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Posts posted by Drakknar

  1. On 6/6/2017 at 2:18 PM, aleary said:




    Hi guys,

    I had still been having problems with protected SMB/CIFS shares on releases after 60, but I've found a solution.


    I don't have an actual windows domain on my home network so, like most, my Unraid host and Windows clients are using the default workgroup called "WORKGROUP".

    When originally adding my shares I had left the "Domain" field empty and authentication for shares on my Unraid host worked fine with just username and password configured.


    @CHBMB I noticed in your screenshot that you had the domain set as "WORKGROUP", so having added that to each of mine they now work perfectly.


    Looks like something changed in the handling of the "Domain" field from release 61 onwards, with an empty domain no longer being treated like a workgroup.




    Thanks, your advice worked like a charm! In my case, if the SMB Security level was set to "Secure", the share was accessible from within Nextcloud even without adding the domain in the External Storages settings. The issue arose only when the SMB Security level was set to "Private"; in this case, even if the user was granted full access to the share, Nextcloud wasn't able to connect to it without specifying the domain.

  2. Interesting - thanks for sharing the info. I knew that Docker containers were isolated from the host but I thought that things like port mappings and folder sharing settings could have been saved in memory and somehow affect unRaid. Now that my uneducated guess is out of the equation, caching or some browser issues could definitely be a cause. I'm running Firefox with Electrolysis turned on and sometimes that causes funny behaviours with some scripts. Or, most probably, in my case the culprit was between the monitor and the chair :D

  3. Yeah, it was fixed with a nuke and pave and following the guide again, was never an issue per se, more not quite following the steps.


    Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

    Yep that was exactly my case. Interestingly deleting and re-adding both MariaDB and Nextcloud multiple times wasn't enough... I had to do a full reboot and then everything worked :D

  4. There'a plugin you can use, away from home, so can't look it up, but something like mount external devices....


    Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


    Thanks, I'll look that up :)


    I'm trying to install Nextcloud on my server and I'm having the infamous "SQLSTATE[HY000] [1130] Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server" error. I checked the thread history and I've seen that it was fixed somehow via pm. Do you remember by any chance how that was fixed.


    Edit: Fixed :D

  5. Out of curiosity, if I point Nextcloud's data folder to /mnt/user/nextcloud/, can I use the terminal to create symbolic links to other folders in my array?


    Basically I'd like to use Nextcloud as the internet-facing portal to certain files on my unRAID Server (if not most of them - like I usually do with my Synology box); while I'm happy that all my external users will add all their data in the mnt/user/nextcloud/* folder, I'd like my personal account to have access to other private folders, like my work and my Media shares, which are for example on /mnt/user/myworkfolder/ and /mnt/user/mymediafolder/. Is it something do-able? Is there any other way to achieve this?

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