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Posts posted by jthacker48

  1. I was able to accomplish this scenario by changing the domain in both pfsense and unraid (under "identification" setting) to mypersonaldomain.com. I've also setup alternative names in pfsense in DNS Resolver under Host Overrides. I'm able to access Unraid by entering tower.mypersonaldomain.com. 

  2. I recently put a HP NC364T Quad NIC in my Dell T20 running Unraid 6.6.6 with the goal of running pfsense in a VM.  While I've got pfsense working now, I've only been able to see 2 of the 4 ports.  They didn't show in Unraid before I passed them through to pfsense in VM and they don't show now either.  I'm not sure how to test the physical ports of the NIC to determine if this is a hardware issues or whether I'm just missing something in configuration.  


    I should preface this with I bought the NIC for $1 from a recycle shop and it was missing the heatsync.  I couldn't believe it worked at all.  With that said, I'd love all 4 ports if I'm able. 


    Here is what shows in my System Devices:




    07:00:0 and 07:00:1 are passed through to my pfsense VM and 00:19:0 is my onboard LAN.  Any guidance is appreciated.

  3. I am having issues failing the cert authorization.  I believe it is due to my domain host (Google Domains) but I'm unsure.


    Router: Google Wifi

    Domain: mydomain.com

    Subdomain:  server.mydomain.com (directed to my ip address)

    Port Forward http:  External 80 to Internal 180

    Port Forward https:  External 443 to Internal 1443


    When I check the logs, I get a "can't connect" error that is likely due to port forwarding or dns. 


    I do not believe it is a port forwarding error as I've changed the port forwards to (80 to 80) and (443 to 443) just to see if I can access the Unraid server from outside my network using server.mydomain.com and that works fine.  


    When I have the ports forwarded to 180 and 1443 and go to server.mydomain.com, it automatically tries to use https.  Is it possible that Google Domains is automatically directing traffic to https and in turn not allowing my certs to be authorized?  If so, is there a way around it?





  4. 6 hours ago, mr-hexen said:


    Could not change the remote stream limit on the server side and/or client side?



    When it connects using Relay, it limits you to a 2MB stream with no ability to change it on the client side.  


    From Plex:



    When relaying a connection through us, there are limitations for the streaming qualities you can use:

    • Free users are limited to 1 Mbps maximum for streams
    • Plex Pass subscribers are limited to 2 Mbps maximum for streams


    Last night, I even did a factory reset on my girlfriends router to see if that would help.  It didn't.  Any other suggestions?

  5. I'm running latest Unraid and PlexPass version of Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server behind a Google OnHub router.  I live in a condo community and my girlfriend lives in the same complex and we both share the same ISP provider, CenturyLink.  When I'm at her house connected to her router, Netgear WNDR3400; I get a relayed connection although the server (at my house) shows that it is fully accessible.  I've changed every combination of PNP On/Off, Manual Port to 32400, DNS to, and everything else that I can think of to get it working with no luck.  Here is the kicker.  On my phone at her house, I get a direct connection if I'm not connected to wifi and the moment I connect to her network, it goes back to relayed connection.  I've tested it from other locations and don't have the issue.  Could it have something to do with the ISP being in the same neighborhood or could I be missing something else?  I feel like I've got so many variables since I'm, also, using an OnHub router which I've read has rebind issues.  



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