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-1a98c3a17a08': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-41fb74ecd2bd': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-4709c844cb0b': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-6c6bcc225956': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-6fa6032cb0a0': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-7294e2131caa': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-8a1a21a84351': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-98fd69812c98': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-9b3fd7de629c': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot dereference '/config/tmp-a3457bb92419': No such file or directory
    [cont-init.d] 40-chown-files: exited 1.
    [cont-init.d] 50-plex-update: executing...
    No update required
    [cont-init.d] 50-plex-update: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    Starting dbus-daemon
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    [services.d] done.
    Starting Avahi daemon
    Found user 'avahi' (UID 102) and group 'avahi' (GID 103).
    Successfully dropped root privileges.
    avahi-daemon 0.7 starting up.
    No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
    *** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
    *** WARNING: Detected another IPv6 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface vethee15877.IPv6 with address fe80::a82a:15ff:fea9:1fe1.
    New relevant interface vethee15877.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface vethc169f23.IPv6 with address fe80::a8b0:14ff:fe50:1e64.
    New relevant interface vethc169f23.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface veth2e5d3ce.IPv6 with address fe80::745e:9eff:fe3c:add8.
    New relevant interface veth2e5d3ce.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface veth2cedc4a.IPv6 with address fe80::5434:9fff:fedc:2745.
    New relevant interface veth2cedc4a.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface veth29bf380.IPv6 with address fe80::b47d:64ff:fe4c:11a9.
    New relevant interface veth29bf380.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv6 with address fe80::42:98ff:fe6e:6da6.
    New relevant interface docker0.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address
    New relevant interface docker0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv6 with address fe80::50a5:b4ff:fe57:a822.
    New relevant interface br0.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
    New relevant interface br0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv6 with address fe80::6ef0:49ff:fe09:c643.
    New relevant interface eth0.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv6 with address ::1.
    New relevant interface lo.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
    New relevant interface lo.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Network interface enumeration completed.
    Registering new address record for fe80::a82a:15ff:fea9:1fe1 on vethee15877.*.
    Registering new address record for fe80::a8b0:14ff:fe50:1e64 on vethc169f23.*.
    Registering new address record for fe80::745e:9eff:fe3c:add8 on veth2e5d3ce.*.
    Registering new address record for fe80::5434:9fff:fedc:2745 on veth2cedc4a.*.
    Registering new address record for fe80::b47d:64ff:fe4c:11a9 on veth29bf380.*.
    Registering new address record for fe80::42:98ff:fe6e:6da6 on docker0.*.
    Registering new address record for on docker0.IPv4.
    Registering new address record for fe80::50a5:b4ff:fe57:a822 on br0.*.
    Registering new address record for on br0.IPv4.
    Registering new address record for fe80::6ef0:49ff:fe09:c643 on eth0.*.
    Registering new address record for ::1 on lo.*.
    Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
    Server startup complete. Host name is Unraid.local. Local service cookie is 586039704.


  4. Does this docker support RSS FEEDS out of the box or do I need to do some additional set up? Also I there a guide out there for this dock that shows how to set things up that someone can point me towards.


    Thank you


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

    Yes it does support RSS feeds, as far as guides are concerned you just need to configure the env vars by switching to advanced mode, once this is fine then you can configure the application as you see fit. If this is your first docker then you might consider something simpler to get you used to volume mappings and port mappings first.


    Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk

    Thank you for the response. I have been using this docker for 6 months now adding files manually. I am new to unRAID and dockers as a whole.

    So your telling me that I have to turn on this function? What is "Env Vars"?


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


  5. Please be nice but I can't seem to get RSS feeds working. I have never used feeds before. My private tracker site has a step by step how to generate a URL then paste in to feeds. When I hit submit I get an error. Does this docker support RSS? Do I have to activate something I'm settings before using it? I have not touched anything in settings it is all default.

    Thank you


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


  6. You forget port 8118 in the template for unraid.


    thanks for this, port added.


    My Docker is running great but I am getting an error found message from Fix Common Problems Plug In "Docker Application binhex-rtorrentvpn, Container Port 8118 not found or changed on installed application"


    I have already restarted the Docker and then rerun Fix Common Problems Plug In with not change. Do I need to select "Ignore Error" then re scan?


    although ive added the port to the template any template changes dont get pushed out, so in short if you want to fix the issue then go to untaid gui, left click icon, select edit, click on advanced view (top right), then add in port 8118, this will fix the warning.

    Thank you. Love the docker.


    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk



  7. You forget port 8118 in the template for unraid.


    thanks for this, port added.


    My Docker is running great but I am getting an error found message from Fix Common Problems Plug In "Docker Application binhex-rtorrentvpn, Container Port 8118 not found or changed on installed application"


    I have already restarted the Docker and then rerun Fix Common Problems Plug In with not change. Do I need to select "Ignore Error" then re scan?


  8. I have spent the last few days trying to get the webui to pull up. I set up a VPN service with PIA, I followed the guide on http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45812.0 on how to fill in the fields including finding my LAN_NETWORK. At this point if when I try t go the Webui ruTorrent comes up 50% of the time but once up I get these:

    [04.07.2016 13:25:02] WebUI started.

    [04.07.2016 13:25:23] Bad response from server: (0 [error,getplugins])

    [04.07.2016 13:25:24] Bad response from server: (0 [error,getuisettings])


    Now if I go in and edit the docker and turn off the VPN everything works great...


    I am a complete noob and for the past month have been learning as I go. I have finally hit a wall I do not know what is going on.


    Thank you for your help.



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