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Everything posted by Outlet6957

  1. Ah yes I see now. When you do a manual update within the Radarr app it works. However as soon as you restart it defaults to the docker version. Another issue was importing movies....I should have read the WIKI......DUH , says you have to have each movie in it's own folder. I don't know if I like that or not. But it still has a lot of Sonarr in it. They have a good team of developers!
  2. So I am very new to unRaid. I posted about an issue I was having over on reddit.com. I got a reply asking if I am using "the latest nightly". So my question is, does this docker get updated automatically....or does the author have to invoke an update manually?
  3. Hey guys, I have dropbox working fine! My question is....how do I run my wife's dropbox inside my unraid along side of my own dropbox? Do I need to install the docker again for a duplicate..or how does that work?
  4. CMER, Within my seafile page I have a library that gives me the error "Broken (please contact your administrator to fix this library)". I cannot delete this library its named "NULL" and it is not in the storage/blocks folder. Do I need to get inside the database or something to remove it? Disregard didnt delete DB from old install.
  5. AWESOME! Got it working. Just curious....how does nginx know to read my seafile configuration file? I didn't tell it that it existed. Does it just read everything in that folder?
  6. You won't be able to set it up to work on /seafile without some modifications to the seafile container. And tbh it looks like a bitch to do easily. Far better would be to use a subdomain if you wanted to keep you server.com for other things. Personally I have server.com nextcloud.server.com I'd suggest doing the same with seafile and having server.com seafile.server.com So I am very interested in this. Would this be a modification inside of nginx conf? Or how do you switch from /seafile to seafile.server.com ? Thank you!
  7. Awesome! Please see my edit right above you.
  8. CMER/CHBMB, I copied CMERs settings to the T. I want to mention I do have SSL information in my default file. That would be the only difference. I am now getting a 502 Bad Gateway I also want to note that I am going to my website www.foobar.com and not going to www.foobar.com/seafile or www.foobar.com/seafhttp as they do not work returning a "500 Internal Server Error" EDIT I GOT IT! CMER - I accidently put https: instead of http: in the location / address. It is now working with HTTPS access. Also I can change location / to location /seafile and it works with exceptions! If you modify it to /seafile it breaks it again (no css and no images). So as of right now you have to keep the seafile webpage at your nginx index! Let me know if this changes CMER. Thank you CHBMB and CMER!!
  9. Awesome! I am going to try this now. I do have a question, why do you have your :8000 link in the "location /" ? Is that personal preference? That is basically like going to www.yoursite.com without any sub folder right? Yeah, the problem is as seafile is accessed from :8000 not :8000/seafile you were always gonna struggle with your planned setup. cmer has a dedicated url just for seafile. Oh ok that makes sense! CMER what do you have in the "Instance ID" for your seafile docker configuration?
  10. Awesome! I am going to try this now. I do have a question, why do you have your :8000 link in the "location /" ? Is that personal preference? That is basically like going to www.yoursite.com without any sub folder right?
  11. Sorry I forgot to mention I have updated my proxy_pass to go to and I have removed the /seafile part. Still have the same issue.
  12. Hello, I got nginx working with SSL just fine. After I installed seafile everything works locally (http://192.168.1.x:8000. In nginx default config I have location /seafile { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass http://192.168.1.x:8000/seafile; } Which this work fine, however none of my images or css load. I noticed when I right click my public seafile page and view-source it says <img src="/media/img/seafile-logo.png" So naturally I would want to add /media into my nginx default. However there is not a folder ANYWHERE on my unraid server that has the file seafile-logo.png to include the /appdata/seafile subfolders as well. I do not know how the internal server gets the CSS and images locally when I cannot find them at all in my terminal. I am wanting to pull my hair out. Any help would be great!
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