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  1. When I read your post, I assumed that you had simply not typed the "/root" part of the destination, I only realize it now, I'm very sorry...
  2. Yes ! that was it ! Thank you very much for the quick response, I still cannot believe how dumb that was...
  3. I did, the capitalized "D" for download was a typing mistake. I also made sure that it was written as "/downloads" in the container config in unraid, but still no downloading ... Is there something more I can provide that would give more information ?
  4. Hello everyone, I am a very new user to both unraid and deluge, and I encountered a problem while doing a test download : The magnet link was correctly added to my list, but then the download didn't start and the only piece of information I have is this : "Permission denied: /root/Downloads/<name_of_my_torrent>" in the torrent details I saw some people who seemed to have the same problem at the beginning of this topic, but none of them obtained clear results or followed through with more information... I am using the most basic config possible (because I don't know how to configure everything yet) : the /downloads container path is mapped to a user share I simply called "Media" (/mnt/user/Media), I also set deluge so that it doesn't move the files after they are complete, I will tinker with this later when I manage to actually download stuff. If anyone has some advice concerning this "permission denied" on a user share that is supposed to be freely accessible, that would be of great help, thanks in advance
  5. Hello everyone, I just finished building my very first unraid server, plugged directly into my modem/router/switch combo, and everything was working fine. Then, I picked up the server and moved it to its final location on the upper floor of my house, and connected it to my home network through a switch located on this floor. Note that every computer on this floor is accessing the web through this switch, as the modem downstairs is too far. Now the server doesn't have access to my home network, despite being plugged in by ethernet, I can't access the webGUI, and the only info I saw on the console is that unraid tried several times to grab a DHCP lease, succeeded and then lost the carrier. Anyone here having any idea why unraid can't connect to my home network through a switch ? Someone I know told me that having two switches on the same network was bad, and I have too little experience to tell... Thanks in advance for your answers Edit : please delete this topic, the issue was due to one of my roommates using weird network configurations for testing purposes, sorry...
  6. Thanks for the quick answers guys, I have everything I need and I'll be building the server in a few days.
  7. Hello everyone, new user here I will soon set up my very first unraid server, and while I have a bit of practical experience thanks to bash lessons and general use of linux in class, I am still very new to this stuff so please excuse me if I make obvious mistakes. Right now, I don’t have access to the actual hardware on which I will install unraid, and that means I had to rely purely on research to answer my questions : so far, I have been able to find answers to everything I needed, except a few problems concerning the creation and migration of VMs. So here are my questions : - I saw on the official manual by Lime-Tech that you can create the vDisk for a VM on a cache-only share to use the speed of the SSDs, but in that case, your VM is not protected by the parity drive, correct ? - In the case of using the cache to store VMs, I assume that the space you have to temporarily store data is reduced, but if you have several SSDs in your cache in raid 1, are your VMs protected by this raid 1 ?(I know this is really stretching the limits of what could happen in a real-life scenario here, I’m asking purely for the sake of knowing). - Would it be possible to make an SSD part of the array, then create a share that can only use this SSD and making sure no other share can use it, and then use that SSD-specific share to put your VMs ? - last question : once a VM is stored on your array in a specific user share, is it possible to move the image to another share or change which drive the share can use ? For example : I have an existing Windows 10 installation, I convert it to a VM using the process described on the official manual, storing the VM on a slow share protected by the parity drive. Once this is done, I can add the SSD on which the old Win1O was to the array and set it up like I described in my third question, gaining its speed. The reason why I’m describing such a convoluted process is because I only have one SSD ready at hand : the one on which my Windows 10 is installed. I want to convert this installation to a VM and keep the speed of the SSD, but I am not sure I can actually do this without having another drive that can contain my installation in the meantime. Thank you for your advice, I hope I made myself clear enough, as I’m not a native english speaker and I don’t have that many occasions to practice the language.