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Everything posted by shalvers

  1. Here is the run command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="letsencrypt" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "EMAIL"="[email protected]" -e "URL"="" -e "SUBDOMAINS"="www" -e "ONLY_SUBDOMAINS"="false" -e "DHLEVEL"="2048" -e "VALIDATION"="http" -e "DNSPLUGIN"="" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -v "/mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt":"/config":rw linuxserver/letsencrypt d0a1c030ebb3f2bf21c3446242886f152b846506c8cedd71277d36973476b18e I don't understand this:
  2. I installed the letsencrypt docker, Set it up based on suggestions here, but when it starts I get an "Execution Error". Go to look at logs and there is nothing there. Then go to look at the appdata folder and see that it is empty. Double checked that I set the location right. So I remove the docker and reinstall, same results - execution error and nothing in the appdata folder. I tried changing the name, same thing. What am I missing? Would a server restart fix this?
  3. Is the LS mariadb repository down? From Unraid Apps it fails.
  4. It's been a while since I installed nginx, need to update.
  5. I had some trouble with my Unraid/Pydio install and the "Pydio blank screen of nothingness". So wanted to post how I fixed it and maybe someone else can use the information. The short back story... My Nginx reverse proxy to Pydio installation was not always "stable". Different browsers gave me different problems, googled some fixes and it was suggested to log into Pydio and change the Server URL under the "Pydio Main Options' to fix it. It did not. Now every time I tried to connect got a blank screen. No Pydio log errors, no Nginx log errors, just nothing. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the docker 4 times (with Unraid restarts), no bueno. Hindsite - Don't change the Server URL! The Fix... I'm using the MySQL and Pydio dockers (thanks to those that created them!) First: Log into the MySQL docker: docker exec -it dockername /bin/bash Log into the dbase: mysql -u username -p "activate" the database for pydio: MySQL> use pydiodatabasename Delete the core.ajaxplorer line inside table ajxp_plugin_configs: MySQL> “delete from ajxp_plugin_configs where id = ‘core.ajaxplorer’;” Next: Log into the Pydio docker: docker exec -it dockername /bin/bash cd over to the "/data/cache/" folder and delete any ".ser" files Restart the Pydio docker It should be fixed now. Bonus Content... Aptalca has a great nginx-letsencrypt docker that creates free certs for SSL sites (like my Nginx/Pydio site). This may be in the support thread and I missed it, but pro tip: under the docker SUBDOMAINS container var, there should not be any spaces between the comas and subdomains. it should be like this: subdomain1,subdomain2,subdomain3. If you DO put spaces in there, it will create a cert for the first one, but not the subsequent ones in the list.
  6. OK, so change the pydio container port to say, 4444, then block that port on the router, then modify the nginx-letsencrypt server block to proxy_pass to the IP and port 4444?
  7. Hey everyone, I have just installed the pydio docker, but I also have the Nginx-Letsencrypt already installed. Is there a way to change pydio to use the Nginx-letsencrypt rather than the one that came in the pydio docker?