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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So my ultimate goal is trying to run "git pull" in the directory "mnt/cahce/Auto/nzbToMedia" but I get "git: command not found". Please tell me what I'm missing. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi, This is a super basic question, but I ssh into my server but when I am in the command line, I cannot use commands like git, pip, or python. What is the process of installing these utilities? Thanks!
  3. No, I can't really verify that all traffic is going though the vpn. However I want to make sure that as much of it is going though it since I will have to go to a place where there is a web filter. I want to make sure I do everything I can to make sure I can access my home network since once I get there since I won't come back(to my home network to change vpn settings) for a couple months. The only thing is know is that port 80 and port 443 are open. Any suggestions to improve my chances? Thanks again,
  4. So I didn't understand the 3rd code block, I currently have this: remote [WAN IP] cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha512 client dev tun proto udp port 80 resolv-retry infinite tls-client nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA comp-lzo adaptive verb 3 route-delay 2 key-direction 1 Should I do this? remote [WAN IP] cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha512 client dev tun proto udp port 80 resolv-retry infinite tls-client nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA comp-lzo adaptive verb 3 route-delay 2 key-direction 1 redirect-gateway def1 push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" or should I only add one of the lines with push "dhcp-option DNS ....." Thanks,
  5. Hi thanks a lot those setting worked for me. But I have one question, even if turn those settings on (where my mobile ip is my home wan ip) will all the traffic from my client (my phone) still go though the server? Thanks again,
  6. Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. Even if the wan ip doesn't change dose that still mean all the traffic is router though the Von? For the wan ip will it not change even if I use a different openvon server or is the wan ip not changing only for your plugin? Thanks again,
  7. Hi Again Peter, I just noticed that whenever I connect to the openvpn server, it docent change my ip address on sites like "whatismyipadress.com". I read on other sites that whenever you connect to a openvpn server it is supposed to change your ip address to the same one as your home network. Also I tried reinstalling the plugin but that doesn't seem to help. Please help, Thanks!
  8. My bad. I actually typed the wrong ip, so everything works. Thanks for all the work for this plugin and all the help you provided me!
  9. Thank you so much, I can connect now and access websites. However I can't connect to the unraid server using the ip. Is there a special way to connect? Thanks again,
  10. Where do I install these packages? Sorry, Im new to the unraid filesystem.
  11. Yes I am using the inline file, I just cut out the certificate part in the last post. Here is the whole inline client file: remote WANIP cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha512 client dev tun proto udp port 1194 resolv-retry infinite tls-client nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA comp-lzo adaptive verb 3 route-delay 2 key-direction 1 <ca> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDNTCCAh2gAwIBAgIJAOeT5fx1t6eTMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBYxFDASBgNV BAMMC0Vhc3ktUlNBIENBMB4XDTE2MDgxNTEzMjA0NVoXDTI2MDgxMzEzMjA0NVow FjEUMBIGA1UEAwwLRWFzeS1SU0EgQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAw ggEKAoIBAQDb/W+HZu9Gn2WaGiWfHuGlFjJ7OfCyWNPqVlhOImyrdnHpJ1qKyRLo llK9NtdnQKrNm9RuuYpQfekEPbPfzjcED6lol0JhzAQdafevXTlZm7IO25P18meLuY/ OfFO2ab+vLvcBnscvZ/nnQ+GMEMEeqoDOpFsEDlPOXKoWJ5IjHJuTe4kzod1YWVp 6jQk5Mubjiounn66YbuRCxcyjoMfMNHaMdjzIMVNxThjpEulEaexlXF2i6BWbbj3 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MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQC21HT4wikuG8vw C2Bw43lBxo/NniD/LrYyiS9aartqN6yVLNMznnni2iEK2nLn+InngX56ZOZbcioh /x8qVAkjIwAr705/7/Q2bnVtOxEsBuuJdJBhnudlhHCOGHsiQ5IguoCBC3iuN3li fOhHeCY3dAmWC7vSvM0MeETyOW7h8KvsrTwtIABmLDrcQbVyZAEAJVFJOA Z3Ka6LF5fMwevBe04WY+V19q3AbozDw+RInLCi8wXdZPB1khU8LWmkMBcaTe0/ws GM5J0mQ1iss+fPIWl2RRYWyEppx1ldiVemoqN++ED47zyI1+3obf9skV4jpRchrP MoljCrSTAgMBAAECggEBAKQjh0RRZBEeKXA/dnzC6/jOYAo0feE7OZ2TJe0hx1Ir 24gtrws3qqusM2AAEIsLyhsKWddeQKU2kHbnCT7CJVXjNWM8PBiF/5TihA/lqJwD NnC4MmtB8vJj/XzEo792NHmnlnjEKLsX2KVACHUpe/3q8jRAIpJMw32ee/EsOwMf V1wx3hqg06piBYc9StYHxdn+y0KjmCISB55jzsBJQQOKFYIRgz0oH3onWXcRyfOH r5kZNzpHbDiYBA1hkC+Xz5uCrUaB8J8klolrZZMV6kjWOOfYK2+8tiEgr/Y5Au4oezc +SqU1x7TEHcRMaXYVkba16f5LzOGdyLOGhZVtXUpa4ECgYEA7dJMoVqh9vU3Q2tm icoyFj8UaYHwGWioE5UiyXZAf5AKs5pryiw4vM5Po5N0QTHFSw9yt1cLTLdw2qNA dfTWmiVH4xLE9HbLcQ5VQEgTbyVNXEcHM8av8tpWLi7y0dcaf6Ijs9J1Dy0JlO+o XvqrjuTgKAizXtwxnATB7nI9IMECgYEAxM4UiNiadQwHDUfY7ZRZn9Vxt+KT9xVJ 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f7932709be01f5a7130627b8c8b4ac13 7e24c0d0f37b653fb56f02578ea3b518 076edc1d6242174148fde6b36962b36e 8dc51b38e93245aa395fb92ca624f 6f919ce7a5e48cd58a5ab6dbbad55063 006aaadeaf4eb560e0531ca2a70fc877 8583fe4e74c907b87d8426ae1571a228 f3b48f5f78f4b60ea1ef11e185fc327f 7004a46dd157d43c3e0090ddb39867ca -----END OpenVPN Static key V1----- </tls-auth> Here are the server logs: Wed Aug 17 15:21:23 2016 OpenVPN 2.3.11 x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [MH] [iPv6] built on May 10 2016 Wed Aug 17 15:21:23 2016 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1s 1 Mar 2016, LZO 2.03 Wed Aug 17 15:21:23 2016 Diffie-Hellman initialized with 2048 bit key openvpn: symbol lookup error: openvpn: undefined symbol: SSL_CTX_get0_certificate part 2 (server logs) default via dev eth0 metric 1 dev lo scope link dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src and the clients logs from my iPhone: Its a big long so here is pasebin link: http://pastebin.com/8jdnYdpL Otherwise my post is over 20000 words. Thanks again EDIT: I saw that my iOS app was associating my wan ip with a DDNS web address that i used before (which docent exits anymore) so I deleted the app and tried connecting again. Here are the logs: http://pastebin.com/S1DXBpgR
  12. Hi, Here is the file, server local dev tun port 1194 proto udp dh /mnt/user/Automation/docker/apps/vpnserver/dh.pem ca /mnt/user/Automation/docker/apps/vpnserver/ca.crt cert /mnt/user/Automation/docker/apps/vpnserver/server.crt key /mnt/user/Automation/docker/apps/vpnserver/server.key ifconfig-pool-persist /boot/config/plugins/openvpnserver/ipp.txt push "dhcp-option DNS" tls-server verb 3 tls-version-min 1.2 tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA tls-auth /mnt/user/Automation/docker/apps/vpnserver/ta.key 0 persist-key persist-tun keepalive 10 120 user nobody group users cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha512 comp-lzo adaptive push "route" push "resolv-retry infinite" status /var/log/openvpnserver-status.log 5 log-append /var/log/openvpnserver.log status-version 2 and here is my clients file remote (WAN IP) cipher aes-256-cbc auth sha512 client dev tun proto udp port 1194 resolv-retry infinite tls-client nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-128-CBC-SHA comp-lzo adaptive verb 3 route-delay 2 key-direction 1 I have tried with both tunnelblick on my mac connected to the same lan network as the server, and the iOS app connected to my carrier's network. Thanks,
  13. Hi peter (or anyone else who can help me), I port forwarded port 1194 to my unraid's static ip, ( but when I tried to connect using it a openvpn client it gives me a time out error. When I scan ports using a website it says that port 1194 is closed. And I am pretty sure that port forwarding is done correctly. (please check the attachments to make sure) One interesting thing is that when i change the port openvpn server uses to 80, and run the server the website says that the port is open. Thanks in advance for the help.
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