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  1. subject: cron for user root /usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.daily 1> /dev/null error: Ignoring apcupsd because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring docker because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring libvirtd because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring libvirtd.libxl because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring libvirtd.lxc because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring libvirtd.qemu because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring libvirtd.uml because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring ntp because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring rsyslog because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.error: Ignoring vsftpd because of bad file mode - must be 0644 or 0444.
  2. So I was messing around with permissions while ssh'd in and stupidly set everything in root and recursively to 777 (yes stupid I know). Most things are still working however I'm getting alerts about some files expecting to have certain permissions. What is the easiest way for me to restore the permissions back to what they should be, do I need to reinstall or something. I already have data on my array which doesnt appear to be effected by this.
  3. I'm trying to get qtorrent nox up and running using https://github.com/wernight/docker-qbittorrent I have it all working now however whenever it writes to the /downloads mount I have given it the files are owned by userid 520, and then when I access the share via samba I cant modify anything because of this. How do I go about changing the --user parameter? I assume I'll want to be changing it to nobody/users, 99/100 ?
  4. ah a reboot fixed it, is there anyway to reload the webui without a reboot?
  5. I was trying to get system temps showing in the web ui and installed nerdtools and possibly what I think was an old version of dynamix. I've uninstalled these and now all of the GUI has weird issues, it no longer shows anything on the dashboard other than apps and statistics with nothing underneath them and there are various other UI issues. Is there a way to repair this? I've tried reinstall https://github.com/limetech/webgui/blob/6.2/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.plg from the plugin menu but it fails with /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 214 plugin: xml parse error I'm running 6.2.4 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 214 plugin: xml parse error
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