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Report Comments posted by mackid1993

  1. I ended up having to restore from a flash backup. Something got corrupted. When I plugged a monitor into my server I got to the unraid boot screen but none of the options worked except for Memtest. When I tried to select one the 5 second countdown just started over again and the OS wouldn't load. I was able to grab a backup thanks to the My Servers plugin and that got me back up and running so painlessly. I was also able to update to RC6. Thanks!!

  2. Just now, Tweak3D said:

    I have 2 servers, one came up without issue, but my other was the same. In my case, for some reason the USB wasn't being detected in the bios any longer. It wasn't corrupt, but did require me to pull the USB drive and reconnect it in order to get it to be detected. Hard shutdown and power on didn't have any impact.

    Thank you for this post. I ran the update at work over the VPN. Once I get home I'll try disconnecting and reconnecting the flash drive! Hopefully this is the issue!! I'll report back later on.

  3. 39 minutes ago, wickedshrapnel said:

    Server didn't come back on its own on reboot after upgrade. Waited 10 minutes. Wasn't responding to pings. I did a hard shutdown and started it back up and it booted with no issue and upgrade was completed. 

    I just upgraded from RC5 and my server didn't come back up either. I'll have to investigate further in a little bit when I get home, I hope my flash wasn't corrupted!

  4. I noticed that when I upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.10 - RC4 many of my docker containers were throwing various errors. I had to remove and reinstall a few of them to correct the problem. I had issues with Cloudberry Backup, Sonarr (linuxserver), Radarr (linuxserver), Krusader (ich777) and Plex (linuxserver). In addition for plex I had to correct the permissions on the Appdata folder as it could not read the database.

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