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Posts posted by luigi408

  1. Hi,


    I've been using the beta 6.2 for a while now. Now that I upgraded to 6.2 stable its detecting this problem:


    docker appdata location is stored within /mnt/user



    Many (if not most) docker applications will have issues (weird results, not starting, etc) if their appdata is stored within a user share. You should constrain the appdata share to a singledisk or to the cache drive. This is true even if the appdata share is a Cache-Only share.


    Is this an actual error? Because the location of /mnt/user was done by Unraid automatically.

  2. Hello all,


    I have a question about notification emails. I get notifications fine now but I am having a problem of not getting poster pictures on my email. My Imgur Client ID is set up. Enabled Posters in Notifications is checked off. Email is set up fine I think because I get my emails when someone starts watching something (gmail set up, 587 Port, TLS checked, and Enable HTML Support checked). I don't know what I am doing wrong. That is the only settings I've touched regarding notifications. Please let me know how I can correctly get poster pictures with my email notification please.


    Thank you.

  3. Hello,


    Noob here just trying out Unraid on my server. I have a quick question. I installed Plex and used my plexpass to install the plexpass version. In my Plex settings for the server it says there is a new version available. How do I update it to the latest version? I am coming from Windows Server 2012 and I use to just download it and install it there every time a plexpass version came out.


    Thank you.

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