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Everything posted by SyphonxZA

  1. Anyone been getting the following errors in the past few days: Running LinuxServer SABNZBD, it's on the latest version (1.1.0RC4) as is Sonarr. EDIT: Seems SAB has now added milliseconds which sonarr does not like, should be fixed soon though on Sonarr
  2. Thanks, didn't realise it had to download more data after pulling the image, all working after doing what you suggested.
  3. Hey, I've been trying to install CP for the first time today but having some issues. I used the following command: I'm unable to access the webgui at all, I have also tried -p 5050:5050 and without PGID or PUID but it isn't loading, the container is running though. I got Sonarr and SAB working with very similar settings. The logs of CP show: All the containers seems to get stuck at the last line, can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?
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