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Posts posted by mctavish01

  1. 31 minutes ago, mctavish01 said:

    Good day everyone, 

    Just noticed this morning I can't access Webui for the docker. Just get a "this site can't be reached", I did auto-update all my dockets a couple of days ago and nothing else since then. (everything was working before the updates) 

    when I check docker logs it just has a repeating "/config/config.xml:1.1: Document is empty"
    My simple logic says that's likely an issue. How did this likely happen and how can I roll this back?

    Hey everyone, managed to google something from 10 years ago. Looks like deleting the config file and restarting the docket fixed it.
    disregard original issue :)

  2. Good day everyone, 

    Just noticed this morning I can't access Webui for the docker. Just get a "this site can't be reached", I did auto-update all my dockets a couple of days ago and nothing else since then. (everything was working before the updates) 

    when I check docker logs it just has a repeating "/config/config.xml:1.1: Document is empty"
    My simple logic says that's likely an issue. How did this likely happen and how can I roll this back?

  3. Good day everyone, got a odd one here.
    Literally no public torrent will work, magnet links will be stuck on "downloading meta data" downloaded torrent files will go straight to "stalled"
    Private torrents are totally fine.
    (I did update just now to see if fixed, it did not)

    Public flies and magnet links work totally fine just with qbit on my desktop computer.
    I have made no changes to my networking setup or qbit, just stopped working overnight.

    Any ideas?

  4. 9 hours ago, ijuarez said:



    No it will not delete the dockers if you stop the vm/docker service.


    It would be easier to change it to host because all of them will have the same ip address just different ports.


    its whatever you feel more comfortable with. You may have to tweak settings to get all your dockers talking to each other.

    Hey thanks so much for the helping hand ijuarez, I felt I knew how to do something but got scared after I messed up one docker. In short I also have a bunch of ubiquti stuff which I admittedly don't know as much as I want to for networking stuff. Got a hold of a friend who works on that area in IT and just walked me through assigning my server my old address as it's static IP and it all just works now.

    So all is not good aside from me needed to fix the thing I broke :)

  5. 5 minutes ago, ijuarez said:


    It seems that your unraid is not set to static (ip never changes) but to Dynamic (it renews at some point).


    How did you setup your dockers? either Host or Bridge.


    if its host then you still have access to them at the new IP X.X.0.35:8080 or whatever the docker ports is.


    if you can post a screenshot of your dockers it would help folks try to help you.

    looks like they are all bridge.
    Can I just change them all host? 

    I also found where it looks like i can set a static ip for my server but docker/vm needs to be disabled, would that delete my current dockers and would need to reset up?

    Screenshot 2021-11-16 195958.png

  6. 17 minutes ago, ijuarez said:

    what changed in your network to have a new server IP?


    also how were your dockers configured to get an ip?

    Forgive me, bit of a noob. no idea why anything changed. there was a bad storm so I shut everything down, the networking stuff is on a UPS so that was fine. when I turned it on, everything went from XXX.XXX.0.34 to XXX.XXX.0.35 and this has lead to dockers not talking to each other.

  7. So seems all my IP address change for server and dockers, now nothing is talking to each other. How can this be corrected without removing dockers and settings and how can this be prevented in the future?

    The main dockers I need fixed are Jacket,Sonarr and qbit. 

    I already broke qbit by trying something I found on google to change ip manually and it just removed it and all my settings already =\ 

    Please let me know any more info that is needed and the future help.

  8. On 7/25/2020 at 5:12 PM, DoleWhip said:



    1. If Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Lanman Workstation > Enable insecure guest logons shows "Enabled" but it isn't working, continue

    2. Open the registry editor and go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

    3. Double-click on AllowInsecureGuestAuth

    4. Under "Value data:", change it from 0 to 1 


    Describing what I did troubleshooting-wise (not that it matters, but maybe it'll help someone):


    I updated my Windows 10 Education to version 2004 yesterday and was no longer able to access my SMB shares (was working fine before Windows update).


    I could see them, but double-clicking on my server name in Windows Explorer under Network gave me the generic can't access error. Luckily (because it helped me google my problem) I had pinned some folders in it, and trying to access those gave me the popup pictured in that preview/thread saying:

    "You can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access. These policies help protect your PC from unsafe or malicious devices on the network."


    I was confused because my group policy under: 

    Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Lanman Workstation > Enable insecure guest logons

    showed "Enabled". Toggling this back and forth and restarting my PC didn't fix anything.


    My unRAID server SMB settings had enabled for workgroup, enable NetBIOS to yes, and enable WSD to yes. My workgroup under those SMB settings matched with my PC, I even retyped them in holding down shift to capitalize just in case. Local master was set to yes, and I also downloaded the Dynamix Local Master plugin to check for me and it verified that yes, my unRAID server was indeed the current local master. Still not working.


    I added:

    log level=2


    to SMB Extras and saw in my syslog that my PC was trying to send my local user to access the SMB shares (which are set to public) with errors along the lines of:

    FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER, authoritative=1

    and that I was trying to use SMBv2


    In the end, I found the solution in the linked thread to do this:


    1. Open the registry editor and go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

    2. Double-click on AllowInsecureGuestAuth

    3. Under "Value data:", change it from 0 to 1 

    Thank you so much, this was very clear and fixed my issue =]

  9. 15 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Looks like a connection/power problem, disk dropped offline, replace cables to rule them out and if the emulated disk is mounting and contents look OK you can rebuild on top.

    would it be a safe* assumption that because the power is on a splitter and no other drives were effected that it would be likely the data cable being the root cause?


  10. I guess I will add to this as myself and a friend have same issues.
    When writing to array from off server (like unloading gopro footage) our cpu is absolutely pinned causing issues with all dockers and the like, essentially rendering dockers useless while transfer is active.

    Anything useful we can provide to help resolve the issue?

  11. Looking for some help, I have error
    "[v3.0.4.1023] System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): database disk image is malformed
    database disk image is malformed"

    A quick google shows I am far from the first person to deal with this but I am out of my element with all this and can't understand anything beyond it is a sqlite error. help? :D



  12. Hey guys, i'm sure i am just blind and or missing something. 
    I am on the most current release of unraid and needing to expand the vdisk size on my VM. I have done this in the past from the GUI just by clicking on the main VM gui page. Now this option is not selectable, shown in the top picture.
    Then with the VM edit screen open I see no option or area on where I can change the values?

    Please help :D
    thanks in advance.

    Annotation 2019-08-18 134818.png

    Annotation 2019-08-18 134850.png

  13. Ok, with all that I was able to fix maybe this will help someone in the future I hope.
    I was able to get back into settings by first being quick enough to disable to autostart option on the VM front page after enabling. It did crash due to it wanting to start up but after another reboot the auto start was off so I was able to go back in and change the video settings back to normal.


  14. Ok so hopefully there is an easy fix. 
    about 30 mins ago while just changing some settings on server because I updated most of the hardware including cpu, I changed the default graphics option on my win10 VM (only VM I use) to use the onboard vega graphics because I figured why not. Right after the change and update the webgui stopped being responsive and shortly after that timed out then displaying a 502 Bad Gateway NGINX. I was googling that and got super confused with whatever I was looking at so I decided to just to force shut down from server chassis and reboot. Reboot went fine and was able to get back into the webgui, however the VM tab disappeared. It seemed to have disabled itself during this mess so I turned it back on without issue. The VM auto started up right away but also locks up the system. I can't do anything within the webgui. I am able to click along the tabs but nothing is displayed.

    see attached files of what I see.


    So I figure my easiest fix it to undo what I did, but as soon as the vm is enabled it boots and I can't edit any properties? Ideas anyone?
    *EDIT* with that being said as you can see the VM shuts off right away too after being enabled in the tabs.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Open up the case.  Clean it out with compressed air.  (Do this is a place when the dirt won't be a problem!!!)  Pay particular attention to the CPU cooling fins.  Check to see that the fans are all running.  The CPU fan would be a prime suspect,.  

    it's actually extremely clean in there =\ I blow out all my system twice a year.
    Leaning more towards a possible bios issue at this point. That or maybe the pump is not working as it should. it's on older i7-4770k with a 120 Corsair AIO (forget the model) but at this point yea totally worth a clean to rule it in or out. Also wonder if I have a random stock cooler that would fit to test.

  16. 6 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

    When you build the new system, I would not connect any drives to it until I had run a memtst for 24 hours first.  That would help eliminate the possibility that the PS is causing problems.  


    I had a quick look at the Diagnostics file and noticed that you appear to have started up the server only long enough to capture the diagnostics.  As a result I didn't see any problem as it never had time to act up. 


    EDIT:  You are probably wise to simply replace the CPU, MB, and RAM as finding these types of problems can be difficult...

    would it be advantageous to start up and start a parity check then grab a new diag to see if anything shows up?
    And thanks for the tip on the test cycle I will def do that.

  17. 1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

    Get a Diagnostic file      Tools    >>>   Diagnostics      and upload it.   Shutdown any Dockers and anything else that is running until you figure out what is going on.  Try not to do any writes to the array that is not involved with the Parity check.  


    I suspect that you have a hardware problem.  It could be memory, PS, MB or CPU.  

    also the server is powered down until i know whats up. also have new ram/cpu/mobo on the way already

  18. Ok, gonna spew out a bunch because it sure was a crazy morning. 

    Last night I had just noticed that the server was acting up and couldn't connect to it at all so I had to force shutdown on case. When I turned it back on the first time, it did not come back online. so had to force shut down again. Took a 3rd try for it to come back online. I figured something was up but didn't have time to do any trouble shooting as it was already late so I just shutdown from web interface. 

    This morning when I went to boot it up, it didn't. tried a few more times to no success so I grabbed the HDMI to hook up and actually see what was going on.
    It kept getting stuck in boot at "unpacking initramfs", searched on here and google while I did a memtest. The test did not finish and it just randomly rebooted on it's own and went back to "unpacking initramfs". Shut the system down and took out a stick of RAM and it did manage to boot.
    Now all this above may have nothing to do with the slow parity check, but it has all happened in the same day so figured it was worth mentioning.

    once everything was up and running with 8gb of ram down from 16gb it started a parity check, which in itself I thought was strange as it is on a schedual for end of month but figured it's maybe noticed a change and just checking for safety.

    I have x8 Seagate ironwolf 6tb drives with a single parity which normally only takes around 10.5hrs, this time it is saying it will take 2days + and is going extremely slow. 
    Now none of the drive have any warnings going off anywhere. What would be the best course of action to figuring out what is going on?

    Due to the earlier RAM issue I have decided to source out some newer hardware that has been on the back burner for a while. however I would love to know the integrity and performance of the drives and system are still in good order before I make any more changes.

    Thank you for any and all help, response may be slow as heading to work.

    TLDR: Possible unrelated RAM issues in the morning, but during parity check my normal time for my array has gone from 10 hours to 48+

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