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  1. was sagt das log file? Das wäre interessant. maintenance muss auf false. lass das lieber auf englisch klären, das ist sonst unfair. cheers
  2. docker argument - set this in the unraid gui
  3. config.php maintenance' => false
  4. Maybe because of all the changes you re better of with @Kilrah Image . exec into the Container and set the user right. cheers
  5. gibt es Log Einträge die helfen können, alternativ einfach in der Config wieder zurück stellen. Bitte Fragen auf Englisch stellen, damit alle etwas davon haben. Danke! Cheers
  6. give this a try and add the parameter PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT and set it to a bigger size
  7. Since this Template is using the official docker you have to adress this to the nc developers. you could go for a post run script and install it or you can ask @Kilrah to add it to his fork. cheers
  8. you got a lot of trouble with your database. What kind of db are you running is it setup correctly?
  9. can you provide the log files from the docker container and the appdata nextcloud to view whats causing the problem. Some rights have changes maybe thats why cheers
  10. I thing that was the way I ran Mopidy usibg that config [iris] snapcast_enabled = true snapcast_port = 6680 [stream] enabled = true protocols = http https mms rtmp rtmps rtsp timeout = 5000
  11. I think this is now a docker related problem if othet devices work. Maybe try with priviledged rights
  12. how does your filebrowser config looks? perm.share ?
  13. maybe an issue with the base url? what does the browser colsole say any logs from file browser hint: works well with custom ips as well - better to use vlan
  14. this is not a docker related question. Maybe someone can answare it but better ask this to the developer on github cheers
  15. Thanks - I started with unraid 6.2 but I probably have a more current one now I tested it on 6.12.6 Cheers
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