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Everything posted by joachimvadseth

  1. Like this? WDC_WD40EFRX-68WT0N0_WD-WCC4E2CNJASS-20190629-1804 disk4 (sdf).txt WDC_WD40EFRX-68WT0N0_WD-WCC4E2FAE7XR-20190629-1804 disk3 (sde).txt WDC_WD40EFRX-68WT0N0_WD-WCC4E2YJS8P6-20190629-1804 parity (sdb).txt WDC_WD40EFRX-68WT0N0_WD-WCC4E6NFTC1P-20190629-1804 disk1 (sdc).txt WDC_WD40EFRX-68WT0N0_WD-WCC4E6NLN531-20190629-1804 disk2 (sdd).txt
  2. Yea that’s my opinion too. Its WD RED NAS Edition drives, not that old either. 3 yeats maybe? How do I run a diag?
  3. Updated a couple of weeks ago and Ive discovered that videos in my Plex library (not all of the videos, but many of them) are stuttering or tearing and jumps many many minutes ahead sometimes. After Ive noticed this I also double chedked the actual video files on my SMB share, and they do suffer the same way. Anyeone have any ideas? Run 5x4TB drives with one in parity. Last parity check was yesterday and passed. 16GBs of RAM and an old i5-2500k for power. Idle load is about 3-4% with a few dockers running. Thanks in advance.
  4. Aaaaa thanks. To make things worse, I've switched ISPs and I used subnet but the new modems DHCP wont make me change from, so forgot to change the DNS (alto thought it was set to DHCP) from, but the secondary DNS was set to tho..
  5. I get the exact same thing. I have recreated the docker.img and removed all docker apps and templates - still I get the same error message as sacrecow describes. Not only on the linuxserver-repo tho, but everything.
  6. Yes I did.. created the .htpasswd with "htpasswd -c /Volums/blablabla../nginx username .htpasswd", but the file does not show up in the smb share - maybe its not visible in macOS?
  7. Ok thanks, but first things first - how do I access the /mnt/user/appdata folder from my mac? A long long time ago I used ubuntu and mounting sshfs was not that big a deal and CLI is not my happiest place to work..
  8. Can anyone help me configure and set up sites in Nginx? I got the following docker apps installed: letsencrypt; nextcloud: resolved to cloud.domain.com plex: rutorrent: resolved to torrent.domain.com unifi: resolved to unifi.domain.com
  9. Yea sorry, thought this thread was moved to the support section, but as I know understand you ment the support thread for letsencrypt Thanks anyways!
  10. Do letsencrypt need to run on port 80? I cant set up the docker with port 80 tho..no docker app I have installed is currently running on port 80 as I can see. Changed the port to something else, setup ok and app is running, but cant access the webgui (if there is any at all).
  11. Aha. So basicly exactly like I configured my previous VPS with Nginx. (Many years ago tho) Thanks
  12. Explain me how please? Will this solve my external site requests as well as my local requests?
  13. Hello fellow unRAID users! I've googled a bit and concluded that it's might not possible to change the IP adress of the different Docker apps, but I got som general questions anyways. I'm running OwnCloud on port 4334, Plex on default port 32400, ruTorrent on some port and a few other apps. None have the same TCP ports of course. But how can I make these services more accessable? I mean, do I really have to enter the port number for each service I want to use? Previously I got a VPS running NGINX and created several sites (cloud.domain.com, share.domain.com, plex.domain.com, etc). Is it possible to do this with unRAID? I wish to access my Docker apps from the Internet, and messing around with port numbers is stupid in my world. In short, is it possible to make cloud.domain.com routed to server-ip:3443 plex.domain.com routerd to server-ip:32400 torrent.domain.com routerd to server-ip:8080 and such and such Ran FreeNAS for a while and then I could assigne each different jail an unique IP wich was verry practical. Thanks for any answers and please do not hang me for my first post
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