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Posts posted by acherubino

  1. Super late update but I wanted to post what ended up fixing the issue. It was my ISP, Starry, causing the issues. IDK why but it seems like for whatever reason none of the macOS or Linux-based systems on my network were able to connect over Ethernet. Everything Windows worked fine and WiFi was good on everything, but obviously that isn't gonna work for a server. I didn't know what the root cause was at the time but I was having other issues with the Starry provided router and was unable to get my own router working with them despite them saying it was supported. So due to that I switched back to Xfinity and everything started to work again right away, so it definitely was either something with their router or network that was the issue. Talking with support they did say that hosting a webserver is not allowed in their TOS so its possible it was being purposefully blocked, but I was having connectivity issues on a bunch of other devices as well. Unfortunately Xfinity's upload speed is pretty dogshit, but much better that not being able to use my server at all lol.

    Anyways TLDR, DON'T use Starry for internet.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 50 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    It still looks to me like a DNS problem with the router.

    That's what I was initially thinking as well, but I was under the impression that if it was just DNS that was the issue I should still be able to ping external IPs directly.

    I just went into the router settings and tried changing the DNS servers used there to the ones you posted before as well as some other standard options but no change unfortunately.

  3. Thank you both for your suggestions, unfortunately it looks like the problem is still occurring.

    8 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Try changing your DNS server to and instead of using your router.  Settings - Network Settings, also make sure the LAN is as simplified as possible for testing, server connected directly to router, no firewall.

    Tried these as well as a few other DNS servers to no avail. I currently have the server hooked up to the router as direct as possible (using the Ethernet drop to get from one room to another but this same Ethernet works fine with other devices so I don't think that's the issue).


    7 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

    You have a static IP address assigned.  If your router from your ISP provider is not using the 192.168.1.X address range, your server will be blocked from the Internet. 


    What I would do, is:

    (1) shut the server down,

    (2) pull the boot drive and put it in your PC,

    (3) rename the network,cfg and network-rules.cfg files in the  /config   folder/directory

    (4) put the drive back in the server and restart the server.  


    It will then use the DHCP service on your router to obtain a valid IP address.  You can work from there to set things up as you require them to be. 

    The router, by default has a 192.168.99.X IP range for its DHCP server, but I had manually changed it to be 192.168.1.X to match what I had before. The devices that work are able to get IPs in this new range no problem as well as the server when using DHCP, so I think that part of it is working fine. Also I did try factory resetting the router in case that was the issue and even when getting a 192.168.99.X IP the server still was having the issue.

    I did the steps listed above (I forgot to mention in the original post that I had already tried forcing it to recreate the network.cfg, but not the network-rules.cfg) and unfortunately the problem is still the same after restarting. I have the specific .6 IP reserved for the server in the router settings so with DHCP it got the same IP automatically. I also tired taking this rule out and letting it get a new IP assigned, still no internet. I've included updated diagnostics from after doing the above.

    I'm at a bit of a loss, considering looking into alternate ISPs that would allow me to use my own router that was working at my last place.


  4. Hi, recently moved and trying to the get my server setup in the new place. New ISP and router. I am able to access the server's WebGUI no problem at the local IP, but it seemingly isn't able to connect to the internet as I can't ping any external IPs and the plugin update check comes back with an error:

    Checking connectivity ...
    No response, aborting!


    I've tried having the server with a static IP both through Unraid and from the router as well as trying it with DHCP instead and fully factory resetting the new router but still the same issue occurs. Can connect to the internet fine from other devices on the network and it was working no problem before moving from my old place. Not sure what else to try so I wanted to post my diagnostics here and see if anyone had some ideas. Thanks




  5. Quote

    Thanks for the pointer. What I actually needed was to update the DNS with my new IP and had no idea how to do it. Your advice took me to the link I needed and hopefully all should be well now :-)

    @Boyturtle This is a pretty old thread but any chance that you remember how you went about updating the DNS with the new IP? I think I am having the same issue

  6. Hi, I'm having an issue where a torrent I'm downloading will stop and the docker will give me a "No space left on device" error even though there is plenty of space left on the drive I'm downloading to. This happens on different torrents and when I get about a gig or so downloaded the down speed will go to zero and the log starts repeating this error

    exceptions.OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

    There are about 130 GB free on the cache drive and this is reflected in the bottom right of the deluge WebUI. If I delete the part of the torrent that has been downloaded up until that point the error stops and I can download again. Here http://pastebin.com/RS4crZb4 is the log. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

  7. Hi, I'm having an issue with my Plex Docker where it's continually giving this error (The line number at the bottom changes):

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/data/jenkins/pms-deps-universal-v2/BUILD_TAG/linux-ubuntu-x86_64/output/pms-depends-linux-ubuntu-x86_64-release-11a0c7d/lib/python2.7/logging/handlers.py", line 77, in emit
    File "/data/jenkins/pms-deps-universal-v2/BUILD_TAG/linux-ubuntu-x86_64/output/pms-depends-linux-ubuntu-x86_64-release-11a0c7d/lib/python2.7/logging/handlers.py", line 136, in doRollover
    OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
    Logged from file networking.py, line 166


    It just repeats endlessly while the docker is running. The docker.img is not full and recreating and upping the size of it showed no change. The docker is running on the cache pool of which 105 of 250GB is used. This seems to also be affecting other dockers, namely Binhex's delugevpn (if I try to download something), but Plex is the only one that returns it continuously. I am able to watch some media on the server but some load for about 30 sec before skipping. This problem has occurred before when I have downloaded too much to the cache drive at once but using the mover to move the data to the array has solved it. The amount that had to be downloaded in order to trigger the error has been getting smaller and smaller until this point where it is constant without even downloading anything. Not sure what is causing it because according to the unRAID menu the drive isn't even half full.


    So an additional issue that I've now run into while writing this post is that the error that I'm seeing repeated in the log is from the built-in log viewer in unRAID's webui's docker menu, but when I go to the plex install directory I cannot find the log that reflects that.

    Here http://pastebin.com/PAZXNfn0 is as much as I could see from the built-in viewer and then I've attached the Plex Media Server.log file (Where there is still instances of the error, but not constant) below. Any and all help is appreciated, Thanks.


  8. your lan_network value is incorrect, see here for help on setting this correctly:-


    FAQ Q7. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45812.msg437678#msg437678


    Ok, I see where I messed it up. The correct ip is 192.168.1.XX and the subnet is so I set it to

    Unfortunately, there isn't any change and it is still stuck on

    2017-01-10 20:07:49,793 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    Tue Jan 10 20:07:49 2017 UDPv4 link local: [undef]

    Tue Jan 10 20:07:49 2017 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]


    Here http://pastebin.com/cJm2dSqn is new the log although I don't think anything has changed.


    please can you repost the complete log, this is missing the crucial top section (from the banner onwards) which includes what the env vars are defined as.


    Sorry about that, the full log file is attached.


    ok thanks for that, so in short your config is a bit of a mess, first question is are you using vpn provider PIA or not?, if you are then you should set the VPN_PROV to pia and set the VPN_PORT to 1198, if you aren't using PIA then you should change the VPN_REMOTE to the correct endpoint, as it currently pointing at the default PIA endpoint (nl.privateinternetaccess.com), either way its wrong.


    i suspect that your not using pia, as your username isnt in the correct format (please change your vpn provider password too, as youve included this in plain text), if this is the case then download the ovpn file from your provider, open it with notepad++, make a note of the port and remote hostname and correct the values for both/either (VPN_REMOTE and VPN_PORT key values).


    Success! Switched the remote address and its working now. Thanks for all your help!

  9. your lan_network value is incorrect, see here for help on setting this correctly:-


    FAQ Q7. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45812.msg437678#msg437678


    Ok, I see where I messed it up. The correct ip is 192.168.1.XX and the subnet is so I set it to

    Unfortunately, there isn't any change and it is still stuck on

    2017-01-10 20:07:49,793 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    Tue Jan 10 20:07:49 2017 UDPv4 link local: [undef]

    Tue Jan 10 20:07:49 2017 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]


    Here http://pastebin.com/cJm2dSqn is new the log although I don't think anything has changed.


  10. Hi, I'm having some trouble setting up this docker. I had it working previously but after recreating the docker I'm running into an issue where it hangs on launch. It seems to be stuck on

    2017-01-06 15:56:44,266 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    Fri Jan 6 15:56:44 2017 Socket Buffers: R=[212992->1048576] S=[212992->1048576]


    2017-01-06 15:56:44,316 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    Fri Jan 6 15:56:44 2017 UDPv4 link local: [undef]

    Fri Jan 6 15:56:44 2017 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET]


    After that, it just times out and retries endlessly. Not sure what to do, any help is appreciated.

    Also, it works fine if VPN is disabled.


    I'm running unRAID 6.2.4 and the latest version of the docker installed through community applications.

    Here http://pastebin.com/Rwpv2aAx is the full log and here https://gyazo.com/3d5a2b93d029004439db316cedbdc63e are my docker settings.


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